Minutes 05-06-59PRESENT: BO~TON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD IN CiTY HALL, BOYNTON B~ACH, FLORIDA, MAY 6, 1959. Joseph W. Humphrey, Chairman Joseph B~rwell ~m A. Henneman Salvatore Pandolfo Harvey Weber Evan James The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. The Chairman called the roll. It was noted that Mr. Frank Audano was not present. Minutes of the meeting held April 8, 1959 were read and approved. The Chs. irman explained the procedure w~ich the hearing would follow to those present in the audience, stating that there were four tracts to be ~s~d as advertised in the newspaper during ~pril and one tract, known as Tract 5, which had been held over from the April meeting, for action. Tract i: Legal d to ~ ascription_ Cherry Hills, Boynton. West i/2 of Lots 121 - 125 feet front, north to south along 3~d St. 62 along 10th Avenue front. Address ~_ ~ - 1/2 feet east St. - South of lO~b ~ ~ . - At 1~. ~: 3rd St. & ,~_ , to west Patterson. No on~'~® '~'o_o~e re-zoned D~piex. ~.~l~0~ ~v~e., e.as~ of 3rd ~ ~ppeare~ Col'ore the Bca~ ~-:'i~-]"~-~""~-~ aPP~ican~_ The~ the application. After discussion, Mr. Pandolfo moved that the application ~ ~er in ~avor or objecting t~ he denied. Mr. Henneman seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Tract 2: Legal description _ All that part of the S~ of the ~ lying west of the West right of way line of the Florida East Coast Rail~y~ Section T. 45 S., E. ~3 E., said lands being located in the To~ of Boynton Be~ch, P~lm Beach County, Florida. Address _ 25 acres E. of N. E. 4th Street, W. of F.E.C. Tracks and N. of Royal Pal~ Drive. To be zoned Commercial. Owner _ M.C. D~uAveryo Applicant _ D. A. ~isconsi. (Application, discussion, and vote on this tract combined ~th Tract 3, which follows.) Tract 3: Legal description _ Lot 3~ and that part of Lot 2, which lies West of the right-of-way of the Florida East Coast Railway, Sam B~own Jr. ~s Subdivision, A subdivision in the City of Boynton ~ach, F~orida,~ and Plat thereof recorded in the office ~ccordi~the H~poluXOto for Palm Beach County, Florida ~ of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in E. of N. E. 4th Street, ~est of F ~ ~ Plat Book l, Page 81. Address _ ~.2 acres ~ - · -~-~. Tracks and North of Royal Palm Drive. To be zoned ~o~m~erci~. Owner _ Dewey R. Peale. Applicant D. ~. Visconsi. Mr. H~uhrey informed the Board that since he represents Mr. ¥isconsi Lu other matters, he would like to take no p~urt in the discussion or vote ~ ~hang~e ~n and requested ~. James to t . -~ ' ' .~-. Viscons~ presente ~. ..... aka the cha ...... on. this ec~ . d his plan fo~ ~one x ~ xr. The ~pP!mcan~ O~ ors to thins cha · ..~ and to the _~_ · . nge ~u zonl . Board. There war i~or those ~u favor of the ~.~ng .present ~u the audience. ~r~ ~ ~e no ~ng ~o present themselve~ ~ "7~ ~j. ~ames asked before the Board and read a petition favoring the change~' ~'~'signede°nnby H'lTOR°hrs'residentscame of Royal ~alm Village. 2~. Rohrs stated that the residents had only one request to make ~in regards to this change in zoning, if this were met~ they were whole- heartedly in favor of the change, the requestbexng~ that the ordinance require a sixty foot set back from N. E, 4th Street to the parking area and a one hundred foot set back from No E. 4th Street to the buildings. He also expressed the desire that the buffer zone hedge, which I~. Visconsi pr~mised to plant, be ~t in as soon as possible in order tJh~.t it would have a good stand when the building ~as completed Faro ¥isconsi agreed to this. ~- Hennema~ moved that th_~s application be appro~ved with After further discus~ tiOns of the buffer zone. F~r. Weber seconded the motion which carried ~uani. ~ specified restric_ mousiy, ~. Ht~phrey abstaining. Address' Tract_ South4: LegalFederaldescription. - Tract A and Lot ]~ Boynton Isles Subdivision. Multiple Units. 0~ner Highway, Boynton Beach~ Florida. To be re-zoned and applicant Mi.~o George C. Abdo. it was brought to the attention of the Board ?.n~ted _~o construct cooperative a by ~k'. James that the applicant e~v~er in fay .......... par~ents on ~ u~- oo~ee~ng to the ' - ....tract. No one appeared ~- Humphrey aS +.h~+ ~;- _ ere was no S,~en, _~.. James moved _ ked .... we recn~ ~ ....... e moeion died. of a second the Board would have to recommend denie~,he motion died for lack Tract 5: Legal description of Sam Bro ,. ~-. - Al! that . ~ wn Jr. s ~poluxo Subdivi ' part cz Lots 20 to 26 ' · Public i~ecords ~¢ o~ .... . _ sion, as record~ ~ ~, - ..- , znc!usmve of the East Line f oection 16~ To~cnship 45 South, P~n e County, Florida. Address - North Federal Hi¢~,~ ~. .... g .4¢ East, Palm Beach Village and T.$est Of the ~C tracks. To be zoned Trailer Park. ~¢ner and ~ applicant Dr. C. ~. Nelson. Dr. Nelson appeared before the Board and gave his reasons for requesting the trailer P~rk zoning-. He stated that the request included the whole area back to 4th Court, z~4rther stating that he would release the remaining of the property he owned west of this for .whatever zonin~ portion like. ~en Z4~. H~mphrey asked for any ob,-~ ...... ~ that the City would ¢ ,=uuors wz~z~in ~00 feet or less of the property in question, Mr, John H. Rohrs, President of Roy~l Palm Village Asst., appeared before the Board stating that he represented the majority o£ Royal Palm Village, of ~.~ich about 80 residents were present in the audience, a~nd that these residents objected strenously to any exDansion of the trailer When asked by ~¢~. Humphrey ~ he had any ' ~ - Mr. Rohrs gave a negative answer. ~. Hum-~ ....... Park west of 4th St. oo, ectzon~ of it goin~ up '80 4th St., the audience, not residi '! .~p~e~ asked iz an - . Mr. Ed. Jun_¢ ~+~-= i,_ · nC. zn Royal Palm Villase .~ ,_ _ yone w~s present mn epresented two ~ ~ ~--- ~ ob~ ectzons. to the west ~ that they objected to having the %raj!er pa~k eX%end beyond ~-~uzng groups who own property ~th St.~ and further that, not under any condition, ~¢ould they want to see it go beyond ~th Court. Z~&% Pandolfo suggested a compromise between the two parties, Dr. Nelson and the park zoning extend objecting residents, the compromise - to the end of the ..~+.4~ ~.~ ..bezng that the trai property, or apProximately 150' exz .... ~ ~ wail on ~he nor+~. ~ue~-'= .... or zneler from ~th Ct. Dr. Nelson agreed to this. However, the residents of Royal Palm not. Upon a c~all for a motion, ~. Pandolfo moved that the trailer park granted up to the west end of the wall on the north Side of the propertY. Mr. James seconded the three to two, Mr. Bu-~[~!l, ~- ~.~eber and *~ motion which ~,as denied 2~. Henneman voting no. -2- There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. P~espectfully su~tt~, Humphrey, ~ha~m~n~ Gity C -o~mcll City of B~yate~ Beach Gentlemen: April 17, 1959 The following recommendations were reached at a regular meeting o£ yo~ Zoning Beard at 7:~ P.M. on April 8, 1959. Tract 1: Legal description_ Lots 7-12, R. S. 2~erritt Sub. Div. Address _ 615 N. E. 6th Avem~e. Tobbe re-zoned Commercial. No one appeared te speak'fe~, or against this motion and the request is recommended by a vote of four to one. Tract 2: Bl~e~gal description _ East 1/2 .f Let 22, 1, Civic ~enter. Address _ Let 10 and West 1/2 To he re-zoned Commercial. 637 N. E, 6th Avenue.°f ~ The BOard received a writte~ ~. Rev. Gerard Mamn~ of ~q~ ~ ~bj. ec_tio~ te this a~ .... ~ - attached to the~ - -~- ~r~-s Oatholic Ch~m._~o5~°n~a, said letterfr°mis' minutes of this meeting. No ~ue sp~ke in favor of the request, hene~ it is the recomme~dation of this BOard that the request ~e denied amd the Vote of the Board for denial was u~ous. Tract ~: Legal Description _ Tract A, Action on Tract 3 was POstponed until £mrther notice. After against the b~t received none. Henc tion be denied. Tract 5: Legal description of SAM BROWN JR.'s hypoluxo Page 81, Pablic Records of the west line of Sectiem 15 Beach County, Florida, and Coast Railway; and the 367 Township 45 S~ath, Range 43 - North Federal H~ ighway just FEC Traaks. To be zoned Trailer N. ~. 10thAve. application audience~ the BOard Block 1, Frank Weber Addition. Cmmmerc~. ~with no One speaking for or Chairman called for a motion recmmaend that this aPplica- All that of the Palm RoYal of Lots 20 to 26, inclusive recorded in Plat BOakl, Florida, lying between Range43 East, Palm of the FlorldaEast Line of Section 16, Florida. Address Vil3~ge and ~est of the BOYNTON BEACH There were several objectors to the zoning ~o.~ver, their objection was qualified ~ of this parcel o£ property, z~ruaer pertinent facts r~ .... ' mn an attempt to det~.~ ported action until its ~s~-~mng ~nms apPlication, the Board~o~ next regular meeting. These recommendations are respectfully submitted for your consideration. Sincerely, ZO~IWG B~AR~ ' ~ -~X