Minutes 05-19-60~.'~'E/VgTESIg, OF~960.~.EON/NG BOARD ~ftNG .~LD__ i~TF~ CITY HALL, BOYIi~ON BEACH~ FLORIDa%
Ed Duffy¢ Chairmau
Frank Audauo
Ja~ Call
P~bert Ryd
Joseph Burw~ll
This ~eeting was called to order by the Chairman at 7:30 P.M. w~ tees ~L 295' AC ~c 22/~/y,3~
~, ~d ~ugs~ ~, Fer~$on~ ~rC~tect ~d ~. ~ o~er of the
descried P~perty ~ Rres~ut ~d r~qUe~ed a zoning ~ to ~tipte ~el~ng.
~ey ~h~ed the ~aw~gs for t~ 7-sto~ h~~s on
2~mto~ b ~
the ~st ~d ~st ~d fo~
~l~gs, pl~ recreation area~ etc. Objectors from ~q~
prss~t ~ per, on ~ by petition.
~ter ~ disc~sion, ~ ~ ~ved t~s ~quest h~ demied. 2~tion
se~nded By ~. ~sll ~d the ~tion c~ed. ~- Aud~uo voted ~ ~t~t&~g
h~~ felt the C~ty needs s~et~ l~e th~. 2~- ~ rotated his on!y~objection
to t~ p~s ~ the io~ti~ of the ~tr~et~
~- ~gio~d ~toh~g appe~wed before the Bo~d request~g the above tract
b~ re-zoned ~D" C~rcial.
F~. Ca~.~e a ~tion t~t ~ts ~ t~u _ _
seconded by ~. Audio ~ ~+~ ..... 5 ~, h~ approved. ~tlon
b~~ ~.~'Ca~Audaa°~d ~ti~ds a ~tiono~ied t~t~~91y.~ts 6 th~ ~O be de~d. Fotion second~
~e P~ker ~are~ hefo~ the ~ard req~ng the ~bove tract to be
zoned ~ ~ ~
~ was ~e by ~. C~I~ sec,~ded by ~. ~ t~t the abo~ ~est he
~uted. }~t~n c~ried ~o~!y. _
~ Joe D."-HarlesS, P~esident
Joe D~ ~ess & ~sen C~ ~less~ ~s ~e~ req~st~d the ~ove descried
tots be r~d A~ ~!~x ~d ~ S~e
~on ~tion by ~. B~e~, seconded b~ ~. ~ the ~d
de, ed this request.
~ Joe'D. ~i'~ss, ~eside~ ~ston ~.~ ~c~ requested the above
described ~ts be re-zoned WD~
~. Eyd m~ed t~s request be app~ved ~bject ~ the ~P~Vat of the
City C~sion. ~tion se~nded by ~. B~tl ~d ~~us~
~_L°ts I & 2 Block ~B~ Hathaway Park.
'Joe D. Ha~less~ President, ~ton Coo, /nc. requested the above lots
be re, zoned ~D-t~, Apts., Hotel~ etc.
Upon ~otion_by M~.
that this request be deni~d~ seconded by Mr. Audano the Board voted ~us~uimousiy
Lots I thru 5, Bt. 6, C~ntral P~k ~,
~J~ J'. 2~ CalI moved that the reeJ~ ..... . SE ~st St. & ~2th Ave.
to Mr. Dutch ~,~ .- ~- a~p . ~s ~and that tb~ ~ ~ the above tract
re-zone~ this ~ ,.__,~c~ a clerics! error ~-~-~ ~. -._ e~tlsed at, no
ion seconded by ~. ~d ~n~ ~.~ past w~oh er~neo~$
The ~d ~ted ~u~o~ to adve~ise the Pr~e~y of ~hei Pierce,
be re--zoned ~D~ CO~rc~.
~. C~ ~d~ a~ot~' se~ed by ~. Auto t~t the City ~cil set
~ ~ergen~ or~n~ce to t~ effect that noti~es bs sent by ~~ ~1
pr~o~rty o~rs ~sted on the t~ tells to people ~t~n 2~ of a req~st for
zon~g c~u~. ~tfon C~ed
~eeting adjourned at approximately 9:30 P.~L
govdng Roard
Boynton B~ach~ Fla.