Minutes 03-24-60~INUTES OF ZONING BOARD MEETING HELD IN THE CITY HALL, BOYETON ~EACH, FLORIDA, E~ puffy, Chairman Jack Call Salvatore Pandolfo Robert Allisen Bauks This mee%ir~ was called to order by the Chairman at 7:30 P.M. TRACT {~: Legal description - Lots~7, 8, 9, ]0, Block 4, ' Or~ Te~ Of Boymton-. Address - 204 HE {st St., 206 N.E {st St., 2{0 - 2~2 - 2{4- 2{6 N.E. ~st Ave. {{3~{~5 N.E. 2md St,, Boy~ton Beach, Florida. To be re-zoned mm~tt'iple dwell~. ~. George Riley appeared before the Board and requested that he be permitted to make efficiency apartments out of one of the ~uplexes. The Board agreed to advertise the above and let him kn~w at the next ~eting. Legal description - Lots 20 & 2{, Fr~uk Webber Addition. Address- N. ]~. lOth. Ave., Boy~tou Beach,. Florida. To be re-zoned ~ltiple R~elling. The abo~e reqmest was made by Mr. Henry King. The Beard agreed to advertise and let him know their decision at the mext. regular meeting. TP~CT 3: Legal description'- W 40 of E {3~' of ~ of .Lot 5, S/D ,f Sectio~ 2~, Township ~5 South, Range ~3 ~ast, City of Boynton Beach, Fl~ermda.' ~ Address - 450 N. W. 2nd Ave., Boynton Beach, Florida. To'be re-zoned for ProfesSional Bldg. The above request w~s made by Donald A. Osten who o~ns the duplex adjacent to Dr. Ralston. The Beard agreed to advertise and let him know their decision at the next. regular meeting. ~ Legal description - Southern boundary is the North right-of-way i~ of the Boynton C~nal; Eastern boundary is the West right- of-way line of the Seaboard Railroad; Northern boundary is the pre~ent City~Limits of Boynton Beach at the point of the Sea-- Board Railroad, this point 3~ving one quarter ({/4) Section South of the North sectio~ line of Section {6; The ~estern boundary is a !i~e ru~ parallel to and four hundred feet (~00') west of the West right-of, waY-l~ue of the Seaboard Eai~ad; all this ~3,ying in Section {6, 20, and 2{, Township ~4 S~uth, Range 43 East, Pal~ Beach County, Florida.. To be re-zoned Industrial. Howard Riley appeared before the Board aud stated at present this land is unzoned.~ He would like to ~ove temporary buildings on Seacrest Blvd. to this area ~n4 construct permanent buildings there. He requested ,~- Zoning. ~g~ ~s~iption- ~t~ ~ to 2~ ~ct~ive, ~t8 67 to ~26 division. ~$ 77, 78, 198 t~ 203~ 2~ & ~t ~dge~od S/D. Te he_ r~omed ~ sq. ft. ' ~e tore reque~ w~ ~de By petiti~ ~ th~u~ their ~pokes~ Reni~e ~s~. ~e ~d r~ested the ~ove tract adve~i~ed ~ ~o requested the ~ty Clerk to look up the ~e f~tage ef ~ the petltioners~ he~s. ~. Audio opposed thi~ request ~d ~tat~d that he o~ a ~0~ lot tutt~g ~. ~mi~s pr~e~y. TRACT 6: Legal description - Let ~, Deirel Park and Lot $2~ less the north 20 f%., Deiret~ Park. ~Address - N. W.~. 2~ud Ave., Beys%on Beach, Florida. To be re-zoned commercial. The Beard agreed to 'have this tract advertised ~u~ Lustructed City Clerk to call him ~p and have him ~t a~ application which will be acted upon at the next meeting. Hay Dumond request. Nr. J. W. Smith appeared before the Beard ~th a plat for zoniug an area on N.W. loth Ave. through 12th Ave. Part ef it now zoned A-! amd the back part moned for 450 Sq.~ ft. homes of C-Zone. He proposes to sell the la~i to another Mr. Smith who appeared before the board a~d it is hi~ intention to strict ~0 new homes for the colored. The Beard advised the gentlemen above m~utioned to appear before council and present their plau~. The beard felt this would be am upgrading to this area. ~. Call made a motion, ~ece~ded by Nr. Ryd that the request ef R~v. Thompson he de~. ~tion carried ~~us~. The ~d felt that this ~reet ~ho~d .re~re~mdent~' ' ~uch' ~ it is the ~ one ~ this se~or ,f te~ stri~ ~eside~i~. (~ts 257, 258, 259 - ~rry Mr~ Call reported he had written the City Attorney in regar~ to zoning for Arthur Reading. Th~ 0ity Attorneymrequested that. the Zoning Beard submit to hi~ their re~ommendati, ns. City w~ requested te advise~ the Beard where Type ~F" Zoning originated a~d if it ca~ be used for a Narinao matter. Mr. Call agreed to write Mr. ~ore, City Attorney, in regard to R~ad~ The Board requested that they be furnished three (3) additional copies of the Zoning ~ce~ Mr~ Kitten wa~ instructed to ~etify the members of the Board three days before the regular meetings. Mr. Audano moved, Mr. E~d seconded, that Mr. Call be elected Vice Ohair~ ma~ so he can preside at the Re~pe ctful!y submitted, Ed Duff y, ~ ~ 1~ 1960 In the meeting of the Oity Ge~aeil ~ay evenimg. ~eh 7th, ~t ~ ~e ~y At~ey, folt~ yo~ ~a~ ~is ~equest has he~ ~e ~ order ~ el~ate ~o~ ~ges.°f the de~y in gett~ ~ O~ee ~a~ ~ o~ these