Minutes 04-21-60~S OF ZONING BOARD M~TING HEID ~ THE C~ HALL~ BO!~ON BE~CH, FLORIDA, PEES~h~T: Vice ~~ Jack Call Joseph B~-w~el~ Framk Audano ' '~alvatore Pandolfo Robert Ryd T~s m~eting was called to order by the Vice C~irman, at 7:30 P.N~ Jack TRACT 1: Legal description- I~ts 7, 8, 9, 10~, Block ~, Original Town ~ of Boynten-. Address..~ 20~ ~ 1st St., 206 N.E. 1st 8t.,.210- 212.- 21~ - 216 N.Eo ~t AY. t~3-.115 N.E. 2nd St., B~ynton Beach, Florida. To be re-zoned multiple dwelling. - ~.~ B~ll made a m~tion~ seconded by Nr. Ryd that th~ request of G~orge C. P~tey to re-zone the ~bove described tract from d~lex to ~m~ltlple dwe~ be granted~ Motion carried ~imously. Addition, Tp~2. I~gal description- Lets 20 & 21~ Frauk Webber Address ~ N. W. lOth Ave., Boynton .Beach,~ Florida. ~. Pandoifo made a motion~ seconded by Mr. P~d that th~ request of H~ry Y~g to re-zone the above tract from A-2~ to Multiple D~elling be denied. Motion carried unanimously. Legal Description'- W. ~0 of E. 13&' of ~ of Lot 5, S/D of Section 28~ TO, ship ~5 S~uth, Range ~3 F~st, City ef Boy~%on Beach, Florid~o Address - 450 N.W. 2nd Ave., BeC'on Beach, Florida. Mr. Audauo made a ruction, seCOnded by Mr. Eyd that the request of Donald A. Osten to re-zone the above tract from ~q~lex to Professional Bldg. be referred to City Attorney, with the recommendation t~bat "F".. zo~g be ~sed. ~ Legal Description- Southern boundary is the North right-of-~Y liue of the Boynton C~l; F~stern boundary is the ~e~t right- of-w~y line ef the Seaboard Railroads Northern bour~da~y is the South of the ~rth ~ection lime of Section ~6., The western ~dary is ~_ line r~g paral!~ to and f~ur h~udred f~et (400~) West of the West right-~f way line' of the Seaboard Railroads ~il this ~ug in Section t6, 20, and £~ Township 44 South~ Ra~e ~3 ~amt, palm Beach C~uuty, Florida.~ To be re-zoned I~dustrialo ~ ~' On the request of Ho~rd ~iley to zone the above tract Indu~i~l so he c~u con~t~ct permauent build~ugs for his ~rd w~ich is now temporarily located on S~acrest Blvd. the fol!owi~E objectionm w~re made: Se~ me!. Stated that %he property where he lives is going down, do~ and do~ ~ value. He said he felt this area is bec~miug a slu~ area in Boynt~n Beach~ He objected to Industrial Ze~ because it is back of his property en the ether side of the Seaboard tracks. .Joh~.. ~s: $$At~d t~t he had definite objections. He felt that z~itch engines would soon be in_there and heavy trucks weald come through all night long. He felt it wo~!d decrease the value of his property and make it nece~ary to turn his property over at a gr~at loss. He said he had been promised many things in this area ~nd ~aid he could see nothing being done to make it the garden sp~t they petted it to be. He ~tiened the sore ~pets left by ~LindSey-Mmudy hemes and said the request berg ~de by Mr. Riley is close to him, Goo .dma.n~ M~scovi~t~ Objected to Industrial Zoning ~or thi area because there mmght be c~nt plants put mn there~ He ~d mn the emght year he had liv~d in this area no i~v~m~nts ~d-been made, He suggested they g~ out to the trail $om$~h~ ~th their industrial plans. Mrs. Bro~ wn: Objected because she felt that Fields had made a lot of m~ney on their property aud ahe ~sked M~o Riley why the~ dldn~t d~mate ~ome of the land for the c&ti~en~ to have a park in this area. M~. Call asked Mr. Riley to give the physical terrain of the property in question whiCh he described as being bounded on the south by the Boynton Canal; on East by 'State P~ 9 ~ud Seaboard ~ad$ on-~Nerth there is no buffer except city limits$ on west a ridge of ~pproxim~tely ~0-~ 45 feet high. ~. 2yd then moved the request of Mr. Riley be d~ied, ~. Borwell seconded the motion. Mr. Pandolpho offered am ~ndmsnt to the motion that the Zoning Board refer this to C~y Council for the purpose of finding cut what the city intends to do ~lth their piece of groUnd in this area and then ?~ve the council report back to ~oning beard so they could vote on this matter. The amendment was ~thdrawno There were two votes for the motion aud M~. Paudolfo and Mr. Audauo -~ted ~ No .". Mr. Call abstained from voting, It w~s then~agreed that the members of the Zoning Board and any of the objectors that care to~ meet with Mr. Riley Saturday m~rning at 9:30 a.mo for the purpose ,f looking over the laud which he request.ed zoned Indu~tri~l. Action postponed uutil the n~xt meeting ~ the B~ard~ could look further into the matter TRACT V. Legal description- Lots ~ to 2~ inclusive, Lots 67 to ~26 inclusive, Lots ~32 to I51, ~clusive, Ridgewoed ~s Subdivision. lots 77, 78 I98 thru 203, 220 &.22~, Eidgew~od S/D~. To be r,-~on~d ~O0 ~q. ft~ Upon the recommendation of the Vice....Oh~wman, the Board a~f_eed tq refer t~s ~equest to the Ci~y Attorney adviaing ~. MSore that the Board does not feel this request should have come before the b~ard az you ca~ not r~-zone ~omeene else~s property but if it were possible ~ the B~ard would recommend denying the r~que~to L - Lot l, D~irel P~rk and Lot ~2, less the North 20 ft. A ~ti~ w~-~ ~ ~. ~do~o, ~econded by ~. Audio t~t t~s r~ quest be grated, p~vided the setback restrictions =~i~d on the East smde of Federal Hwy., and North of Coquina Cove, described as follows: $. 3~2j~, of N~ 785.7' of Gev. Lot ~ lying E. of Fed. H~y. AC Sec 22/~5/~3, be re-zoned ~ttipie ~. Cummings explained that the Architect is now in the process of drafting stairs for a me.et~_ug hall There would be one or p~$~ibly two swimming pools and sev- eral shuffle-board courts, as well as a boat bas~. The BOard advised Nr. ~gs this wo~ be advertised ~ud they would make recommendations to Council after the next meeting. Reginald ~tching appeared before the Board requestLug re-zoning from A-j te D, for th~ followiug tract of land: Block 7~, Beverly H~s Addition #3° Lots l, 2, 3~ ~, ~, 6, 7, 8~ 9, 10. Location ~ Cerner~ 2nd AVe., N~W. and ~th St., N.W. The BOard advised Mr. Kitc~'ng this would be advertised and they v~uld make recommendations to Coumcil after their next meeting. A letter from Walter ~F~tch was read Lu reference to Lots ~, 2,3,~,5~ Bio 6 Central Park Annex, BOynton Beach~ i~ which he ~tated that he h~d requested Light Imdustry~ Zoning in ~957 comparable to adjacent zoning~ He stated this was passed hy Ord~ce No~ 298, however, he has discovered that ir~ January ~958 the property was re-zoned to ~rehouse and commercial use by Ordinance No. 303, aud that he had made no request for this change; therefore, he felt the description of his property was inserted by clerical error. He now request~ that his property at SE ~2th Ave. and SE ~st st. on West side of FEE railroad be zoned Light Indust~. ~T_h~ Board agreed to refer this matter to City Clerk and ask her to check int~ the ~bove~two ~o~ces in question and have her refer this matter to the City Attorney and ask that Mr. M, ore answer Nr. Dutch's letter. On the reqUest of I. B. Kirsch to r~zone Lot 9, ~am Rmm~n S/D - 2~80 No Federal Highway, Beynton Beach to "D~ - Commercial, for_ the p_urpose of construct£ug a MarLua,.. the Board agreed ~ that this request he granted and that the same restrictions, and under the same conditions as set forth in the approval for a Marina for the Arthur Reading property~ to apply he~eto. There being no f~ther business, the meeting adjourned at I0:00 P.M. Jack Call, Vice Chairman Zoning Board