Minutes 10-28-59PRESENT: MINUTES OF MEETING OF ZONING BOARD OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH HELD IN CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, OCTOBER 28, 1959. Joseph Humphrey, Chairman Harvey Weber Adam He~ Joseph Burwell Evan James J. B. Baughman, OT~ncilman The meeting was called te order by the C~airman. Nimates of meeting held September 16th Were read and approved. The first application for rezoning was brought to the attention of those presemt. Legal description as follows: Ail of Lets 196, 197, 198, amd 199 of Cherry Hills, a subdivisiem cf B~ynt~u Beach, Florida, as recorded in Pla~t Book 4, Page 48, Pablic Records. of Palm Beach Coumty~ Florida. Address - N. W. 10th Ave., te be rezoned for Church pmrposes. ~he owner amd applicant, George Booker, appeared before the explaimed the p~ed usage for the property. After discussiem, Nr. Weber moved that the BOard recommend approval of the ~request for rezoning. Mr. BarweH seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Regardi~ 'the rema~ two applieatioms for rezoni~g to commercial which had been advertised in the paper, Mr. Henneman suggested to the Board that, since these two applications constituted such a large portion of N. W. 2nd Ave., cne applieatiom inelmd~ a whole block, that ~he Beard arrange a Jeimt meetimg with the Pia~ Beard tc disemss these applications in the light of the Beard's fmture ~ for this area of the City. Mrs. Para! Narring~e~, owmer ef Tract 2 asked the B~ard if they could con- sider her application separately as the piece ef property was flare, ed o~ the West by the Little Leagae Ball Park a~d em the East by a Doctor's clinic. D~. H. W. J em~z~gs, who stated that he plam~ed to erect a~ eye clinic em the prcperty~ told the Beard that Federal F~s were in ~he efflug a~d t~at time was important. Im view of this, the Beard agreed that in the evemt the Plam~ B~ard rec~mme~ds demd~l cf this applieaticm, ~hat they weald immediately after the joimt meeting, consider this tract om it's ewm merits. There~pem, Mr. He,cream m~ved that the Beard ar~e a j ei~t meeting with the Pla~ ~ regarding Tracts 2 a~d 3, i~ relatiem tc t~. overall zc~i~g of 2~ avemme. . BmrweH secemded the metie~ which pa~se~ mma~zimously. There being ~e farther h~siness the meeting was adjemrmed. Respectfally submitted, - - "'