Minutes 03-24-61BOYNT ON B ~EA., :CH , FRIDAY, MAP~CH 24, 196.1. HALL, PRESENT: SHUHI ~BSE~ T: DONA f.~' ~r. McKONE JACK CALL KIT ~ LMEISTEP~ ED Bt~FF¥ This meeting was called to .order hy the Chairman at 7:30 p.m. Mr. I~affy moved that the City furnish the Planning. Board with a colored map-:shox~ing th~ present zoning for the City of Boyn~on Beach, to be .supplied as soon .as. possible, Motion seconded by Mr, llyd and unaa~irnously carried. After discussion in r~egard to meeting. ~with ~fr. Simons to be held March 30th, it ~vas agreed to. notify him that the meeting is. po:stponed on account of Holy .Week and will be held April 5th. It was agre,ed to ask the City Manager to obtain from. the County Commission a copy of th~ County ~. State l~oad Master Plan for highways and arterial highways for 'tkeir tvcenty year plan. There being no further bk%siness, the meeting adjourned, at 9:30 p.m.