Minutes 01-19-61MINUTE, S OF OR. GANIZATIONAL MEETING HELD IN CITY ~L OF THE BOYNTON BEACH ~NING BOAP~D, JANUAP~Y 19, 1961 ~i~ESENT: JOSEPH K, BURWELL LOU SAMYN JOHN S~ CALL, 31%o WILLIAM H;~, W~OHLLEB ROBERT H ;" l{YD MERLE L,0TM D~OUGHTY STANLEY WEAVER This naeeting was called ta: .erde. r by City Clerk, Te.reesa Padgett ~or the p~rpoae ef electing a~ Chairman and Vice ~Ckalrman to serve Mr. l{yd moved~that' 3ack Call heelected 'Chairman,. Motion seconded hy Mr-. Burwell and unani~itrsly passed. Mr. Ss~ayR rne~ed that Stanley Weaver he elected Vice Chairman. /~etion seconded by Mr. l{yd and unanimously passed. Mr. Cai1 conduct~ed the meeting at this point and there w:as urzeffieial ~discussi~n in regard t,~ establishin~ ~ procedure for presentation of zoning reqtlestS, objections, and. ret~t~ttal to ~bj. ections. The Beard reqaested that City Manager be contacted an'd requested to~ ~giv~ an estimate of the costs in~zolved in processing a zoning ~Ch~ge andre ~s~c~rt~in if it is necessary to incremse ~ppii~ati~n fe~ and dec.r~ase ~am~ refunded if the req~es~ is nO~ g, ra~ed; also, tko City Manager to exptere poss~lity of th~ City f~.~shing s:i~ to be posted on ~e prope~y r~qnes~tin~ t~e change. It was agreed ~hat the Zoning Beaird meet each month en the third ThUrsday at 7:3~d p.m, ~n the Council Chmrnbers, Tko Board requested the City Manag.er to ha~e a s~eparate maap made ap for Zoning Board after C.ot~ncil takes acti:on ~)n the MaSter -2- Zo~ut~g Boa~rd.