Minutes 02-18-60 This meetimg was called te order by the Chairma~ at 7:30 P.~ ~ 1: Legal ~escription- Ail of Let t, EX~T .that portion %hereof described a~ referred te im ~ 'Judgment entered in ~'~Law ease No. tl,0~ etc.; also Lots 2-%o '13, he~h ~elusive, an~ Lots 15 to 25, Beth in~Iusive, all in Emowles S~b~ivision of the' TO~n of ~oyn~en Beach, Florida, actor&lng to the plat thereof, recorded-in Plat ~ok"22, page 3~. ~roved. Address - N.W. 13~hAve.~ Between ~ ~%h ~ree% and ~ 5%h ~reet, ~om Beach, Florida. Nr. james' E. l~rb~ug%om appeared before the ~d amd sta~ed his case. He requested that ~-~-g for 27 lots em N.W. ~3th. be cha~ged from residential %o m~I%iple ~wellimg. He stated .he expected ~o have parking for five cars for each four apartmemts and playgreun~ in fromm. ~r. R~ ma~ea mOtion the zen~.~ Be changed fr~m~ty~e "Ce ~one to D-1. Notion seconded By ~r. BeA~ll az~ u~animously ~ed.~ The me~Bers of %he Zemiug ~ard congratulated ~r. Warding%on on his pla~s, to i~preve this area. Tract 2: Legal description- Let I~ef ~am ~, Jr.'~s ~luxm .... S/D ef Sec. 15, To~ip ~5 3.. R_~ge ~3 E, ~t the following parcel, ~e~ at %he S~ corner of~Let 10 go eaSterly along the S.line of L~t I0 - ft., ~ertherly at righ~ angles te the pre~ " co~rse 55.$5 f%.~ thence weSterly parallel to %he south lane of said Le~ 1~- 53.~5 ft., thence go northerly at right angles ~e the present course ?.9 ft., thence go westerly Parallel to the S. ~ne ef Let ]O - $1'.9~ ft., the west line of ~ coutherly along %he wes% line of Let I~- point of Address - 2~3~ N. Federal ~, Beynt~n Beach, Florida. To be re-zone~ "He.. Nr. Arthur X. Re~ appeared Before the Boar~ requestimg re~zonimg for' %he ~repertY fre~ ~B" te ~Rw to censtr~ a. ~arina. ~r. Buffy advised. ~r. ~ the ~ did n~% object to the ~arAma and felt it ~ be an asset to the city, 'h~weve~, %hey would net approved, the request umder Zone ~H"' But recommended ~me ~F" ~ Better meet his needs. The B~ard agreed.to c~act the City Attorney ~d s~mit %he plans for a ~ in regaz~ te the zoning elassifieatiom and also ~he%her or ne~ it wilI Be ~ecessary ~ re-a~ver~ise in view ef ~he fact ~t ~r. Reading will ~pgra~e from "hTM to "F~. ~r. Call agreed te ~rite the .City Attorney. Tract 3: ~egal description- Lot 9, Sam Rrown S/D. Address - 218~ North. Federal High~, B~yn~n Beach, Flerida.~ To be re-zoned entire parcel to Be zoned A~tor ~iscuss[on t~ regard to the request of I~r. I. B. Kirsch, F~r. BurwetZ made a met~i~, seconded by ~r. Call to turn this over to the. City Attorney for recommendation as te whether or not the property could Be use~ as a marina. T~act 4: Legal description- Lot 28, ~am Br~a S/D. A~iress- 2179 North Feder~I ~~., Beymten Beach, Florida. Te be re- zoned Commercial "De. ~r. Eirsch submitted a seee~d request for his property at 2179 N. Federal. This preSently is unzene~ and he requested Cemmerical "De to be ~sed as ~a B~at Display. ~.~ ~r. Hen~ema~, ~26~ NE ~th Ct. speaking for Royal .Palm Village objected to .~rs change pr'~rily on.: existi~.g residential property, particularly along ~th ce% aa~ that i% would' ~have am overall effect o~ all ~reperty. ~ ~r. Ryd m~ved ~his request ~e denie~. ~tion seconded By ~r. B~rwell amd umamlmeusly carrie~. There being n~ further business the meeting a~jo~rne~.