Hilary Zalman, Esq., Community Standards Special Magistrate
Vestiguerne Pierre, Community Standards Supervisor
Tanya Guim, Administrative Supervisor Community Standards
Dadena Francois, Community Standards Associate
Jennifer Oh, Recording Secretary, Prototype, Inc.
Hilary Zalman, Community Standards Special Magistrate, called the Hearings to order
at 9:02 a.m. and explained the Magistrate's role and the procedures. Pursuant to Chapter
162, Florida Statutes, all orders are appealable only to the Circuit Court in Palm Beach
County and not to the City Commission. Also, a fine will be imposed if the violation(s) are
not corrected by the deadline.
Administrative Supervisor Guim administered an oath to all those intending to testify.
Item Case No. Status
1 21-0776 Complied
2 21-1626 Removed
3 21-2131 Removed
4 21-2251 Complied
7 19-0986 Tabled 30 days
8 20-0612 Removed
9 21-1141 Removed
11 21-1890 Closed
12 21-2340 Complied
13 21-2341 Removed
14 21-2401 Removed
15 21-2405 Complied
17 21-2593 Tabled 30 days
20 21-0185 Complied
21 21-2189 Complied
22 21-2285 Closed
23 20-2858 Dismissed
25 20-1648 Tabled 60 days
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Boynton Beach, Florida December 15, 2021
34 20-2407 Complied
35 21-1533 Dismissed
Case Hearing
Case No. 21-0776 225 SW 91" Land Trust Thacker
Property Address: 225 SW 9t" Avenue
This case complied prior to the Hearing.
Case Hearing
Case No. 21-1626 Helle Mark
This case was removed prior to the Hearing.
Case Hearing
Case No. 21-2131 Long Joan
Property Address: 325 West Ocean Avenue
This case was removed prior to the Hearing.
Case Hearing
Case No. 21-2251 206 SW 51" Land Trust
Property Address: 206 SW 5t" Land Trust
This case complied prior to the Hearing.
Case Hearing
Case No. 21-1073 Schlesinger Lidor
Property Address: 311 NW 2nd Street
Violation(s): As stated in Notice of Violation
Officer Hill presented this case. Certified mail was sent October 11, 2021, and a signed
green card was dated October 25, 2021. This is not a health and safety hazard. The City
recommends a compliance date of January 6, 2022, or a fine of $100 per day plus
administrative fees in the amount of$384.12.
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No one was present on behalf of the respondent. Ms. Zalman agreed with the City's
As no one was present to testify, Ms. Zalman ordered a compliance date of January 6,
2022, or a fine in the amount of $100 per day, plus administrative fees in the amount of
Case Hearing
Case No. 21-2186 Seashore Industries Inc.
Property Address: 518 NE 4t" Street
Violation(s): As noted in the Notice of Violation
Officer Hill presented the case. Certified mail was sent October 11, 2021, and a signed
green card was dated October 18, 2021. This is not a health and safety hazard. The City
is recommending a compliance date of January 6, 2022, or a fine of $25 per day plus
administrative fees in the amount of$384.12.
In response to Ms. Zalman, Officer Hill stated she did not need an ABATE Order.
No one was present on behalf of the respondent. Ms. Zalman agreed with the City's
As no one was present to testify, Ms. Zalman ordered a compliance date of January 6,
2022, or a fine in the amount of $25 per day, plus administrative fees in the amount of
Case Hearing
Case No. 19-0986 Stewart Thomas & Eileen
Property Address: 944 Sunset Road
Steve Branich, representing Thomas Stewart, owner, who is elderly and had a medical
appointment, was present. He requested this case be postponed to next month and
Officer Weixler had no objection.
Ms. Zalman indicated if the City does not object, she is fine with tabling the case for 30
days, to the next Hearing.
Officer Weixler did not have an issue tabling the case for 30 days.
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Based on the request by Steve Branich, representing the Respondent, Ms. Zalman
ordered this case be tabled for 30 days, to the next Hearing.
Case Hearing
Case No. 20-0612 Reynolds Ivonne
Property Address: 301 NW 16th Court
This case was removed prior to the Hearing.
Case Hearing
Case No. 21-1141 Tovar Alexandra Herrera
Property Address: 3167 Orange Street
Type of Property: Single-Family Homesteaded
Violation(s): LDR CH 2 ART 4 SEC 2A2
LDR CH 15 SEC 15-121A
LDR CH 15 SEC 15-121 D
Permit required for sidewalk
Irrigation system
Rear roof structure visible from street
Front porch roof support beam and columns
Please remove all construction trash and debris
Sod the front lawn
Officer Weixler presented this case, which was a routine inspection. The initial inspection
date and Notice was on May 4, 2021, with 15 days to comply. The property and City Hall
were posted on December 2, 2021. The Respondent has a permit for the rotten columns
and the roof structure in the front, so the roof support system has been complied. There
are other permits for what appear to be solar panels on the roof and a fence installed
around the property. The Respondent said he applied for other permits, but in checking,
nothing was found, and a screen shot was taken for review. This is not a health and safety
hazard. The City recommends a compliance date of January 20, 2022, or a fine of $50
per day plus administrative fees of$384.12.
Alex Jaramillo, Respondent's husband, was present on behalf of the Respondent. He
had copies of the permits applied for, but they were rejected.
Ms. Zalman advised the copies could not be put into evidence because he is not the
property owner. He can talk to Officer Weixler after the Hearing and give him an update.
An Order will be sent via mail with a compliance date of January 20, 2022. Administrative
fees of $384.12 have accrued as of this date. If not in compliance by January 20, 2022,
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there will be a fine of$50 per day. If anything changes, this case will be recalled by Officer
Weixler; otherwise, an Order will be sent.
NOTE: This case was recalled.
Officer Weixler advised that the Respondent provided evidence of a permit he applied for
last week and he read the work description for the record, which said, "Roof, driveway,
walkway, front door, windows, and roof overhang support columns", which covers
everything. He requested to remove this case.
Based on testimony and evidence, Ms. Zalman removed this case.
Case Hearing
Case No. 21-1874 Martinez Kevin J
Property Address: 1056 SW 27th Place
Violation(s): As noted in Notice of Violation
Officer Weixler presented this case. This is not a health and safety hazard. The City
recommends a compliance date of January 20, 2022, or a fine of $50 per day plus
administrative fees in the amount of$384.12.
No one was present on behalf of the respondent. Ms. Zalman agreed with the City's
As no one was present to testify, Ms. Zalman ordered a compliance date of January 20,
2022, or a fine in the amount of $50 per day, plus administrative fees in the amount of
Case Hearing
Case No. 21-1890 TAH 20151 Borrower LLC
Property Address: 618 SW 3rd Avenue
This case was closed prior to the Hearing.
Case Hearing
Case No. 21-2340 Gold Marcia & Michael
Property Address: 84 Northwoods Circle
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This case complied prior to the Hearing.
Case Hearing
Case No. 21-2341 Yee Diane & Thomas
Property Address: 15 Cambridge Drive
This case was removed prior to the Hearing.
Case Hearing
Case No. 21-2401 Ouellette Edmund J
Property Address: 2002 SW Golf Lane
This case was removed prior to the Hearing.
Case Hearing
Case No. 21-2405 Ziegler Thomas & Dawn
Property Address: 603 SW 15th Street
This case complied prior to the Hearing.
Case Hearing
Case No. 21-2541 Wilson Beverley
Property Address: 3095 North Seacrest Boulevard
Type of Residence: Single-Family Non-Homesteaded
Violation(s): CO CH 15 ART 1 Sec 15-8.5
Noise ordinance violations
Officer Weixler presented this case, which was a citizen complaint. The initial inspection
date was September 27, 2021. The respondent is not a repeat violator. The initial written
Notice was issued on September 27, 2021, with 15 days to comply. Certified mail was
sent on October 19, 2021, and a signed green card was received on October 27, 2021.
There have been chronic calls to the Police Department regarding noise complaints at
this residence. A sound meter reading was conducted, which exceeded the decibels. The
property was last inspected on December 14, 2021. This is not a health and safety hazard.
The City recommends a compliance date of January 20, 2022, or a fine of $100 per day
plus administrative fees in the amount of$384.12. It was noted that a Police Officer who
has responded to the residence many times would like to give her testimony.
In response to Ms. Zalman, Officer Weixler stated if the respondents want to continue
having gatherings at their residence, they must keep the sound level down.
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Police Officer Strong indicated that between September 14, 2021, and December 7, 2021,
Police have responded to the residence 18 times and generally there are three to ten
people present. Part of the issue is where there are only there people outside, they still
put an amplified speaker outside and play it facing towards the neighbors. This past
Saturday, December 11, 2021, they had a large Christmas party with approximately 30
people, which also had music.
In response to Ms. Zalman, Police Officer Strong believed reports are from the same
person each time.
Beverley Wilson, owner, was present.
Ms. Zalman advised someone is complaining about the loud music and if this continues
past the compliance date, there will be a fine of$100 per day.
The Respondent argued that neighbors cannot hear the music outside. Her friends and
family come for get togethers and they are told they are talking too loud. She commented
that she pays taxes and cannot talk in her own backyard.
Ms. Zalman did not think the issue was talking, it is a music amplifier. She asked if Police
Officer Strong has heard the music when she was there and if there is evidence in the
reports that there was loud music.
Police Officer Strong replied sometimes she has heard music when she was there and
other times the music was down or in the house. Every time is different; sometimes
another Officer has responded and asked them to move inside, and then she will get a
second call and the music is inside. There is evidence in the reports of loud music.
Ms. Zalman stated loud music is not permitted in this community, it is beyond what the
ordinance allows.
Ricard Wilson, Jr. spoke regarding the music.
Ms. Zalman reiterated there have been 18 calls regarding the loud music, not just one or
two. An Order will be entered today with fees and costs that have incurred of $384.12,
and if this occurs again after January 20, 2022, there will be a fine of$100 per day.
The Respondent commented that sometimes she cannot hear the music and asked if
they could play it inside their house.
Ms. Zalman asked the Respondent if she has a hearing issue and the Respondent replied
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Officer Weixler stated the ordinance is 65 decibels, and when he took a meter reading for
longer than ten minutes, most of the time it exceeded 65 decibels at the property line of
the complainant's house.
Ms. Zalman advised they can play music inside or very low outside. She suggested
turning the speaker towards the house and not towards the neighbors or the street, so
the music comes towards the house and not away. She wants to take into consideration
the hearing issue and will reduce the fees and costs to $192.06 instead of $384.12
because she believes part of the issue is the hearing problem.
Based on testimony, Ms. Zalman ordered compliance by January 20, 2022, or a fine in
the amount of$100 per day. She also ordered payment of fees and costs in the amount
of $192.06 instead of $384.12 because she believes part of the issue is that the
Respondent is hard of hearing.
Case Hearing
Case No. 21-2593 Cid Claudio
Property Address: 3501 Old Dixie Highway
Type of Property: Duplex
Violation(s): LDR CH 2 ART 4 SEC 2A2
LDR CH 15 SEC 15-120D1A
LDR CH 15 SEC 15-120D1 D
LDR CH 10 SEC 10-52
LDR CH 10 SEC 10-56D
LDR CH 10 SEC 10-56E
LDR CH 10 SEC 10-56H
LDR CH 10 SEC 10-60D
Possible converted duplex to a triplex
Unpermitted utility enclosure added to back of house
Unpermitted water heater and electrical work
Unpermitted installation of pavers around structure
Unpermitted new bathroom in Unit 2
Water intrusion into Unit 2 of complex through front door
Leak in bathroom ceiling
Missing smoke detectors in Unit 2
Insect instruction in Unit 2
Front door does not properly seal in Unit 2
Address number of property missing from building
Inoperable vehicle and no tag on property
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Open electric in bedroom ceiling of Unit 2
Driveway in violation of Engineering standards for
All parking spaces and driveways must have hard surface:
asphalt or concrete
Permit for driveway is required
Asked Respondent to obtain all required Building permits
for all unpermitted work performed on the property and to
contact the Building Department
Respondent was asked to put building number on house
using no less than four-inch numbers visible from street
Asked Respondent to remove outside storage, trash, and
debris from property
Respondent was advised that a current motor vehicle
license tag had to be on all vehicles on the property or they
must be removed
Respondent was asked to repair all vehicles on the
Respondent was asked to make all necessary repairs and
restore all rental requirements to Unit 2.
Officer Weixler presented this case, which was a citizen's complaint. The initial inspection
and written Notice was given on October 1, 2021, with 15 days to comply. The property
and City Hall were posted on December 2, 2021. He and the Building Inspector met the
Respondent, at which point the Respondent expressed that he had a partition wall on the
back unit, making it a triplex. The Building Inspector explained that the door that was
removed had to be put back into the partition wall to make it a duplex again. During
inspection on December 14, 2021, the Respondent allowed entry into the unit, at which
time he was able to verify that the door was put back into the partition wall, so the property
is now back to a duplex. This was a possible life safety issue when it was a triplex because
there were only two electrical meters and because there was no entry prior to that, he did
not know if there were three kitchens. The Respondent got a permit for the pavers,
removed the outdoor attached laundry-room, and said he was having a contractor come
in to apply for a water heater permit as well as for the bathroom and other things of that
nature. The City recommends a compliance date of January 20, 2022, or a fine of $75
per day, plus administrative fees in the amount of$384.12.
Alio Cid, brother, was present on behalf of his brother, Claudio Cid, owner.
Ms. Zalman commented that it appears the property is being brought into compliance, but
they are not quite there. The City is recommending a compliance date of January 20,
2022 and asked if that would be enough time.
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Mr. Cid replied he did not think that would be enough time. They have made several
applications for the water heater and everything else is being done including the
bathroom. Permits were applied for on December 14, 2021, and everything else related
to the building has been complied, but he has to put numbers on top of the building.
Ms. Zalman asked if there are currently tenants in the building.
Mr. Cid advised there are tenants in the building. He has to clean the lot that has several
boat trailers and boats, which he put there during Covid when he lost his business. The
biggest problem is the driveway and parking lot because it is gravel and has been gravel
since 1957 when they were built. About 30 or 40 houses in the neighborhood have gravel
and he had pictures. The road is not asphalt and they do not have a walkway or
Officer Weixler stated that he explained to Mr. Cid that other houses on his street are
duplexes, most are single-family homes, which have different regulations. When Mr. Cid
converted the duplex to a triplex, even though he did not pull a permit, it is an upgrade to
the building. Anytime an upgrade is done, everything else must be brought up to code.
The Planning and Zoning code is that there must be a parking lot and it needs to be a
hard surface.
Ms. Zalman questioned if there was an objection to giving Mr. Cid until February 20, 2022.
Officer Weixler did not have any objection.
Officer Pierre requested this case be tabled to next month; they need to investigate the
driveway situation.
Ms. Zalman advised she was going to table this case, so the City can look into the
driveway issue.
Mr. Cid reiterated he never converted the building to a triplex; the building was always a
duplex. There were two electrical meters; one side is a two-bedroom, and the other side
is a three or four-bedroom, and the same two gentlemen have been living there since
2019. There is a door in between, and the tenants asked if the door could be closed
because one unit is very clean and the other unit has several snakes and rats, so he
closed the door for them.
Ms. Zalman questioned what triggered the fact that this would have to have an upgrade
on the driveway.
Officer Weixler stated Mr. Cid was doing upgrades to the building; he did the exterior
laundry room. The Building Official said once the door was taken out and the partition
was installed, it was considered a triplex.
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Ms. Zalman clarified this case would be put on hold for a month. That would allow the
respondent time to speak with the Building Department and allow the City time to further
investigate the issue with the driveway. She is not entering an official Order at this time,
but suggested Mr. Cid use this time to get the permits ready.
Based Officer Pierre's request, Ms. Zalman ordered this case be placed on hold for one
month, 30 days, to the January hearing, to allow the City time to investigate the issue with
the driveway.
Case Hearing
Case No. 21-2622 Chase Home Finance LLC
Property Address: 1400 SW 28th Avenue, Unit 2C
Violation(s): CO CH 13 SEC 13-7
CO CH 13 SEC 13-6
Apply for and obtain a Certificate of Use and a Business
Tax Receipt
Officer Weixler presented this case, which was a routine inspection. The initial inspection
and written Notice was on October 6, 2021, with 15 days to comply. The property and
City Hall were posted on December 2, 2021. He verified this is not a foreclosure and it is
not a life safety hazard. The Respondent contacted him this morning and said he is the
owner and has nothing to do with Chase Bank. He said his son was supposed to correct
this with the Property Appraiser's Office and never did. He is going to send proof that he
is the owner, and the property is not a rental. He requested this case be tabled.
Warren Winsaft, owner, was present.
In response to Ms. Zalman, the Respondent stated he purchased the property in 2004
and this is his Homestead. He has a roommate, but no tenants. He could not remember
the original bank he purchased the property from in 2004.
Ms. Zalman agreed with tabling this case, so proof could be provided to the City.
Based on Officer Weixler's request, Ms. Zalman ordered this case be tabled for 30 days,
to the January Hearing, so proof of ownership could be provided to the City.
Case Hearing
Case No. 21-2648 CID, Claudio
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Property Address: 0 Sunset Road
Type of Property: Vacant lot south of 3501 Old Dixie Highway on the west
side of the road
Violation(s): LDR CH 3 ART 4 SEC 3C
Prohibited land use and zoning district
Removal of boats, trailers, and storage from this vacant lot
Nothing is allowed to be stored on vacant lots
Officer Weixler presented this case, which was a routine inspection. The initial inspection
and written Notice was issued on October 8, 2021, with 15 days to comply. The property
and City Hall were posted on December 2, 2021. Mr. Cid stated he had property in Lake
Worth, and it would be no problem moving all the boats and materials, but as of this date,
it has not been done. This is not a life and safety hazard. The City recommends a
compliance date of January 20, 2022, or a fine of$50 per day, plus administrative fees in
the amount of$384.12.
Alio Cid, brother, was present on behalf of his brother, Claudio Cid, owner. He stated
this is the lot attached to the building where he parked the boats and trailers.
Ms. Zalman stated there is no argument; storage cannot be there. She thinks the City
gave a generous offer with a compliance date of January 20, 2022, probably because it
is not hurricane season; otherwise, it would be immediate. As for costs to date, $384.12
has incurred with inspections, etc., which will be entered today. Hopefully, by January 20,
2022, this case will be resolved or there will be a daily charge in the amount of $50 per
Mr. Cid requested more time and stated it is a lot of work to move everything.
Ms. Zalman advised she could not push time. The property cannot be used for storage;
it is only supposed to be for home and residents.
Based on testimony, Ms. Zalman ordered compliance by January 20, 2022, or a fine in
the amount of$50 per day. She also ordered administrative fees of$384.12, which have
already incurred.
Case Hearing
Case No. 21-0185 Lebert & Holly Dawes
Property Address: 154 NE 16th Avenue
Officer Karageorge indicated this case was in compliance prior to the Hearing.
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Case Hearing
Case No. 21-2189 Gross Maureen
Property Address: 3200 East Atlantic Drive
This case complied prior to the Hearing.
Case Hearing
Case No. 21-2285 The Platinum Organization Inc
Property Address: 2730 North Seacrest Boulevard
Officer Karageorge advised there was failure to communicate between the City and The
Platinum Organization Inc. The Respondent did not receive Notice until they found the
posting. He spoke with Brian Conco, the owner, and has proof that the property is vacant.
He would like to close this case because the property is not being used as a rental
property at this time.
Ms. Zalman clarified the City is recommending this case be closed; there is no active
tenant. She agreed with the recommendation.
As per Officer Karageorge's request, Ms. Zalman ordered this case be closed. The
property is vacant and not being used as a rental property.
Case Hearing
Case No. 20-2858 Salazar Real Estate LLC
Property Address: 10 SE 31St Avenue
Type of Property: Single-Family Non-Homesteaded
Officer Daniels presented this case. This case was presented before the Special
Magistrate on August 20, 2021. She would like to dismiss this case because of a Board
Order issued in error.
No one was present on behalf of the respondent. Ms. Zalman agreed with the City's
Due to Officer Daniels' request, Ms. Zalman dismissed this case due to a Board Order
issued in error.
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Case Hearing
Case No. 21-1325 Copeland R Diane
Property Address: 902 South Seacrest Boulevard
Type of Property: Multi-Family
Violation(s): As noted in Notice of Violation
Officer Daniels presented this case, which was a routine inspection. The initial inspection
date was May 27, 2021, and the initial Notice was dated June 4, 2021, with ten days to
comply. The property and City Hall were posted on December 1, 2021. This is not a health
and safety hazard. The City recommends a compliance date of January 20, 2022, or a
fine of$25 per day plus administrative fees in the amount of$384.12.
No one was present on behalf of the respondent. Ms. Zalman agreed with the City's
As no one was present to testify, Ms. Zalman ordered a compliance date of January 20,
2022, or a fine in the amount of $25 per day, plus administrative fees in the amount of
Case Hearing
Case No. 20-1648 Persing William S
Property Address: 1049 Coral Drive
Type of Property: Single-Family Homesteaded
Violation(s): CO CH 15 SEC 15-121 D
CO CH 10 SEC 10-24A5
CO CH 10 SEC 10-56D
CO CH 15 SEC 15-120D1 B
Please install a minimum of four-inch house numbers on
existing structure of the home to be visible from City street
(This has complied)
Remove plywood from front window
If window is broken, repair or replace — permits may be
Repair or replace broken driveway — permits may be
Please contact 561-742-6350 to resolve
Install sod to cover all barriers of the front yard
Officer Hart presented this case, which was a citizen complaint. The initial inspection date
was July 27, 2020, via courtesy Notice, with 30 days to comply. Notice was posted on
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the property and City Hall on December 3, 2021. House numbers have been installed,
there is still wood on some of the windows, and the driveway has not been corrected; it
looks like a sinkhole underneath. He contacted Community Improvements, who in turn
contacted Utilities. He thinks this was a small case prior; Utilities went out and there was
no failure on the City's part that they are aware of. He has again contacted Community
Improvements to bring paperwork to the Respondent for some grants, but in checking
back, he has not filled out the papers. This is a health and safety hazard. The City
recommends a compliance date of January 20, 2022, or a fine of $100 per day, plus
administrative fees in the amount of$384.12.
William Persing, owner, was present.
Ms. Zalman indicated the biggest problem appears to be the driveway, perhaps a sinkhole
or some other kind of defect.
The Respondent stated the sewer for two houses is under the driveway and the City used
his driveway as a loading dock when they did the swale in the front yard. He did not recall
the driveway being like it is now until after the City ran the machine over the driveway.
In response to Ms. Zalman, the Respondent advised he has not filled out the paperwork
provided from the City because he no longer trusts the government.
Ms. Zalman explained they are trying to work with him to get funding, so this can get
repaired; this seems to be the best alternative.
The Respondent commented that he installed the sewer himself in 1979.
Ms. Zalman mentioned the wood on the side windows and asked if he was going to take
care of that.
The Respondent stated taking the wood down is not a problem, it is putting it back up. He
has been injured several times.
Ms. Zalman commented that taking the wood down from the windows is not a problem.
She asked if the Respondent would consider filling out the grant paperwork because if
not, he would have to repair the driveway because it cannot stay like that.
The Respondent replied he would look it over. He stated there is a sinkhole underneath
and it tapers down, which indicates it is going to the sewer line. The City ran a cable
through the yards, under the driveway and sidewalk, and if they hit the sewer line, that
could be the problem, so the Utility they allowed to run the cable would be responsible.
Ms. Zalman indicated that so far, no one has taken responsibility.
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The Respondent advised the sewer from next door ties in from that side and it looks
different; the clean out appears like it has been hit by a piece of equipment and it may
have pulled it out of the tap all the way down underground.
In response to Ms. Zalman, the Respondent indicated that he went through this with
Officer Hart, who had someone come out when he was out of town for a week, but he
was able to tell they were there. He has nothing to go on except for hearsay.
Ms. Zalman questioned if the Respondent gets the grant paperwork if that would cover
repair of the driveway.
Officer Hart stated the grant would cover the driveway, the yard, and any window issues.
He noted that the air does not work, and the grant could take care of that as well.
Ms. Zalman suggested the Respondent work on the grant paperwork because that might
resolve the whole case. She suggested he share the paperwork with someone he trusts
to get a second opinion, but that seems to be the best option; otherwise, it is going to start
costing money. The City is recommending this be brought into compliance by January 20,
Officer Hart asked the Respondent to call him, so he could provide a number for Legal
Aide. He would be happy to go over the paperwork with him and answer any questions.
Officer Pierre sked if it was all right to give the Respondent a little more time.
Officer Hart was fine with that.
Ms. Zalman advised she was going to hold this case to give the Respondent additional
time to review the paperwork and to work with Officer Hart to see if they can resolve the
issue before incurring fees and costs.
As per Officer Pierre's request, Ms. Zalman ordered this case be tabled for 60 days, to
the February Hearing.
Case Hearing
Case No. 20-3249 Cortez Lionel III & Rossert V
Property Address: 32 Heather Cove Drive
Type of Property: Single-Family Homesteaded
Violation(s): LDR CH 2 ART 4 SEC 2A2
Please obtain permits for installation of fence without
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Officer Hart presented this case. The initial Notice was issued on December 30, 2021, by
a Courtesy Notice with ten days to comply. Certified mail was sent on October 22, 2021,
and a signed green card was dated October 26, 2021. Before the last Hearing in October,
the Respondent applied for permits, but they did not turn in all the proper paperwork. The
City recommends a compliance date of January 20, 2022, or a fine of $25 per day plus
administrative fees in the amount of$384.12.
No one was present on behalf of the respondent. Ms. Zalman agreed with the City's
As no one was present to testify, Ms. Zalman ordered a compliance date of January 20,
2022, or a fine in the amount of $25 per day, plus administrative fees in the amount of
Case Hearing
Case No. 21-1565 Pena Melba
Property Address: 87 Cedar Lane
Type of Property: Single-Family Homesteaded
Violation(s): LDR CH 2 ART 4 SEC 2A2
Please obtain permits for aboveground pool and pool deck
Contact Building Department at 561-742-6350 to resolve
Officer Hart presented this case, which was a citizen complaint. The initial inspection date
was June 24, 2021, and the initial Notice was issued on July 14, 2021, by Courtesy Notice,
with 30 days to comply. Certified mail was sent October 5, 2021, and the signed green
card was dated October 19, 2021. The last check of permits prior to yesterday failed Plan
Check and the Respondent has since been resubmitted. The property was last inspected
December 14, 2021. The City recommends a compliance date of January 20, 2022, or a
fine of$25 per day, plus administrative fees in the amount of$384.12.
Melba Pena, owner, was present.
Ms. Zalman mentioned the City is recommending until January 20, 2022, to bring this into
compliance and asked if this was enough time.
The Respondent replied she hoped it would be enough time. She had issues uploading
documents and had to get help. This was built last year, and she had no idea a pool
permit was needed for an aboveground pool. She had electricity in the back, so they put
it in right before the pandemic. She is complying and has been in touch with Officer Hart
several times. She brought pictures to show Officer Hart and stated she has no issues
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Ms. Zalman stated she was going to order a compliance date of January 31, 2022, to give
a couple extra weeks; otherwise, there will be a fine of $25 per day. She indicated fees
and costs have incurred in the amount of$384.12, which will be in the Order.
Based on testimony, Ms. Zalman ordered compliance by January 31, 2022, or a fine in
the amount of$25 per day. She also ordered administrative fees of$384.12, which have
already incurred.
Case Hearing
Case No. 21-2367 Invermia LLC
Property Address: 2 Crossings Circle, Unit G
Type of Property: Single-Family Non-Homesteaded
Violation(s): CO CH 13 SEC 13-7
CO CH 13 SEC 13-16
Please obtain a Business Tax Receipt for rental property
and apply for and obtain a Certificate of Use and
Contact Building Department at 561-742-6350 to resolve
Officer Hart presented this case, which was a citizen complaint. The initial inspection and
written Notice were issued on September 1, 2021, with 15 days to comply. The property
and City Hall were posted on December 2, 2021.The Business Tax Receipt and
Certificate of Use have been applied for, but the payment has not been received, so
inspections have not been conducted. The property was last inspected on December 14,
2021. The City recommends a compliance date of January 20, 2022, or a fine of$25 per
day, plus administrative fees in the amount of$384.12.
Jocelyn Ching, Property Manager, was present.
In response to Ms. Zalman, Ms. Ching stated she has a form with permission to represent
Invermia LLC, but she did not bring it with her.
Ms. Zalman advised she could not allow Ms. Ching to speak because she is not an
authorized agent, but she will state the Order so she could see it. It sounds like this is in
progress; they are awaiting payment. The City is going to give the Respondent until
January 20, 2022; otherwise, there will be a fine of $25 per day. It was noted that fees
and costs have been pending since September in the amount of $384.12. An Order will
be sent to the company.
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Based on testimony, Ms. Zalman ordered compliance by January 20, 2021, or a fine in
the amount of$25 per day. She also ordered administrative fees of$384.12, which have
been pending since September.
Case Hearing
Case No. 21-2457 Po Ying Sem Trust & Sem Po Yi
Property Address: 1202 NW 7t" Court
Violation(s): LDR CH 2 ART 4 SEC 2A2
Please obtain permits for the remodel as stated in the
Notice of Red Tag
Contact Building Department at 561-742-6350 to resolve
Officer Hart presented this case, which was a citizen complaint. The initial inspection date
was September 15, 2021, and the initial written Notice was issued on September 20,
2021, with ten days to comply. This is a repeat violator. The property and City Hall were
posted on December 2, 2021.The Respondent says she has applied for permits and
showed a check, but she could not show proof and there is no proof in the system that
anything has been applied for. This is a health and safety hazard. The City recommends
a compliance date of January 20, 2022, or a fine of$100 per day, plus administrative fees
in the amount of$384.12.
Ms. Zalman requested Officer Hart go over the specific items that need to be done.
Officer Hart indicated that per the Red Tag, there appears to be an ongoing demolition,
because the Respondent tore out the drywall. It looked like some windows were getting
ready to be installed, and like a door was removed and filled back in.
Po Ying Sem, owner, was present.
Ms. Zalman advised the Respondent that everything needs permits, and she needs to go
to the Building Department to apply for permits for all the construction.
The Respondent stated she paid the Contractor to apply for the permits, but they have
not done so. She paid them and showed the check.
Ms. Zalman indicated the Respondent would have to follow up with the person she paid.
The City is giving her until January 20, 2022 to comply.
In response to Ms. Zalman, the Respondent stated the checks are made out to Lane
Ms. Zalman saw the permit numbers in the memo, but she was not sure he did his job.
The problem is that the checks are not written to the City, so the Respondent needs to
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check with the Contractor to find out where her money went. The City does not have the
payment yet.
Officer Pierre stated Lane is not a Contractor, the Respondent is paying him to do the
work, not to pull the permit. Lane is not a Contractor; he is a handyman and cannot pull
a permit for the Respondent. The check shown is payment for work he has been doing.
Ms. Zalman indicated the Respondent would follow up with the Property Manager, who
could follow up with the Contractor. She cannot recommend a Contractor; she just
oversees the City code.
Officer Hart advised the Respondent to go to the Building Department when she leaves
this Hearing; they have a list of contractors who are in good standing.
Ms. Zalman indicated that fees and costs of $384.12 have already incurred. If not in
compliance by January 20, 2022, there will be a fine of$100 per day.
Based on testimony, Ms. Zalman ordered compliance by January 20, 2022, or a fine in
the amount of$100 per day. She also ordered administrative fees of$384.12, which have
already incurred.
Fine Certification Hearing
Case No. 20-2971 Johnson Nahemai Z
Property Address: 455 SW 2nd Avenue
Officer Estime presented this case. The Special Magistrate Hearing date was September
157 2021, and no one appeared. A compliance date was set for October 11, 2021, or a
fine of$50 per day plus administrative fees in the amount of$384.12. The property was
last inspected on December 14, 2021, and the violation still exists. There are 66 days of
non-compliance at $50 per day, which is a total of $3,300 and a grand total including
administrative fees in the amount of$3,684.12.
No one was present on behalf of the Respondent. Ms. Zalman agreed with the City's
As no one was present to testify, Ms. Zalman certified the fine in the amount of$3,684.12,
which includes administrative fees in the amount of$384.12.
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Fine Certification Hearing
Case No. 21-0533 215 South Seacrest LLC
Property Address: 215 South Seacrest Boulevard
Violation(s): LDR CH 4 ART 111 SEC 11
Please resurface and restripe parking lot on the property;
a permit may be required
Contact Building Department at 561-742-6350 to resolve
Officer Estime presented this case. The violation date is April 7, 2021. The Special
Magistrate Hearing date was September 15, 2021, and no one appeared. A compliance
date was set for October 15, 2021, or a fine of$50 per day plus administrative fees in the
amount of $384.12. The property was last inspected December 14, 2021, and the
violation still exists. There are 62 days of non-compliance at $50 per day, which is a total
of$3,100 and the fine continues to accrue daily. The grand total is $3,484.12.
Richard Berg, owner, was present.
Ms. Zalman indicated the City is recommending a Fine Certification of $3,484.12 and
noted that the fine continues to accrue at $50 per day.
The Respondent advised he has been out of town and has been sick for six years; he
had a heart transplant, and because of Covid he is not allowed to be around anyone. He
was asked to leave Florida over the summer because of how bad Covid was and he did
not return until October 5, 2021. He hired a Contractor, and it took over 30 days to get
the contract; it has been in permitting. The job has been completed and he is requesting
Ms. Zalman stop the fines because he has no control over the City for the permits; he is
in compliance.
Officer Pierre stated the permits were applied for on October 19, 2021. Planning and
Zoning has reviewed the application two times and it failed, so he objects to stopping the
Ms. Zalman recommended once in compliance, the Respondent can go through the
paperwork and apply for a Lien Reduction, and then he can bring forward the date he
applied for the permit and remind her that he was out of town due to Covid. She suggested
bringing a timeline to show what has occurred. An Order will be sent via mail for
$3,484.12, still accruing at $50 per day.
Based on testimony, Ms. Zalman certified the fine in the amount of$3,484.12, and noted
the fine is accruing daily at $50 per day until in compliance.
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Fine Certification Hearing
Case No. 21-0534 215 South Seacrest LLC
Property Address: 107 South Seacrest Boulevard
Violation(s): LDR CH 4 ART 111 SEC 11
Please resurface and restripe parking lot on the property;
a permit may be required
Contact Building Department at 561-742-6350
Officer Estime presented this case. The Notice of Violation date was April 7, 2021. The
Special Magistrate Hearing was September 15, 2021, and no one appeared. A
compliance date was set for October 15, 2021, or a fine of$50 per day plus administrative
fees in the amount of $384.12. The property was last inspected on December 14, 20217
and the violation still exists. There are 62 days of non-compliance at $50 per day and the
fine continues to accrue. The grand total is $3,484.12.
Richard Berg, owner, was present.
Officer Estime stated this is the same issue. The Respondent applied for the permit, but
it failed Planning and Zoning review four times.
Ms. Zalman advised the current fine is $3,484.12, accruing at $50 per day. She again
suggested putting together a timeline of everything that has been done.
In response to Ms. Zalman, the Respondent indicated there are tenants on the property.
Ms. Zalman indicated she would certify the fine in the amount of$3,484.12 and noted the
fine is accruing daily.
Based on testimony, Ms. Zalman certified the fine for $3,484.12 and noted the fine is
accruing daily at $50 per day until in compliance.
Fine Certification Hearing
Case No. 21-1694 Hold the Bridge LLC
Property Address: 639 East Ocean Avenue, Unit 406
Violation(s): CO CH 13 SEC 13 SEC 13-16
CO CH 13 SEC 13 SEC 13-7
Business operating without a valid Business Tax Receipt
and Certificate of Use and Occupancy
Contact 561-742-6350 to resolve
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Officer Hill presented this case. The Notice of Violation date was July 26, 2021. The
Special Magistrate Hearing date was October 20, 2021, and no one appeared. A
compliance date was set for November 9, 2021, or a fine of $50 per day plus
administrative fees in the amount of $384.12. The property was last inspected on
December 14, 2021, and the violation still exists. There are 36 days of non-compliance
and a fine that continues to accrue at $50 per day plus administrative fees in the amount
of$384.12. As of this date, the total is $1,800 plus administrative fees for a grand total of
No one was present on behalf of the respondent. Ms. Zalman agreed with the City's
As no one was present to testify, Ms. Zalman certified the fine in the amount of$2,184.12,
which includes administrative fees in the amount of$384.12.
Case Hearing
Case No. 20-2407 Washington Debborrah D
Property Address: 1950 NW 1St Street
Officer Weixler indicated this case was complied prior to the Hearing.
Fine Certification Hearing
Case No. 21-1533 St Felix Jude
Property Address: 727 West Ocean Avenue
Violation(s): Code sections stated
Administrative Supervisor Guim advised on November 17, 2021, the Cease and Desist
fine was presented at the Special Magistrate Hearing. The Respondent showed proof of
compliance and showed a temporary registration for the vehicle that was in violation at
the time of the Hearing; therefore, processing the Cease and Desist Order in the amount
of$500 did not apply. She is requesting the Cease and Desist Order be dismissed.
No one was present on behalf of the respondent. Ms. Zalman agreed with the City's
recommendation. She questioned if an Order would be printed to dismiss the prior Order.
Administrative Supervisor Guim replied no, it would be noted in the record. The other
Order was not mailed because the Respondent came the following day.
Ms. Zalman clarified an Order will not be entered and the case will be dismissed.
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Due to Administrative Supervisor Guim's request, Ms. Zalman dismissed this case since
the Respondent showed a temporary registration for the vehicle that was in violation. She
noted that an Order would not be entered.
Fine Certification Hearing
Case No. 21-0837 Rodriguez James C & Kristine
Property Address: 711 SW 27th Way
Officer Guillaume presented this case. The Special Magistrate Hearing was on
September 15, 2021, and no one appeared. A compliance date was set for October 15,
2021, or a fine of$100 per day plus administrative fees of$384.12. The property was last
inspected on December 14, 2021, and the violation still exists. There are 60 days of non-
compliance, and the fine continues to accrue at $100 per day. The grand total is
Kristine Rodriguez, owner, was present.
In response to Ms. Zalman, the Respondent explained they live in Virginia, and this is a
rental property; tenants are coming next week, so currently, no one lives there. It was
suggested they do an Air BNB, so when they bought the place there were already pavers,
they extended them where there was more grass, a little bar area was made, and three
windows were updated to black windows. In Virginia a permit is not required for a bar, so
she was completely unaware of the requirement. She was told about this in December,
but she has six children and was mugged in November, so her focus was putting that
person in prison, which she did, for 15 years. In addition, her mom was hospitalized with
Covid, and Officer Guillaume said he would give her more time. She also stated she was
hit by a drunk driver. She contacted a Contractor in September, who told her she needed
$1,200 for an Engineer, which she paid, and then she was told she needed a survey,
which she paid, and then she paid the Contractor $700. She gave everything to Dennis,
the Contractor, who said he would be at this Hearing, but he emailed her this morning
that says she has done everything correctly and she should not have to pay because the
City keeps rejecting his permit, but he did not give details as to why it was being rejected.
She has no control over this. Finally, she paid $3,000 and called the Contractor for the
last court Hearing and asked if she needed to fly down for the Hearing and he said, "No,
just pay the $3,000 and they would have 30 days to get the permit in", which they did, but
It has been two months and the permit has not been approved. This morning she was
shown a piece of paper that said they needed to move the bar six feet and three feet, so
she called her Contractor. He said he did not know anything about this, and she did not
know about this until now or she would have removed it on day one.
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Officer Pierre stated unfortunately she was given misinformation. The bar cannot be
permitted where it is, and it needs to be removed. He does not know how the
miscommunication occurred and he apologized for that. He told the Respondent not to
let the Contractor keep lying to her because the bar cannot be permitted. He questioned
when the bar could be removed.
The Respondent replied that Christmas is next week, and she is going back to Virginia
on Friday. She would have to bring workers from Virginia to help her. She read the email
sent to her from Dennis, the Contractor, this morning.
Mr. Pierre stated unfortunately, the City cannot grant anymore time for removal. There
have been many neighbor complaints.
Ms. Zalman was not sure if the Respondent had a claim against her Contractor since he
is the one who advised that she needed to pay these costs. Unlike the prior Hearing, she
finds there is some evidence that the permit was applied for within the timeframe. She
commented that it is the Respondent's choice to have a property out of states, but with
that comes costs to come in and out of the state. She noted the expenses put into the
property are beautiful and they are benefitting the community with that regard.
The Respondent questioned if anyone could help with the fine of $6,384.12, which
accrued during the 60 days while she was waiting for the permit to be approved. If she
had known about this, she would have removed the bar immediately. The permit was
submitted on October 12, 2021.
Officer Guillaume mentioned that October 15, 2021, was the compliance date.
Ms. Zalman commented the permit was submitted before the compliance date.
Officer Pierre advised the fine could be dealt with; the Respondent can remove the bar,
and then come back.
Ms. Zalman thought there was evidence that part, if not all the time should not have been
accruing, which would mean fines are at $384.12, but currently accruing at $100 per day.
The Respondent does not blame the City, she blames the situation. In her mind, she did
her part.
Ms. Zalman advised she is going to certify the fine because of evidence that the permit
was submitted and now is not needed for $384.12, continuing to accrue at $100 per day
until in compliance.
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Based on testimony, Ms. Zalman certified the fine in the amount of$384.12, with the fine
continuing to accrue at $100 per day until in compliance, due to the fact the permit was
submitted and is not needed.
Lien Reduction Hearing
Case No. 14-2624 Harper Kristin
Property Address: 108 Harbors Way
Officer Pierre presented this case. The Special Magistrate Hearing was on February 18,
2015, and no one appeared. A compliance date was set for February 28, 2015, or a fine
of$200 per day. The Respondent complied August 17, 2015. There are 169 days of non-
compliance at $200 per day. The total amount is $34,434.12 including administrative fees
in the amount of $384.12. The Respondent complied with the code process for this
Brett Shofner, spouse of Kristin Harper, owner, was present. He submitted an affidavit
allowing him to attend on behalf of his wife.
Ms. Zalman questioned if this is an investment property.
Mr. Shofner advised this is an investment property. They were recently told by the City
that they needed a Business Tax Receipt, so he went in immediately and was told he
needed to pay back a couple of years, which he paid. After that, they decided to sell the
property and the title company said there is a lien.
Ms. Zalman indicated this complied August 17, 2015, but before that compliance date the
property was charged $200 per day for ignoring a prior Hearing.
Mr. Shofner stated he had no idea, they were not living here, they were between New
York and Florida. When he paid the Business Tax Receipts, he was told everything was
fine and he paid them current through now. They are concerned about the amount and
the closing is December 28, 2021. This surprise has been very stressful.
Ms. Zalman commented that the problem is the City only has to send Notices to the
Property Appraiser address on file. It falls on the investor/property owner to update the
information if they are out of state.
Mr. Shofner stated if this were mentioned he would have cleared it up immediately.
In response to Ms. Zalman, Mr. Shofman stated they are selling the property for$495,000.
He offered to pay 5%.
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Ms. Zalman advised that is for Homesteaded property, not investment property.
Officer Pierre indicated the recommendation is a little higher with investment properties.
Mr. Shofman commented this is a $60 per year issue. He proposed $4,000 and asked if
this could be done in a way so it would not hold up the closing.
Ms. Zalman advised this could be done in a way so it would not hold up the closing and
noted $4,000 is about 12%.
Officer Pierre questioned what 20% looks like because that would be his
Ms. Zalman stated 20% is $6,800, almost $6,900. She mentioned 15% is $5,165.12 and
thought that was fair. She is signing an Order, which must be approved by the
Commission. If the closing is set and so the title agent feels comfortable, Tanya can send
an email with the amount, so it can be held in escrow.
Based on testimony, Ms. Zalman reduced the lien to $5,165.12, which includes
administrative fees, payable within 90 days.
Lien Reduction Hearing
Case No. 14-0947 Mitchell Darrell & Dorothy
Property Address: 1471 SW 26th Avenue, Unit B
Violation(s): Code sections stated below
Officer Pierre presented this case. The Notice of Violation date was April 21, 2014. The
Special Magistrate Hearing was July 16, 2014, and no one appeared. A compliance date
was set for August 8, 2020, or a fine of$50 per day. The Respondent complied on January
3, 2016. There are 1,971 days of non-compliance at $50 per day. The total fine is
$99,568.24 including administrative fees of$384.12. The Respondent complied with the
Lien Reduction process for this Hearing.
Dorothy Mitchell, owner, was present.
Ms. Zalman questioned if this was an investment property or the Homestead and asked
how this was brought to her attention and if she was selling the home.
The Respondent stated this is her home and she is selling it.
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Ms. Zalman commented that the home is under contract and the lien must be satisfied so
it can be sold. She questioned the sale price.
The Respondent replied the house is being sold for $200,000.
Ms. Zalman commented the lien is almost half of the purchase price and questioned if
there is a mortgage on the home.
The Respondent replied yes.
Ms. Zalman asked the Respondent what she was hoping to reduce the lien to because it
is at $99,568.
The Respondent did not know how the fine was like that because she did not receive any
invoices to pay anything.
Ms. Zalman advised this goes back to 2014 and she was not privy to that case.
The Respondent was supposed to get a permit to have the tarp taken off the roof, so the
roof could be finished and that was all she was told to do. The roof was repaired in 2016
and she does not understand why she has to pay so much money since she was never
told to pay anything. She only knew about one Hearing and that is the one she went to
when she was told to get a permit and get the roof done.
Ms. Zalman indicated at some point there was a fine of$50 per day, it was not resolved,
and accrued for a long time.
The Respondent reiterated she did not know anything about the fine or she would have
been at the meeting.
Ms. Zalman questioned what she had to spend to get the property into compliance so she
could apply for the Lien Reduction. She asked how much the roof cost.
The Respondent advised she did not have to do anything. She thought the cost of the
roof was about $13,000.
Ms. Zalman asked if the Respondent wanted to make an offer of a percentage she feels
comfortable paying on the lien at closing.
The Respondent replied the least amount possible because she works for security and
does not make that much.
Ms. Zalman was considering the $13,000 spent for roof repairs. She asked Officer Pierre
if the City had any recommendations or input on what they are hoping to receive.
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Officer Pierre stated their usual recommendation is 10%.
Ms. Zalman indicated that 10% is about $6,900. If she takes into the account with the
$13,000 spent for roof repairs, it would be about $8,600. When making decisions she
usually goes lower than 10% if it is someone's Homestead or if it is needed to sell. It is
not an investment property, and it is not being used as income. If she reduces the amount
to 5% and takes into consideration the $13,000 spent, that would be $4,328.41 with 90
days to pay. She asked when the closing is scheduled.
The Respondent did not know because they wanted to make sure everything was taken
care of.
Ms. Zalman commented that it does not sound like there will be much of a profit because
of the payoff for the mortgage and the lien. The closing will have some monetary income
as well as balancing and paying the City. She suggested reducing the fine to 5% after
deducting the $13,000 for roof repairs, which was already paid, which would be
$4,328.41. An Order will be received with 90 days to pay. Please take this seriously;
otherwise, it goes back to the original amount. She mentioned different options and told
If the title company needs to see a copy sooner, reach out to Tanya and she will send an
email showing the amount.
Based on testimony, Ms. Zalman reduced the lien to $4,328.41, payable within 90 days
or the fine will revert to the original amount of$$99,568.24, which includes administrative
Lien Reduction Hearing
Case No. 15-2619 522 SE 20th Court Land TR
Property Address: 522 SE 20th Court
Violation(s): Code sections stated below
Officer Pierre presented this case. The Notice of Violation date was November 19, 2015.
The Special Magistrate Hearing was May 18, 2016, and no one appeared. A compliance
date was set for May 20, 2016, or a fine of $100 per day. The Respondent complied
November 19, 2021. There are 2,000 days of non-compliance at $100 per day. The total
amount is $200,730.15, which includes administrative fees.
David Dweck, owner, was present.
In response to Ms. Zalman, Mr. Dweck indicated this is an investment property. He is in
the process of selling the property and the title agent told him there was a lien with a fine
running. He had no idea of the fine because he was never Noticed; otherwise, he would
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have taken care of it immediately. Officer Hart did a walk-thru and told him what was
needed, which he did. Prior to meeting Officer Hart, he recalled working with Michelle
many times due to tree debris, which is one of the reasons he is selling the property
because it is a nuisance property. Officer Hart came out a second time because it was
not done to his satisfaction and now the property is in compliance. As soon as he found
out, he met with Remy on the first floor, who was very helpful, and he paid everything
owed immediately. Remy then told him he was good to go and then Tanya said he was
Officer Pierre advised he met Mr. Dweck on the property at the time of the violation. When
the tenant called, they met and looked at the washer and dryer in the back and the
Mr. Dweck thought this Hearing was because of the rental license.
Officer Pierre stated it was the rental license and the sanitary condition with the plumbing
when the tenant was complaining. He was sure if the drainage system was fixed, Mr.
Dweck did not let him know and that could be the reason the case was running.
In response to Ms. Zalman, Mr. Dweck indicated during the time he was evicting the
tenant he did not want to go on the property, but as Officer Hart can attest, he removed
everything. He has a good eviction attorney, and the cost was about$1,000. He could not
recall how much the cost was to fix the drainage issue since it was so long ago.
Ms. Zalman takes into consideration how much is spent to bring violations into compliance
and noted he probably spent a few thousand dollars.
Mr. Dweck advised he met with Michelle after meeting with Officer Pierre regarding
constant maintenance and cleaning up of the corner property.
Ms. Zalman asked what Mr. Dweck thought was fair for a lien reduction.
Mr. Dweck stated he would like to close on the sale and the date has been extended. He
understands there are administrative fees.
Ms. Zalman advised administrative fees and costs were $730.15.
Mr. Dweck asked if they could add $1,000 to the administrative fees. This is not fair, and
he reiterated he was never Noticed. He has been a landlord for 32 years and has never
experienced this in his life; he wants to do the right thing.
Ms. Zalman stated the City has evidence there was Notice.
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Mr. Dweck stated it was for the rental license part, which was a small item he took out. If
he was notified, he would have gladly paid it. He is asking for some relief.
Ms. Zalman indicated the City cannot get to this point unless they have certified mail
return receipts, proof of notification. She does not know what address was in public
records, which could have been an issue. She has a lien presented to her of $200,000,
which will prevent the closing. She also has counter-testimony that he was aware of what
was going on, and the other item mentioned is that the fine is very high, and she agreed
it should be reduced. They must come up with a number that is reasonable, fair, and
consistent with all other lien reductions in the past decade. There were no extenuating
circumstances for this case; she only has his testimony saying there was no Notice and
the City is saying there was Notice. She assumed Mr. Dweck was notified or the Notice
went to the tenant at the address in public records, which is quite common if not updated.
Mr. Dweck thinks there were extenuating circumstances because he was never notified
about the Business Tax Receipt.
Officer Pierre recommended 15% of the lien. Ms. Zalman advised that 15% would be
Mr. Dweck asked if they could go to 10% and be done with it. Officer Pierre agreed with
Ms. Zalman agreed 100%. An Order will be entered for 10%, which is $20,073.02.
Based on testimony, Ms. Zalman reduced the lien to $20,073.02.
Lien Reduction Hearing
Case No. 16-0348 Elias Alon
Property Address: 1525 Via De Pepi
Violation(s): Code sections stated below
Officer Pierre presented this case. The Notice of Violation date was February 10, 2016.
The Special Magistrate Hearing was on May 18, 2016, and no one appeared. A
compliance date was set for May 28, 2016, or a fine of $100 per day. The Respondent
complied October 3, 2016. There are 127 days of non-compliance at $100 per day. The
total amount is $13,334.12 including administrative fees.
Jason Litt, Licensed Real Estate Agent, representing the new owner, Anita Cannon, was
present. He submitted a notarized form allowing him to attend on the owner's behalf.
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Boynton Beach, Florida December 15, 2021
In response to Ms. Zalman, Mr. Litt advised this is an investment property, but Ms.
Cannon purchased it in 2017, a little more than a year and a half after any of these fines
came up. Somehow, the title company presented a clean title, and they are no longer in
business. The Respondent recently found out money is owed. He had the Warranty Deed
if needed and stated the Order Imposing Penalties and Lien shows May 18, 20216. The
property was purchased December 13, 2017.
Ms. Zalman was not sure if there would have been an overlap without knowing the date
recorded. She asked if there is a tenant on the property and if this came up because they
are selling the property.
Mr. Litt replied there is a tenant. A new lien search came out and the Respondent said
she knew nothing of it, she thought she had a clean title passed onto her. She is selling
the property and the closing date is set for the middle of January.
Administrative Supervisor Guim indicated she did not have the date of closing and noted
it would be in the file.
Ms. Zalman asked what the Respondent was hoping to reduce the lien to.
In response to Ms. Zalman, Mr. Litt stated the Respondent was hoping to reduce the fine
to $400 or $500, something fair.
Ms. Zalman advised the fees alone were $384.12 and that does not include anything with
the lien. She has the date the lien was imposed, which was recorded in August 2016.
The way it is worded, it states there is a fine of$100 per day accruing.; it did not have the
exact amount because it was accruing at $100 per day. It is a claim to the title, which is
no longer in existence.
Officer Pierre recommended 20%. Ms. Zalman stated 20% would be $2,666.82.
Mr. Litt asked if they could do 10% or 15% and reiterated the Respondent was the victim
of a bad title company.
Ms. Zalman thought 18% would be fair, which would be about $2,400.14. If the title
company needs proof, contact Tanya and she can provide the amount in writing, so there
should be no problem with the closing.
Based on testimony, Ms. Zalman reduced the lien to $2,400.14.
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Boynton Beach, Florida December 15, 2021
Lien Reduction Hearing
NOTE: Case No. 16-1633 and Case No. 20-0205 were heard in tandem.
Case No. 16-1633 136 BBB Property LLC
Property Address: 136 West Boynton Beach Boulevard
Violation(s): Code sections stated below
Officer Pierre presented this case. The Notice of Violation date was October 31, 2016.
The Special Magistrate Hearing was January 18, 2017, and no one appeared. A
compliance date was set for February 14, 2017, or a fine of$25 per day. The Respondent
complied August 2, 2017. There are 169 days of non-compliance at $25 per day. The
total amount is $34,530.15 including administrative fees.
Roger DiCapita, one of the owners, was present.
Ms. Zalman noted there are two cases. This case is for the Certificate of Use, Business
Tax Receipt, mowing, trimming, deleting, overgrowth, and trash debris. The lien is
$34,530.15 including administrative fees of$384.12.
The Respondent indicated he never knew there was a case. Every time they got a Notice
from the City, he took care of everything. He was not aware of any Hearings and never
received a Notice or they would have dealt with it. He heard about this from one of his
partners and believes he was told by the person who does their books.
Ms. Zalman heard the next case and mentioned it has a lien of $17,000 at the same
property address.
Based on testimony, Ms. Zalman reduced the lien to $3,453, which includes
administrative fees.
Lien Reduction Hearing
Case No. 20-0205 136 BBB Property LLC
Property Address: 136 West Boynton Beach Boulevard
Violation(s): Code sections stated below
Officer Pierre presented this case. The Notice of Violation date was October 31, 2016.
The Special Magistrate Hearing was September 16, 2020, at which time, owner, Jim
Knight, and Roberson Voltaire, appeared. The compliance date was set for December 1,
2020, or a fine of $100 per day. The Respondent complied on May 21, 2021. There are
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Boynton Beach, Florida December 15, 2021
170 days of non-compliance at $100 per day. The total amount is $17,000; the
administrative was already paid.
Roger DiCapita, one of the owners, was present.
Roberson Voltaire, tenant, was present.
The Respondent stated his partner, Jimmy Knight, came with Roberson, the tenant,
because things started heating up when they got the Notice and had to file for a permit to
get some desks in there; drawings were needed to meet the code, because a permit was
not pulled. One of the gentlemen at the Hearing stated the drawings could be done by
hand and submitted. After the Hearing, everything was submitted, and it took almost three
or four months going through the permit process. Eventually, they had to hire someone
to get the process done for Roberson, the tenant. It was his responsibility, but it falls on
the property owner, so they tried to help as much as possible. Eventually they got what
they needed, but apparently, they were getting fined at the time.
Mr. Voltaire indicated he was a tenant and started his lease in December. He started
working to open a multi-service center, which is the second location in Boynton Beach.
They opened on February 1St when the tax season and Covid hit, which delayed things.
They were in touch and trying to correct the original problem. The original person who
built the desks was missing, so he had to find someone to put everything together in an
attempt to comply; it took a lot of time.
Ms. Zalman commented they were working the whole time and there was a Covid delay.
Officer Pierre stated the work was done without a permit.
The Respondent advised this was a clerical oversight on their part and hopefully there
could be some mercy. Mr. Voltaire has invested in the community and was not aware he
needed a permit. They did not know he was working in there, but as soon as they found
out they tried to help get the situation cleaned up.
Officer Pierre recommended 20% on each lien.
Ms. Zalman stated the City is saying 20% on each lien, which is $6,900 on the first case
and that is $3,400 on the second case, which includes costs.
The Respondent indicated that is a hardship for them and asked that 10% be considered.
They just spent about $20,000 repaving the parking lot and doing improvements.
Mr. Voltaire advised it is a hardship for him because as a new business, he did not know
all the rules and he expected the person doing the job to do it correctly. When the City
notified him, then Covid hit, the the business had to close, but the Respondent worked
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Boynton Beach, Florida December 15, 2021
with him, so he did not have to pay for a month or two. He asked if there was any way to
get to 5%.
Ms. Zalman agreed to 10% on each case unless there is an objection because there are
two open files. She noted 10% on the first case is $3,453 and the second case is $1,700;
which is half of the City's recommendation.
Based on testimony, Ms. Zalman reduced the fine to $1,700, which includes
administrative fees.
Ms. Zalman concluded the hearing at 11:54 a.m.
[Minutes by C. Guifarro, Prototype Inc.]
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