Minutes 02-01-22Minutes of the City Commission Meeting
Held Online Via the GoToWebinar Platform and
In -Person at the City Hall Commission Chambers
100 East Ocean Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida
On Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 5:30 P.M.
Mayor Steven B. Grant
Vice Mayor Woodrow L. Hay
Commissioner Christina L. Romelus
Commissioner Ty Penserga
Commissioner Justin Katz
1. Openings
A. Call to Order - Mayor Steven B. Grant
Mayor Grant called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Roll Call
Lori LaVerriere, City Manager
James Cherof, City Attorney
Crystal Gibson, City Clerk
City Clerk Crystal Gibson called the roll. A quorum was present.
Invocation by Rabbi Simon, Temple Beth Kodesh
The Invocation was given by Rabbi Simon, Temple Beth Kodesh.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Mayor Grant
Mayor Grant led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Agenda Approval -
1 .
1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections
2. Adoption
Commissioner Penserga moved to approve the agenda. Vice Mayor Hay seconded the
motion. The motion passed unanimously.
2. Other
A. Informational items by the Members of the City Commission.
*Common terminology that may offend people is noted with asterisks.
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Boynton Beach, FL February 1, 2022
Commissioner Romelus wished everyone a Happy Lunar New Year. She disclosed she
spoke with Bradley Miller on an item that is not related to the agenda. She provided an
update on her trip to Chandler, AZ with the National Haitian American Officials Network
(NAON). The organization celebrated its 13th year and the retreat focused on issues
prevalent to their constituency. Topics of discussion included COVID and border issues.
She noted it has helped her to grow as a leader.
Commissioner Penserga had no new disclosures but has taken previous meetings with
the Human Rights Council and Alan Hendricks.
Vice Mayor Hay had no disclosures. He noted Black History Month is recognized from
February 1St until March 1St and the 2022 national theme is Black Health and Wellness.
He provided background on Black History Week and the first Black History Month. He
noted it is considered the nation's oldest organized history celebration.
Mayor Grant attended the Grand Opening of the new 7 -Eleven on Seacrest and
Woolbright on January 19th and the moving of Care ATC to Woolbright Road. On January
20th, he attended the Veterans Task Force. On January 22nd, he attended the Human
Trafficking Awareness Walk and thanked the Police Department, who ensured everyone's
safety. Later that morning, he spoke with Stanley Davis and Pernell Davis. January 23rd
thru the 26th, he attended a conference as the Chair of the General Employee's Public
Pension to the Florida Public Pension Trustees Association. He had conversations with
Delray Police Officers at the conference. On January 27th, he attended meetings with the
League of Women Voters and the Palm Tran Service Board. He noted the major concern
is the paratransit costs. The PalmTran is currently driving 100,000 more miles a month
for paratransit than fixes routes. On January 29th, he attended an event with the American
Academy Real Mentors. On January 30th, he attended the South Florida Mayor's parade
at the fairgrounds. He said he would like a proclamation issued for Black History Month.
He wished everyone a Happy Lunar New Year. He invited any candidates running for City
Commission positions to speak during Public Comments ahead of the March 8th election.
He disclosed that he spoke with Latosha Clemons and the Palm Beach County Human
Rights Council.
3. Announcements, Community, and Special Events and Presentations
A. Presentation of FY 20/21 Grant Report by Grants Report Manager, Tess
Tess Lacroix, Grants Report Manager, reviewed the Grants Team Mission Statement.
She noted for FY 20/21, the City has submitted nineteen (19) grant requests for a total of
$18,842,032.20. At the State and Federal levels, grants can take up to one (1) year for
approval after the submitted date of application. She said the City of Boynton Beach
received and managed 29 grants totaling $9,206,175.06 with a city match of
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Boynton Beach, FL February 1, 2022
$4,245,566.60. She noted through subgrantee relationships with community
organizations, the City of Boynton Beach responded to the needs of its residents. With
the city's financial support, these funded agencies:
• Provided eviction and housing discrimination assistance to tenants and
homeowners while giving them the educational resources to understand and
exercise their rights to fair housing.
• Educated students and youth on domestic violence prevention and healthy
• Counseled and facilitated workshops for first time homebuyers.
• Empowered and equipped residents with tools to build or expand their businesses
or seek vocational and educational programs
• Distributed 3,055,664 pounds of food to 7,164 households in the height of the
Commissioner Romelus asked City Manager LaVerriere to provide a report during the
pandemic on how many weeks the City partnered with Feeding South Florida to provide
food to residents.
Lori LaVerriere, City Manager, confirmed she will reach out to Feeding South Florida for
the data.
Ms. Lacroix continued the presentation. She noted The Boynton Beach Fire Rescue
Department received COVID-19 supplemental assistance which allowed Firefighters and
EMS Personnel to operate safely due to the rapid depletion of existing equipment amid
the global pandemic. The Department also received funds to purchase EMS equipment,
well -needed resources to effectively respond to community incidents. She said the Library
Services has a new Maker Space Studio open to over 8,341 people.
Commissioner Romelus asked when the Library will be presenting next to the
Commission. She would like to know more about the Maker Space Studio and the
City Manager LaVerriere they can have them present at the next Commission meeting.
Ms. Lacroix reviewed the following Police Department highlights:
• Officers supported food drives, vaccination sites, and resource distribution to areas
most impacted by COVID-19.
• The Bulletproof Vest Program helped purchased 30 eligible vests to keep officers
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• During manatee season, marine officers patrolled the waterways and educated
individuals speeding through the wake zones to protect the manatees.
• A new engagement software to boost community partnership between citizens and
Law Enforcement was purchased and a new interview room at the new
headquarters was installed.
• Promotion of traffic safety initiatives, education and enforcement efforts by our
officers helped reduce overall traffic crashes by 42% compared to the previous
three-year average.
• The Victim of Crime Act supported the Victim Advocate and the critical victim
assistance services and referrals to victims of crime.
Ms. Lacroix reviewed the following Public Works highlights:
The Palm Beach TPA awarded the City a Transportation Alternative grant to
complete street improvements on SE 1 st Street between Woolbright Road and SE
2nd Ave, enhancing pedestrian connectivity and safety. The project to complete a
1 -mile 10ft shared -used path on the West side of the street will be completed in
year 2023.
• The Waterways Assistance program funds will help the City improve the boat
ramps at Oyer Park. The boating community and users of the facility have reported
the difficulty with using the four boat ramps due to the current surface conditions.
All of the design and permitting has been completed with the project's rebid
currently under review.
The Palm Beach Transportation Planning Agency Local Initiative Program also
helped fund the complete street improvements project on Boynton Beach
Boulevard between NW 3rd Street and US1/Federal Highway. The project is
currently under design with construction scheduled for year 2024.
Commissioner Romelus thanked staff on pushing the repaving of Seacrest Boulevard.
Ms. Lacroix noted Public Works is undertaking the critical hardening of Boynton Beach
Fire Rescue Station No. 2.
She shared the City of Boynton Beach ranked 1St on the Florida Recreational Trails
Program's current funding cycle priority list for the Eco Park project. The project consists
of constructing new accessible trails and amenities for the public to walk, bike, kayak and
enjoy the park's natural resources and beauty in the future. The City has hired an artist
to work on eco -friendly art to align with the goal of preserving the natural resources of the
Commissioner Romelus asked if the Eco Park is protected by ordinance.
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City Manager LaVerriere responded no.
Mayor Grant said he does not believe there are any restrictions for the City.
City Manager LaVerriere noted there were protections, but she believes they have expired
and will need to do some research to confirm. She does not believe there are any State
Commissioner Romelus would be interested in exploring establishing protections for the
Discussion ensued about a deed restriction.
Ms. Lacroix reviewed the following Utilities highlights:
• Lakeside Gardens Neighborhood Drainage Improvements
o The first phase of this project consisting of preliminary engineering, design
and calculations, surveying, and permitting has been completed and the
Department is preparing for phase II.
0 Oceanfront Park Project
o Boynton Beach received funding from the Florida Legislature to replace
existing Wastewater Treatment Plant in Oceanfront Park with new energy
efficient advanced treatment sewer plant which will also produce reuse
water. The team and their engineering consultant have discussed sizing and
improvement alternatives with PBC Health Department to treat the influent
flow from Oceanfront Park. The project's completion date is set for June
She reviewed the following Sustainability highlights:
• The City of Boynton Beach is undertaking the project of developing an urban
forestry program. Over the next three years, the City will hire an urban forestry firm
to inventory trees owned and managed by the City, collect data to evaluate their
location, species and need for maintenance, and enhance tree canopy to augment
greenspace and achieve community equity and environmental sustainability.
• The sustainability department received funds to update the Coastal Resilience
Partnership Vulnerability Assessment completed in July 2021. This update will
make the original assessment compliant for project funding and will include
expanded sea level projections and updates to tidal flooding and surge analyses.
She reviewed the following activity of the Grants Team -
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• The Grants Team uses electronic means to manage grant funded projects to
effectively maintain decentralized operations while enjoying the benefits of a
centralized grants management system.
• Grant funding forecasting is integral to the budget preparation process; a summary
report was prepared for the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 budget review team and
included the project title, funding source, required City match and any associated
long-term operations and maintenance expenses.
• Grant funding forecasting is integral to the budget preparation process; a summary
report was prepared for the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 budget review team and
included the project title, funding source, required City match and any associated
long-term operations and maintenance expenses.
• In addition to the proposed cash match, in-kind staff support from the General fund
totals $14,693.
Ms. Lacroix summarized the presentation by noting that during the FY 20/21, the Grants
Team utilized the City's ongoing annual Strategic Plan to conduct funding analysis to
support identified goals and priorities. She stated in FY 21/22, the Grants Team will
continue to research funding opportunities to further the City's strategic initiatives to build
wealth in the community, create a culturally distinct downtown, improve transportation
and mobility, maintain a high performing organization, ensure health and safety, and
support environmental sustainability.
Mayor Grant said two areas that are important to him are subsidized housing and water
Ms. Lacroix noted her team is working with the City Manager to identify priority projects
for the City.
Vice Mayor Hay said Ms. Lacroix is doing a great job
B. Presentation from Gerda Klein about the Boynton Beach Mental Health
Committee's initiatives
Gerda Klein, Boynton Beach Mental Health Committee, provided background on the
Boynton Beach Mental Health Committee. She was joined by Ricky Petty, the Director of
Healthier Boynton Beach. She noted that five (5) members of the Boynton Beach Mental
Health Committee sit on Mr. Petty's steering committee. Mr. Petty shared examples of
partnership projects within the community.
Ms. Klein stated, prior to Covid, the Boynton Beach Mental Health Committee trained
eighty (80) City employees in mental health first aid. Additionally, they worked with
Boynton Beach High School students on mental health career paths. They purchased a
Buddy Bench for Crosspoint elementary school. They organized Zoom presentations on
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mediation and eating disorders through the Library. They are the member of the Heart of
Boynton Alliance.
Ms. Klein discussed the significant mental health impact from Covid. She previewed an
outdoor community event to be held May 15 and said that she will share more information
when details are confirmed.
Mayor Grant thanked Ms. Klein and the Committee for helping to destigmatize mental
health support.
Vice Mayor Hay said this is an opportunity to embrace our community members, so
people know they are not alone.
Mayor Grant reminded the audience to silence their cell phones and to step outside if they
intend to have conversations.
Commissioner Romelus thanked Ms. Klein and the Committee for their work. She
encouraged public healing and support and offered to donate $500 of her Community
Support Funds to the initiative. She asked for it to be added to the next agenda.
C. Announcement by Stephanie Soplop of the Joe DiMaggio Children's Health
Specialty Center Magic Wheels & Special Deals and Barrier Free 5K Events.
Stephanie Soplop, ADA Title II Coordinator, joined the meeting virtually. She announced
the 6t" annual event and confirmed this is the third year the Joe DiMaggio Children's
Health Specialty Center has served as a sponsor. She described the details of the 2022
event, which will be held on Friday, February 11 at Centennial Park. She described the
process of Magic Wheels for the selected child. She thanked Chariots of Love for their
support. The Magic Wheels & Special event is a free community event. She listed some
vendors who are scheduled to participate in Special Deals.
Ms. Soplop noted the Barrier Free 5K will be held on Saturday, February 12 at 7:30 AM.
at Congress Avenue Barrier Free Park. A virtual option is available as well for anyone
unable to attend. Registration is open at barrierfree5K.pbrace.com. The fees will increase
after February 10.
D. Announcement by Kacy Young, Recreation & Parks Department Director,
regarding The Immortal Four Chaplains Memorial Service being held at Tom
Kaiser, USN Boynton Beach Veterans Memorial Park on February 6th,
starting at 2pm.
Kacy Young, Recreation & Parks Department Director, joined the meeting virtually. He
announced The Immortal Four Chaplains Memorial Service being held at Tom Kaiser,
USN Boynton Beach Veterans Memorial Park on February 6th, starting at 2pm. He noted
event details can be found at www.boynton-beach.org.
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Mayor Grant asked if local assisted -living facilities have been contacted to confirm
whether they will provide transportation to the event for their residents or veterans.
Mr. Young replied that they will conduct outreach to the facilities.
E. Announcement by Gabrielle Favitta, Events Manager, regarding First Friday
@ 5 and Friday Flicks in February.
Gabrielle Favitta, Events Manager, announced two free family events that will be held in
at the Centennial Park amphitheater. Food trucks will be onsite at both sides. The First
Friday @ 5 concert will be held on February 4 from 5:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. and feature
The Shane Duncan Band. The Friday Flicks will be held on February 18 and feature
Charlie and Chocolate Factory. The move will begin at 6:30 P.M. and attendees are
encouraged to bring blankets and chairs to both events.
Mayor Grant asked if a performer is already booked for the April First Friday. He had a
conversation with the Gold Coast Band about performing.
Ms. Favitta said that they will reach out to them to discuss.
F. Early Voting for the March 8, 2022 Special Election for the office of State
Representative, District 88, and the Municipal Election will begin on
Saturday, February 26, 2022 and will continue through Sunday, March 6,
2022. The Early Voting hours are from 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. daily at the
Ezell Hester Community Center located at 1901 North Seacrest Boulevard.
As of 30 days prior to the election, a listing of Early Voting locations
throughout Palm Beach County will be available at the following website:
Mayor Grant announced the details of the Early Voting for the March 8, 2022 Special
G. Proclaim February 11-17, 2022 as 2-1-1 Awareness Week. Patrice
Schroeder, 211's Community Relations Specialist, will be online to accept the
proclamation virtually.
Patrice Schroeder, 211's Community Relations Specialist, joined online to accept the
proclamation virtually. Mayor Grant read the proclamation. Ms. Schroeder thanked the
Commission. She stressed the importance of suicide prevention and shared their
available resources.
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Boynton Beach, FL February 1, 2022
H. Proclaim February 7, 2022, as Robert E. Wells Day. Bishop Bernard Wright
will accept the proclamation.
Vice Mayor Hay read the proclamation, which was accepted by Bishop Bernard Wright.
Bishop Wright thanked the community and Commission for recognizing his great-
grandfather Robert E. Wells each year. He shared some of his personal story and history
and heritage of the City. He discussed his desire to overturn the City Commission
4. Public Audience
Individual Speakers Will Be Limited To 3 Minute Presentations (at the discretion
of the Chair, this 3 -minute allowance may need to be adjusted depending on the
level of business coming before the City Commission)
Mayor Grant asked the Commission to consider a second public audience opportunity
for anyone needing more than 3 minutes to be heard before Item 13A.
Vice Mayor Hay asked for clarification and expressed support for allowing speakers to
have extra time to speak during this public audience.
Commissioner Romelus prefers to limit to 3 minutes.
Mayor Grant said he will set the timer for 3 minutes and if a speaker needs additional
time then he will reset the timer for 3 minutes.
Bishop Bernard Wright, 713 NW 7t" Street, CEO of Bernard Wright Ministries and
current candidate for Mayor. He asked for the Commission to resign immediately.
Ms. Morris said there is a lot of prejudice in the City. The Police Department has been
riding by my house for years and years. It's funny you all talk about mental health when
you all sitting up there are causing mental health. The Police Department rides up and
down because someone white make accusations. What about my mental health? I could
have been the one jumping off that bridge as a single parent. You all talk about Black
History. I want to honor my grandson. He was a valedictorian ever since pre-school. He
was an honor student and then your cop killed him like he was dirt. Mark Sohn needs to
get out of here because he doesn't care about life, even if it is a child. Get him out of here.
I still got racists around my door. Racists in Boynton Beach and we need a change.
Justice for SJ.
Renee Morris said your officer left my nephew dead like a dog. Last week, Mayor, when
you thought no one was listening, you said the Chief is not here, so we don't have time
for this stuff. This stuff is named Stanley Dale Davis III and don't even speak ill of my
nephew again. Lori, you make $250,000 a year for what? To sit here and let this man
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continue to slaughter people? This is the third time. He's still a police officer. He's racist
because he's hunting our black men like dogs. He knew my nephew was going to be
something. An educated black man. That's a white man's worse enemy. That's why he
took my nephew to his death. We don't know if he hit the bike or boxed him off and made
him hit the curb. He needs to go. I need to start a petition to get the four votes to get you
off the Board because you are the common denominator. You act like black people don't
matter but we pay taxes too. We pay your salaries. This is some horse manure and I'm
sick of it. If I was all of you black people, I would move out of Boynton and stop paying
taxes. Then you all would do something about it. Or, when he kills one of your white kids.
No, it's not a black white thing but it is. And for everyone that keeps saying my family is
after a settlement, we are after justice because one of your officers slaughtered my
nephew like a dog. He hunted him like he was prey. I don't want to hear when the
investigation is over, we'll do something. An investigation can take up to a year. So, we'll
have to keep using our tax dollars to pay this man while he sits home for a year? We want
an independent investigation because the Highway Patrol will side with you all. You all
are gonna' sweep it under the rug but it will not be done. You are gonna say we'll get tired
and fizzle out but there will be at least ten of us here every meeting. Have a nice day.
Shannon Thompson, SJ's mother, noted she may need more than three (3) minutes. I
want to go over some things that Lori, the City Manager, stated. I'm going to quote
everything you said so it's not an opinion. You stated, "Your ability to terminate a police
officer is limited by the Union, contracts, and Law Enforcement Officer's Bill of Rights
Statute 112 and that the Chief of Police Michael Gregory will make a recommendation of
disciplinary action then you yourself being the City Manager will make the final decision."
You also stated, "The car was not equipped with dash cam." So, my question is, are
officers not equipped with body cams then, Or, how about you release the call that should
have been placed in this unlawful unauthorized pursuit. Or does an officer not have to call
in pursuits anymore? Are officers making traffic stops alone anymore? Next, you stated
"None of us have the facts surrounding this tragedy in order to make a fully informed
decision." Well, who made the decision to release a false narrative, a false claim, that my
child was riding reckless December 26, 2011, that warranted an illegible pursuit that was
this cause of his death without all the facts? Ironically, your team felt compelled to release
a statement without all the facts to place not only the blame but to justify your serial killer
cop Mark Sohn's conduct and behavior that killed Stanley Davis III. It's funny how now,
since you want to vindicate this untamed animal of the police officer, you state you do not
have all the facts. How convenient is that now? Then you went on the state marital law,
which you quoted "the victim is entitled to the following rights beginning at the time of his
or her victimization the right to prevent disclosure of information that can be used to locate
or harass the victim or the victim's family, or which could disclose confidential privileged
information of the victim. Is Stanley Dale Davis III not a 13 -year-old victim? His life was
tragically ended due to the illegal breach of a policy and regulations by an employed on -
duty veteran officer. Stanley is the victim. He should have been protected even more than
Mark Sohn. Instead, his identify was released while he was still lying on the scene
deceased without the facts that surrounded this tragedy in order to make a fully informed
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decision. We, the family of the victim, should be protected under the same Marcy's Law
as Mark's family. Are we not receiving harassment family? Even from local business
owners, one in particular, Priority Towing, when we had to retrieve my deceased sons
motor vehicle bike and how we were treated. We have been getting harassed from
strangers with racial threats and slander. Can you answer why Mark Sohn and his family
are protected under Marcy's Law and not the actual victim and his family? No answers.
Ok. Lori, you also had some responses from your FCMMA interview. You were asked
"Why did you select a career in public service?" You answered "I did not select it, it
selected me. It was then when I fell in love with the satisfaction of knowing you can make
a direct positive impact on the lives of so many people." What positive impact how you
made by allowing an officers continue being employed with two previous fatalities while
breaking a policy resulting in a grievance suffering, pain, and eternal brokenness to
families or his victims. The next question. What is the most memorable experience you
had on the job? You said "The most memorable experience to date was the day we signed
the bond document to kick off our town square redevelopment project. The project has
been the topic of discussion for 20 years." A $250 million development project. It's great
to see a $250 million was allocated for a development project but your police officers have
no money allocated to install dash cams into their vehicles. How do you suppose the
public and officers will be safe and protected since there are no additional recording
devices that will help to keep them safe from crimes? Or is that not of great concern
because you want to be able to boast about your accomplishment of a project that no one
actually care to complete in over 20 years. You were asked next what are your hobbies
and interests. You stated "You enjoy your fur babies, which we all know are animals. We
are now empty nesters." That must be a wonderful feeling that you and your husband are
empty nesters. Here's a glimpse of how I have to spend remembering my son. When I
want to hug my son, an air hug. When I feel like I have to talk to my son, I have to go to
a grave site. When I hear his laugh, joke, and kiki I have to now go retrieve videos in my
archive that I stored just to hear his voice. But I'm glad you're an empty nester. Stanley,
are you going to be an empty nester? I didn't think so. Then, you were asked if you could
give once piece of advice that is interested in public health service, what would it be. You
said "Always be true to yourself. Be honest. Act with the highest integrity. Don't let your
job define you. You must be fully committee to achieve your highest capability." What
does being true to yourself mean to you? Is it concealing the truth? Lacking empathy?
Lacking empathy to suffering families? Or is it displaying no morals or ethics? Or maybe
this is your way of acting with honesty and highest integrity. Let's recall some of the things
since we know she's been in this chair for a while. In 2014, there was more than fifty
police officers that protested outside this same City Hall, demanding you to resign. How
about Rocky Solvotor? Michael Gregory recommended Rocky's employment be
terminated after an internal affairs investigation determined his violated the department's
drug testing policy. Lori finalized that and made the final decision. Rocky's failed drug test
warranted his to get fired yet Mark Sohn broke policy countless times. Yet Lori seems
unable to make a final decision to terminate him. How convenient. How about September
2017 with an incident involving Major Michael Johnson and Officer Mark Sohn. Mark was
pulled over for a speeding violation for traveling a high speed of 97 miles per hour in a
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65 -mile zone. Mark vehicle, at that time, had a working dash cam that captured the entire
incident, followed by body footage. Johnson was even heard admitting that he had
violated and broke the law by speeding after realizing Mark was capturing the entire
incident on footage. The Internal Affairs report indicated that speed is specifically listed
as an example of behavior that violates the City's unbecoming conduct rule. Yet Lori made
the final decision to reject disciplinary recommendations and then insinuated the
department was leaking information once the City was pressured to investigate that
incident. Or, how about Officer Ventyre Finney, who was also fired by Lori for conduct
unbecoming of a police officers as Finney was involved in soliciting oral sex in prostitution.
Are Mark's behaviors not unbecoming or are you still afraid if you discipline him it may
result in another attempt of him disclosing things that you guys have been trying to cover
up and hide for years. I'm glad they spoke about today's the first day for Black History
Month. Let's not forget Latosha Clemons. She was to be honored and remembered for
being the first black female firefighter but also holding the position as the first black female
Deputy Chief. She was to be honored with a mural that was set to reveal her image in
honor. Yes, Lori, had her whitewashed and had her represented with the white female's
image. You stole her most memorable moment. I'm gonna close with what Lori said.
Always be honest and act with the highest integrity. Don't let your job define you. But you
must be fully committed to achieve your highest capabilities. Some leadership.
Ester said she resides at 800 N. Federal Highway where you all killed Stanley Davis. I
just want to know where Chief Michael Gregory is. I also understood he had Covid a few
weeks ago and he was working from home. Mrs. LaVerriere, where is the Chief of Police?
This is our third meeting, and he had the audacity not to show up. We have some
questions that you need to address. When are you going to be able to address the public
Mayor Grant responded if you would like to have a conversation with Mr. Gregory, you
can do it outside. This is public comments. We are able to hear what you have to say.
This is not necessarily a question -and -answer phase of the City Commission meeting. If
you would like to have a conversation for the City Commission to discuss we can have
something on a future agenda.
Ester said we have been asking for three weeks now, and nobody gave us a date when
we can ask our questions and have answers.
Mayor Grant replied that is up to the City Commission to decide whether to have that
item on a future agenda as part of our ability here as the governing board. So, if that is
what you are asking for, that is something that I will ask the Commission to do so we can
speak at the next City Commission meeting.
Ester said ok sounds good.
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City Manager LaVerriere said the Chief hosted a meeting last week, if an additional
meeting is needed, we can schedule another one.
Mayor Grant said we will ask the community at the next City Commission meeting to
discuss the workshop with the Police Chief. Does that make sense?
City Manager LaVerriere stated he is available. He does not need to speak now but we
are happy to do that and plan to do so.
Mayor Grant said so that is what we will do. At the next meeting City Commission meeting,
a planning workshop for a question and answer of what is going on in the Boynton Beach
Police Department.
Thomas Turkin, 132 SW 2nd Avenue, said his heart goes out the family of SJ. When I
decided to start to make the attempt to serve my community he has been let down and
discouraged. He wished Commissioner Katz was here so he could read him the email
where he told him it would be a tough road and that there are strong front runners. Who
emails that to a candidate? Commission Romelus, thank for emailing me back and
answering my phone calls on how to get started. I did not hear anything back from Ty
Penserga. At the Boynton Beach Christmas lighting I tried to introduced myself and you
snubbed me. I did believe in you, but I lost that. He understands that there have been
rumors that my signs have been illegal but everything in cordial. However, he has been
hearing rumors from the citizens in Chapel Hill and Forest Park that City employees were
campaigning for Ty Penserga, and Marit Hedeen. He does not know if that is true. He is
just letting you know what his neighbors told him. From the moment he started, there has
only been one woman that he has solely trusted and is equal and accountable for all and
she is sitting to my left. Her name is Crystal Gibson. I come from a background of
organizational leadership and when leadership fails, it is time to make a change. He wants
to know if there is an answer on shots fired in front of his house early Saturday morning.
He does not think it was intentional, but he would like a follow up. If the Police Department
is not working, we need to look at leadership and if the City government is not working,
we need to look at leadership.
Sharon Hobbs, pastor of Greater Saint Paul AME Church, thanked the City for
supporting the human trafficking awareness walk in January. We hope to do it again next
year because it was greatly received, and we are getting more people aware. We would
love to do this annually. Thank you.
Reverend Patricia Burgess Clinton, 2206 NE 4t" Court, has been a resident for fifteen
years. I went to school with Tina Hunter, I saw the incident on TV. How could we sit here
as citizens and overlook a young boy getting killed the day after Christmas? I saw some
of the videos. Why didn't the officer call his mother? In my day, we knew cops. Black and
white. We grew up in a time, if we got pregnant early in high school, we had cops come
be mothers to us. He was right at the pump. Get the kid and put him the back of the seat
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of the car. Call his family. But we're sitting here judging should we let this cop stay on the
force. This is a no brainer. Three people have been murdered by this cop. How can you
go to bed at night? It could be any of our kids. It could be your kid. How could you not feel
something? Talking about a Friday night movie theater when a young boy is in the
cemetery. You know what going on. I'm in the community and it concerns me. I even had
problems with the Boynton cops. How can you sleep at night? The boy had potential. He
could have been the next Mayor and we're sitting up here talking about eating on a Friday.
That's crazy to me. I'm done. When's it's serious and talking about someone's child dying,
no one has answers. That cop needs to go. Fire him. Get rid of him.
Tory Orr, stands with Shannon Thompson's family and the Davis family. SJ is my family
too. I wanna talk about what Lori said as well. I'm reading that she called Office Mark
Sohn a victim. Like how is this piece of sh*t a victim. Since when did he become a victim?
I know City officials know what's going on. Lori has been the City Manager since 2011
and in office for 27 years. Dale got killed in 2011. Jaden got killed. Nothing happened.
Now SJ. Now you're telling us 180 days of due process. Then we started paying this guy
our money sitting at home watching tv. Then I'm seeing in the memo Lori said we don't
want to release his name because they're find his address. I know where he's staying but
that's not my concern. I need his new address to the be the Department of Correction.
Then Lori said we need to worry about the guy's name. What about SJ's mom? The
threats they are getting. They say it's not black and white. You see what you see. It's only
white people saying these things. I got something for the Mayor too. In the last four years,
me and the Mayor have accomplished a lot of things. Boy, I'll tell you. That man, he was
a human at the crash site, and he thought, for a second, that could have been my Eleanor
up there, that could have been my baby. Now, he comes here and Lori tells him the PBA
threated him. We know you're running for Senator next year but we're gonna make sure
you're not the Senator of this County. Christina Romelus has a lot of alligator tears. She
does a lot of crying up there, but nothing happens. Mr. Woodrow Hay, I have a lot of
respect for, because I remember one time I went to his house and the police was out
there to jump on us. This man stands with us, but we got to see it. That day I was up there
with SJ at that BBQ stand. I said SJ that's a nice bike and SJ said I've been good all year.
Earl said do you want your chicken wings now and SJ said no I'm gonna get my gas and
come right back. There were two police. One police at the church and one police at the
Dollar General. They don't see the kids as threats after Christmas. They didn't move
because they know this a culture in Boynton after Christmas. We've been riding dirt bikes
since the 80s since I was a small tike. Just to see the Mayor and Lori sit up here and
constantly put shade over our eyes and knowing they could fire this officer right now. Why
haven't you seen one recommendation from not one person on the dais? You could
recommend it in the public so people could see it. We need the Feds in Boynton. We do
not need these local jokers. How much longer are we gonna keep seeing these bullies.
You're putting these bullets in here. Shannon said that Lori said that you have to have
integrity and do the right thing when no one else is around. Well, the people of District 2
is asking you all to do the right thing. We are fighting or this baby and we are going to
make sure this baby has a park in his name. Whoever thought this stuff would touch our
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front door. That girl said she ain't got nothing to hug. I got one son. Lose his life to the
hand of a pig? Then you're up here hollering about movie night. We just gonna pop up.
We will be here. There was no excuse for you to close the movie last Friday night. My
cousin had a big bag of popcorn. We don't want none of your snacks. We gonna push for
justice for this baby and accountability at every event you have in this City.
Carmen Morris, 333 NW 12th Avenue, can recall the day her grandson had this fatality. I
was hurt and crying. I said this cracker killed my baby. The way that man ran my baby
down. You said we are gonna get justice. You ain't getting us nothing. Now you got a
whole other demeanor. You hugged me. You told me everything was gonna be alright. I
don't know nothing about politics. You don't remember hugging me? You're don't
remember me Mr. Grant? I don't see nothing. You all were talking about my grandson,
but he was still a kid. I don't get it at all. I'm mad. Mark Sohn sitting a home with his family.
I don't get no understanding out of that. What happened? You flipped the whole script.
I'm hurt. My grandson was 13 years old. He just turned 13. His Christmas gift, you all
wrecked him out on that. But I got a DUI and you everything I said. I'm doing a year
probation and I got $1,000 to pay but you all had the dash cam and the body cam. I'm
upset about my grandson. Justice for SJ. This is what I'm living for today. My son and his
baby mama, they are mourning. Shannon's only child. Stanley's oldest child. We need
some justice. Three people that man killed. He's watching me right now talk about his a*s
and he's getting paid. We're gonna be here. Everything y'all have, we gonna interrupt.
Justice for SJ.
Dr. Stephanie Hayden-Adeyemo, 2181 SW 15th Avenue, N102, joined virtually. I'm
standing in the capacity of a resident since 1994. The way I'm connected to this sudden
tragedy and murder is because my sister is related to SJ's uncle. Unfortunately, we say
and speak things in jest and generalization, but this is next to my home. I ran for Mayor
of this City. What I do realize that there is nothing in the City that does not have a checks
and balances. Ms. LaVerriere put a statement out so she can be left blameless like she's
done the past with some of her sketchy judgment. Everything goes through her checks
and balances. The clock is ticking. All the Commissioner seats will change. You think this
is going to go away, but it's not. I am persistent. I wanted 7 years to run for Mayor. What
I do know is I asked for the City Attorney and the Chief of Police to resign. I am requesting
again that Ms. LaVerriere submit her letter of resignation and that the new Commission
vote on no confidence in the City Manager and the Police Chief. I also want to go on
record that I heard you state that you can put on a public audience meeting where they
are asking you questions, Ms. LaVerriere, or the Police Chief. Can you clarify that please?
Mayor Grant said I want to thank you for your service to the City through our advisory
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo replied that you don't need to congratulate me for my years of
service. Can you just answer the question? Can you tell me the steps and details it so it
is on the record, so they know the steps to request this meeting?
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Mayor Grant said on future agenda we can put an item on today to direct the City Manager
to have a public workshop with herself, the Chief, and if the City Commission wants to
have a public workshop with the community, they are able to do that at a separate time.
We would have a discussion at our future agenda item later tonight. Thank you. I recuse
my time to the next speaker.
Pernell Davis, 832 NW 8t" Avenue, said he remember last time he spoke up here City
Manager Lori kept putting her hand up to her ear like call me and I called her office three
times, and I didn't get a meeting yet. I talked to Keisha. To the Chief, I called you three
times and didn't get any feedback from you either. I heard you say last time we needed
to wait until the investigation concludes but while we are waiting, we have a pattern that
is already established of person who doesn't follow policy. When Internal Affairs got
involved, that's when you said we should terminate him. So, IA is involved again. You
read to terminate? No? Ok. Also, I've been watching a lot of these meetings because you
all are my priority. I went back and saw you had a vote about some land by the Boynton
Beach Mall. You were going to use the land for development and people were mad about
trees. You were going to go along with the development and 20 people came in here and
screamed and cried about y'all and y'all changed the vote. We cared about trees there,
but we have a whole person that we don't care about. You don't remember that? Then,
when I was looking around in there, Commissioner Romelus, you stated, "What is a kid's
life worth?" You ever got the answer to that question? Then, I also seen when y'all had to
deal with Kim Kelly at the wing spot and this new development was going in to push her
out. You all changed your mind then. Then we are worrying about money. We talked
about your accomplishment of City Hall being redone but it doesn't look so good with all
these empty lots sitting next to it. Can you and the City Attorney tell us what really
happened? That's a problem. The City Hall is here and looking good and we got vacant
lots right next to it. So, we still fighting for our money. City Attorney, you get money on the
front end when we sign the contracts, then you get money on the back end when we suing
because you just steady going to court charging. Why would you care to get it handled?
Every other city has a downtown but us. There are no vacant lots in Delray downtown.
Also, the situation about Latosha Clemons, which I think is tragic. That situation was
happening in 2019. That was a real blackout for the City. Now, in early 2020 the City
Manager gets a 17% raise. A $34,000 raise. In 2019, the average income for the City of
Boynton is $29,000 so your raise if more than the average person makes here. How is
that fair to the community you serve? A city that you don't even live in so it's easy to call
the shots. You don't need to be policed by these police because they don't live where you
live. Gated community Winston Trail is pretty nice over there. You probably got your own
police. You probably got a dash cam in the security guard car. While we're here paying
out taxes, doing what we got to do, for a force that unequipped. We don't even see a body
cam. That's under Marcy's Law too? You wrote in your memorandum all the student you
can't do but what can you do? Don't give me the one call away thing because I called
three calls. She gonna be part of the Q & A because I want some answers because I can't
get your privately to come speak to me. Every person up there I spoke with privately.
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They did answer the questions. But the two people who are pivotal to this investigation
never returned a call. The Chief and the City Manager.
Mayor Grant said he received a note from the City Manager that there is a Police Town
Hall scheduled for February 22, 2022.
Mr. Davis said that's too long. We've been waiting all this time. Why do we got to keep
Mayor Grant said the City Manager will work with the Chief to do something next week.
Mr. Davis said the Chief don't work with nobody else. Well, we'll be ready for that meeting
next week. Mr. Hay, I got hate for you too. This is your District. Technically, that's on your
watch. You should be the main person demanding justice but due process. Due process
do take too long. Like Dr. Hayden stated it's going to be new people in these seats will
not have a care in the world. We need this stuff done now. I propose we amend the
meeting tonight and try to vote Ms. Lori out. We need four votes. We have one
Commissioner not here but if we get the four, his vote doesn't matter. Mayor, are we
allowed to vote her out tonight?
Mayor Grant said that would have to be something the Commission decides. I'm not
hearing anything from the Commission. As the Chair of the meeting, I cannot create the
Mr. Davis said so Commissioner Hay would you like to amend the meeting?
Commissioner Hay said I want to see what the results of the investigation are ok. I told
you before that I am going to follow what policies and procedures are. What we have to
do is change what's on the books.
Mr. Davis said its part of the law that we can ask you guys to vote out the City Manager.
It's the super majority. That's part of the policy, right?
Commissioner Hay said my focus is on SJ whether you believe that or not. We want to
see the facts on what really happened. That's what I talked to you about.
Mr. Davis said so Mr. Grant, you don't want to?
Mayor Grant said for myself the fact is that the next Commission is going to have the
same City Manager and same City Attorney. No, I don't think we need to change the
captain of the ship right now. We have to have more information and that's where I am at
right now.
Mr. Davis said now I know where we stand. Thank you for your time.
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Cameron Simmons, 239 NE 13th Avenue, joined virtually. I'm calling in support of SJ
and the prolonging of this investigation is uncalled for. You say you want to see the facts,
but the Florida Highway Patrol investigating this situation. So, like Tory stated, when are
we going to get the Feds in here for a proper investigation. That is a question I know you
aren't going to answer it but thank you and have a great night.
Gregory Hartmann, Golf Harbor, 1083 SW 25th Place, stated that the Toys R Us parking
lot on Congress Avenue, has become semi -truck parking lot. It doesn't seem that's the
intention for that parking lot. It has become an eyesore. I don't know if we can send
someone out from Code for that or if we have to deal with the property owner, but I was
wondering if there is anything we can at the City level.
Bryce Graham, 2nd Vice -President for the National Action Network Central Florida
Chapter, and we told you we are not going away. Now let's dispose of the lies that have
been coming from this City. I've checked form Tallahassee to Miami -Dade about K-9 unit
cars having dash cams and all of them have told me all of their cars have a dash cams.
So, what is happening here in Boynton Beach that your K-9 unit cars are not equipped
with dash cams? Is that not allotted in your budget? To make sure that every car is
serviced with a dash cam? Since when are your vehicles not equipped? When I hear
about Boynton Beach, they're not equipped? Something is rotten in Boynton Beach, and
we are ready to make a disposal of it every time we come to these meetings. Let's talk
about it. You are denying his family meetings private meetings as public officials. Shame
on you. Then you want to offer us public meetings. We want meetings in private so that
we can know what's going on. So tonight, City Manager, I advise you pick up the phone,
I don't care who you get the number from, call this family, schedule a meeting before next
week. Chief I need you to get on your A game. If not, I am going to call for your resignation.
It seems like all of you are sweeping stuff under the rug and I came to tell you the
searchlight is one and we did not come to play, We are going to clean house until the
house is clean. I've come to tell you we have demand. Let's start scheduling meetings.
Let's get this dash cam video released. If not, we're going to the next level. Mr. Mayor, I
know you have your name in the Senator's race for Florida, but I don't know if you are
going to win like this. Every time you say you are with us, you retract it and retract it, and
you want us to support you. No way. So, our demands tonight as we have been requesting
is to release the video and ultimately release the name of this officer who brutally chased
down SJ. We want justice. We want accountability. We want full transparency because it
is lacking in this City.
Lakirie Hickman, 1990 NW 1St Street, said Lori moral of the story, we need you to resign.
Stanley Davis, SJ's father, said Mr. Hay this is your district. It's been going on for far too
long man. We got people that's not even a part of this District that is fighting with us. You
stood up at my son's funeral and told us you had our back and now you're backtracking.
Me, as a man, if I say something, I'm going to stand on it. Mayor, as a man, put yourself
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in my shoes. If that was your child, you'd want actions. Don't sit here and tell me we can't
do this, or I don't want to do this, or the investigation is ongoing. We got a following. They
feeding off our fuel as far as things that are going on in this community. I'm running out
of patience. I have nothing. I have another child but to my other child, I'm not his dad. I'm
nothing right now so I have nothing to lose. I want you all to understand where I'm coming
from. I'm a patient man but I can get violent which means this can go a whole other way.
I don't care at this point. Y'all can lock me. I'm becoming inpatient. I'm not getting no
answers. I'm not getting no solutions. I have nothing. I have an empty home. I have a
child I'll never see walk through the door again and for you to be a man it's no way I can
go back on what I say. I don't give a f**k the police are here right now. I'm going to stand
with my heart. I'm not gonna let nobody make me feel otherwise. Here it is Mr. Hay, it's
your District. You're supposed to stand on what's going on in this community. I'm not a
bashful person. I don't care to get up and disrespect you but I'm gonna speak what I feel
regardless how you feel about me after this meeting. I respected you as a man prior to
this incident. You didn't have to get up to that funeral and say nothing. You are supposed
to stand on what you said. I taught my son that. When he did something, he was
accountable because me as a man that's what I instilled in my child. How does that make
you feel to look another man in his face and tell me you gotta wait for something. I'd rather
you just said we'll take the vote today rather than tell me you want to wait. That ain't what
you said at that funeral and we ain't asked you for that. Mr. Grant, you got kids running
around here but the difference is the skin color so your kid won't be policed like my kid
would be. In my community, kids love the police. But over here they don't. They fear the
police. I'm not saying he should or shouldn't be fired prior to this incident but anyone with
common sense would have taken him and put him in another area. The reason you didn't
is because y'all know he couldn't go nowhere else and police the way he do. You guys
have the power to make a change and nobody's making change. If we go in an uproar,
we'll see action but there's going to be blood being shed. Not saying that's the proper way
to go but it seems things start to get moving when we make people of power
uncomfortable. I honestly believe that's what you want so you can justify what happened
to my child. I'm trying to be patient but how patient do you expect me to be? I call his mom
crying and I'm supposed to be the man so that shows how broken I am. I don't have time.
You guys want time. It's been over a month. Broken promises. The community is yearning
for change. The only thing we asked for was a vote and I'd respect if you said no upon
the vote. I can accept that. But, as a man, I cannot respect you telling me to wait. You lost
a child, but you did not lose a child to violence so you ain't gonna understand my pain
and rage. If I got up here and did something stupid, I'd be held accountable. The State
Attorney didn't have to wait for anything. I was arrested right then and there and had to
prove my innocence later. I'm only asking for what is right. The Chief reached out to me
before the bike ride to tell me about the law but he's the same person we asked to change
the narrative about my son and he said he couldn't. My son has been criticized. My son
has been talked about bad and a lot of this was going on at the scene of the crime. My
son is displayed all over the world. You guys still want me to have patience. My boy's 13
years old man. I'm a wreck. His mom's stronger than me and I don't know where I'd be
without her and we weren't the closest friends prior to this incident. I don't eat. I don't
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sleep. I get up at 12:00 now. My whole day is nothing. Nothing gets accomplished. I had
my brother go pay my light bill because my lights were off. I don't care about life anymore.
So, if it's going to take for me to do dumb s**t to get action then that's what I'll do for my
child. Tired of being peaceful and patient and getting no results. On the scene that day,
things could have gotten ugly that day, but we chose to keep it peaceful. Lori, you didn't
reach out to us. That s**t is disgusting. It shouldn't take for us to be disrespectful, rude,
or violent for y'all to understand where we're coming from. Things gotta change or it's
going to get ugly. It ain't just me. Things are patient and non-violent because of me. The
only thing I have to say is go and it's gonna happen whether y'all feel like I'm that powerful
or not. I can't stomach what you just said man. Y'all gotta make a change man.
Kayla Franklin said this is our third meeting and we're still begging for something so
simple that you have the power to do. What will you lose if you let this cop go? You won't
lose your $250,000 salary?
Mayor Grant asked if she is familiar with the Florida statute for Officer's Bill of Rights. The
state legislature created a double standard for officers where they have a right to a full
investigation before they have the opportunity to make a statement. Anything that affects
the full investigation can allow for that officer to not seek any repercussions for many of
their actions. So that is where the City is. We're not doing anything that would deny justice
for SJ even though at the time it seems that we are waiting. This is the aspect of the
investigation where we have to wait until FHP gives us the results. So that is where the
current law from Tallahassee.
Ms. Franklin said so Ms. Lori, when the other officer failed his drug test it took this long
and y'all had to do all this with Tallahassee for you to fire him? Ok, thank you for that.
My problem is it is not reputable because you are known for recanting. Outside of you
coming to the scene where you said the officer and City is responsible. You remember
you said that right? At our first meeting I asked you personally what is going on with you
recanting. You said your wife told you to say that. Your wife's not the Mayor. You just
sleep with her. You are the Mayor, so you went back on a statement regarding a 13 -year-
old child's life because your wife told you to say that.
Mayor Grant said people were making threats and they currently are still making threats,
and what I said was that my incomplete statement that the City and police...
Ms. Franklin said I asked you what is this about you recanting. You was on my phone
asking about the repass. We're gonna make right of this situation because this is wrong.
Whatever you need done, we're gonna get done. You ain't done nothing to make it right.
Mayor Grant said I was talking about the situation with Ezell Hester.
Ms. Franklin said here you go recanting again. You're losing more and more respect
instead of standing on your word and saying I did say this and I didn't say that. That's not
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what real men do. That's not what leaders of a City should be doing. It's real troubling.
Mr. Hay when you came to the funeral and you told us you gonna make right. I specifically
remember you saying, "it only takes a certain number of votes and you got mine." You
said that. So, for you to sit here now when we're trying to get through this because y'all
get to go home and sleep and live your life like nothing changed since December 26, but
all our lives are altered. We can't eat. Can't sleep. Losing weight. We're depressed. You
don't care Lori and we're asking you to go. Let somebody in there that actually cares.
What are you losing by letting this officer go? Y'all probably be doing drugs. You get an
officer go for from a drug test, but you don't let an officer go that's responsible for three
lives. You got three bodies in a cemetery. But for Mark, you gotta wait for investigations.
Y'all didn't wait to send out all those reports. My nephew was on the ground when the first
article came out about him and who he was without the facts. When your Chief of Police
was out there gonna make sure everything gets right again. So, when is the meeting and
how are y'all gonna let us know about the meeting?
Mayor Grant said I don't have that answer. So, my original plan was that at the next City
Commission meeting we would let everyone know. So, I don't know when.
Ms. Franklin said it looks like y'all are trying to push it back because y'all are not going to
be in the chair.
Mayor Grant said at this meeting, we can't tell you when it's going to be. I can tell you on
February 22nd there is a scheduled meeting and on February 15th I can tell you all the
Ms. Franklin said at that point we'll have been waiting two months since my nephew was
killed. That's another thing, Mr. Hay, you cut us off when we were talking about voting.
You said your focus was on SJ but why are we now penciling him in on an agenda. Why
wasn't he on an agenda when he was killed by your officer on the 26th? Why today, when
we're asking about voting homegirl out, your focus is on SJ? Why now? Mr. Grant has a
lot to say tonight.
Vice Mayor Hay said I haven't responded because of the interruption. It's one of those
situations where whatever I saw is not going to be the right answer. When I was at the
church and I said what I said, I meant that. It was my error not to say, "within the law." We
have policies and procedures on the books that I don't necessarily agree with, but we
have to operate within the guidelines and the law. When I saw it takes three votes to do
things, I didn't think I had to say within the law. I'm not going to do anything outside
policies, procedures, and the law. That will cause us to be subjective to possibly paying
fines and going to jail.
Ms. Franklin said so when Pernell was up here and he was speaking about super majority,
that's part of policy correct? That's within the law.
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Vice Mayor Hay said I don't have the final report and I told you that. I'm trying to let you
know that I'm going to wait on the final report from FHP. When I get that I will make a final
Ms. Franklin asked in cases like this, how long does it take for a report to come in?
Vice Mayor Hay said I don't have that information.
Unidentified speaker said the City of Boynton is the only city that has red camera lights.
He ran a red light so there should be a video of all his actions since we don't have a dash
cam. Why can't we get that?
Mayor Grant said are you talking about Boynton Beach Boulevard and Federal?
Unidentified speaker said there are red-light cameras and only the City of Boynton still
has that.
Mayor Grant said from my knowledge this is no red-light camera at that intersection.
Unidentified speaker said from my knowledge, you look high as h**I.
Lolonda Byrd -Davis, one of Stanley's aunts, said I posed a question at the last meeting
via webinar about whether you guys came together to have a meeting about my nephew.
You told me no. Here we are at another meeting, and he is not part of this agenda. How
do we make this part of your future agenda because it's not going away? Lori, you stated
in your memorandum about what's in your power and what you can do as far as hiring
and firing. You stated you cannot do anything. At the end of your statement, it did not say
you can't do anything. You stated, after the investigation is over, you can take a
suggestion from the Chief so that lets me know it's still in your power to fire after this
investigation is over. It does not release you from your duties. We are running out of
patience. If you are going to uphold integrity and your title, we are looking at you to uphold
your duties because every other situation you have been the common denominator. We
need you to upload your abilities as well, not to see as if you cannot perform. The other
issue is that you guys won't be here as this situation prolongs and it's dragged out so how
can we ensure that he given his due process and his opportunity for justice? How do we
know he will have a fair opportunity for his voice to be heard?
Mayor Grant said you want to know how we continue to make sure that we get justice for
Ms. Byrd -Davis said when you change over power to whoever comes in as Commission,
because there is an issue he won't be heard, and it will be swept under the rug. How can
we make this issue part of your future agenda?
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Mayor Grant said that is something the Commission will get to when we get to Future
Ms. Byrd -Davis said so you're going to get to it today, correct? Thank you.
Quentin Davis joined virtually. He said we're back again for another week, looking at
your d**n face, acting like you don't give a d**n. It's sad that the family have to ask y'all
for something that they shouldn't even have to. I'm going to tell everyone the real reason
they won't get rid of that officer is because that officer is doing y'all dirty work. Everything
that child want to do, and you don't have balls to do, you send that officer out there to f**k
up our lives, kill our children, and f**k us up all around. But, like I said, God sits high and
looks low and every day that you come to work and have that stupid look at your face, he
gonna see about you. That's all I can say sir.
Ernest Mignoli, 710 NE 7t" Street, Unit 407, said he lives a block from where the incident
happened. I was in that are working on a reckless driving video thing of how police don't
protect children and handicapped trying to cross the walk. I'm videoing police cars not
doing their job and then what happens happens. This City knows I do press work all over
the world and right now mostly in NJ and NY and now in Boynton Beach. I was very close
to the scene and why I tried to get near it and talking to the family and witnesses, one of
the police officers told me you have a press pass. You need to leave. I said I'm 200 feet
behind the yellow line and you're telling me to leave. When Boynton Beach Police are
trying to cover stuff up and they tell you to leave, you better leave. So, I walked away and
wound up about 600 feet and I was still able to get what I needed. Since I live right there,
I kept coming back all day on foot. Every aspect of that incident is important. Every
building. Every witness. Every mark on the road. Every sign. Where every police officer
was. The Patrol Commander inside. What's an officer sitting there stalking? You're not
on a radio or body cam or anything. Then I get very involved with the Police Department.
The Mayor knows me. They're all telling everyone you better be careful Mr. Mignoli. The
Mayor and the Council they all hate you. Let me talk about what's important. The Florida
Highway Patrol is very conflicted with the Boynton Beach Police. They hang out at the
Goodyear together. They go party together. These people are so conflicted. Can I tell you
how conflicted they are? One of the problems I'm having with the news coverage, it
happens to be controlled by who you are looking at up here, the stories are watered down.
It's all a cover up. That's why your Chief doesn't stop texting during these meetings. He's
over there texting what can we do to shut this down. The Boynton Beach Police
Department Internal Affairs is so corrupt. The only way everything is going to work
correctly is if no one to my left is here after March 8t" and I mean no one. If that gentleman
somehow manages to get elected Mayor don't expect any justice in Boynton Beach to
change. This City needs a real change. You don't have to worry about Mayor. He's gone.
You don't have the worry about Romelus. She's gone. Who else is gone? Katz. Who you
have to work around is Hay and Mr. Penserga. If that gentleman gets in, it will be the
same old and let me tell you, in my research, including the City lawyer from Ft. Lauderdale
for 30 years here. You have no idea what this law firm has done in the City with special
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deals. All kinds of stuff. When I saw that kid laying there, I feel like that's my kid. I'm going
to get involved big time and I don't care how many of these characters threaten me. The
Police come to my house and threaten me. They think it's funny. The Chief hiding out with
that fake Covid. Then you got Spates the Internal Affairs guy. You don't want to know his
record for covering things up. His record with this City Manager and City lawyer, forget it.
I'm telling you the police, fireman, and City officials have gotten off for crimes and
corruption. No more camera? You're with the Palm Beach Post, right? You're the one that
is close to the Mayor. Watch the way they cover this tonight. If you look at what you all
have allowed on your Facebook pages and the comments, you're eliciting to threaten this
family. You think it's funny. The only thing you had was an honest moment when you said
the cop is wrong and the City is wrong. Then you got afraid and change my story. No
matter what happens, when you're gone, a lot of us will feel less fearful. You really engage
police to go after people. Look at how your City lawyer denies OPRAs. Every time I ask
your City about information about police that's public record, they won't give it to me. I'm
interested in all the cases. You people are 100% when you say this group is a coverup
artist. That lawyer, that City Manager, these Commissioners, they are covering every
single thing up.
Commissioner Romelus said you're done so.
Mr. Mignoli said why don't you keep stealing our political signs. You know how much
money I put in and you're stealing them all.
Corye Readon, 631 Evergreen Drive, Lake Park, joined virtually. To the Davis family, I
just wanted to let you know I'm here and still with you. I thought by now something would
have come out or something would have been done but I don't know if somebody is
playing games or if this thing needs to take its course. Mayor, I wanted to ask you, when
you originally made your statement about it was the City's fault, I wanted to ask you what
did you mean by that? Do you still stand by that?
Mayor Grant said my comment was we should not blame the Police Department for the
actions of an individual officers; however, the City and Police are responsible. I'm not
judge and jury to decide who ends up with responsibility. I have the ability to make a
decision about what's going on with the City Manager and City Attorney and make sure
everyone speaks. At the next meeting, I said that the City and Police are responsible for
a thorough and diligent investigation. There needs to be accountability and transparency
and that we need to put safety and education as a priority. The problems that I had is that
the media took my words and stated things that I didn't actually mean. I am here listening
to what everyone says and answering my phone when somebody speaks. You're right,
you guys got me. It is just a lot of emotions right now and we've been here now over four
hours trying to do what we can to for the best of the City. I made a promise to get justice
for SJ and that is what I plan to do. I'll be happy to speak with anybody on how I feel and
what my thoughts are for the best way City should move forward. If the Commission so
desires, at the future agenda meeting, we can have the ability to have regular updates
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about what is going on with SJ, that we have the conversation about the City Manager
and City Attorney and because of the Florida Statute, there is not much more we can say.
Mr. Readon said I know things take time. You guys got a time frame in mind because I
don't want to say none of this is going to waste. I know you guys got to be tired of people
shouting out you guys. We gonna be here day in and day out and not give up at all.
Mayor Grant said the timeframe is out of our hands FHP and the County Medical
Examiner are doing the investigation. The City Manager made in her statement about 180
days but that is just a guess. The only thing I have in reference to is how long it took to
get justice for Corey Jones and that took 8 months.
Mr. Readon said I'm sorry I'm gonna cut you off but does the 180 days does that start
from the day the accident happens or does that happen the day the Florida Highway
Patrol kicked in.
Mayor Grant said that's just a guess. There's no statute that states we're gonna have an
idea when it's coming forward. The other thing is, because of the Officer's Bill of Rights,
there is not going to be any comment. That bill came after the incident with Corey Jones.
Mr. Readon said thanks for your time Mayor.
Yuri Konnikov, ITS Support Manager, said there is a question online from Dr. Stephanie
Hayden-Adeyemo. The question is will you allow those that spoke once in virtual to go
Mayor Grant said during Future Agenda the Commission will discuss whether the public
will again have an opportunity speak for three minutes.
Mercedes Morris, 112 NE 16th Avenue, said she's going to read something Shamarie
sent about SJ in her absence. She read:
"Hi, I'm Shamarie Davis, Stanley Davis' cousin. 1 can't be here today but please know 1
wanted to be here. Writing this is bringing me to tears just because 1 want to be at
everything regarding him. 1 shouldn't have to write a speech for my younger cousin using
past tense words to share memories we had together On January 26, it marked a month
since SJ has been gone. It feels like I'm just starting to heal but hat specific day looking
at that time at school it replayed the exact seconds minutes and what was happening
during those hours a month ago for me. In second period at 8:23 1 remember the phone
call me and SJ had about him coming over later when he got off the bike. In lunch at
11:40am 1 remember eating bagel sandwiches with my mom, my dad's stepmom, and our
dog. At 12:20 ish 1 remember my dad getting that call and throughout the day 1 remember
every moment that happened on December 26. At exactly what time it happened. 1 never
remembered a day so vividly before until that day. 1 want one more day that 1 can
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remember vividly for years to come, and 1 want that day to be the day we get justice for
SJ. "
Susan Oyer, 140 SE 27th Way, said she wanted to speak on a different topic, but I wanted
to let everyone speak their peace. This is off topic from what you have been talking about
all night not that I do feel sorry for your loss. The charity I started, The St. George's Society
of Palm Beach has been raising funds to plant trees around the world. We've already
donated $13,500 to plant trees in Liverpool, England. We are now raising fuds to plant an
urban orchard in Boynton Beach. I invited all of you to attend one of our fundraising events
so we can raise money to plant trees in Boynton Beach. Funds are also being raised to
plant trees in West Palm, Palm Beach, and Tanzania Africa. I hope you will consider
getting involved in one of our events because we are raising money for this City. I also
want to note I came and asked where the heck our Mayor photos are and they're still not
up so find the boxes, take them out, and stick them on the wall.
City Manager LaVerriere said I would say within a month. We've got them on order. We
just got frames to match the d6cor of the new building.
Alicia Reeves joined virtually. She is Stanley's aunt and Shannon's sister. I stated before
I share the exact same sentiments as the speakers before me. I would like to address the
citations that were issued at the one of the peaceful rallies for SJ. It was the event that
started at the gas station which the officer pursued SJ and led to his demise. Mayor, you
know that event ended up at a park in the City because I think you assisted with the
permit. I could be wrong. I think it's so disheartening for your agency to sneakily issue
citations to riders, and they blocked the event off. I think it was probably done at the
direction of the Chief who was back there so unbothered with that baggy uniform. You
need to right that wrong because it is unfair for motorists to pay for tickets while peacefully
assembling. As you know that is a first amendment constitutional right. Earlier you
mentioned the Florida statute Bill of Rights for the officers. You generically refer to it. What
is the exact citation for it sir? Lori, you got to go. Bye.
Mayor Grant said it is 112.532.
Mayor Grant closed Public Comments.
5. Administrative
A. Appointment of the eligible members of the community to serve in
vacant positions on City advisory boards.
6. Consent Agenda
Matters in this section of the Agenda are proposed and recommended by the
City Manager for "Consent Agenda" approval of the action indicated in each
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Boynton Beach, FL February 1, 2022
item, with all of the accompanying material to become a part of the Public
Record and subject to staff
A. Proposed Resolution No. R22-023 - Approve utilizing The Village of
Wellington, FL. Bid No. 202202 (rebid) and Authorize the City Manager to
sign an agreement with K & B Maintenance Services, LLC DBA Professional
Tennis Court Services of Loxahatchee, FL for Tennis Court Maintenance
Services for an estimated annual cost of $79,000.00. The Village of
Wellington's procurement process satisfies the City's competitive bid
B. Proposed Resolution No. R22-024 - Approve the ranking as recommended
by the Evaluation Committee for RFP UTL22-006 Tree Inventory Services
and authorize the City Manager to sign a Professional Services Agreement
with PlanIT Geo, LLC. of Arvada CO for Tree Inventory Services with a not to
exceed amount of $50,000.
C. Legal Expenses - December 2021 - information at the request of the City
Commission. No action required.
D. Approve the one-year extension for RFPs/Bids and/ or piggy -backs for the
procurement of services and/or commodities under $100,000 as described in
the written report for February 1, 2022 - "Request for Extensions and/or
E. Accept Proposed Resolution No. R22-025 — Approve and authorize the City
Manager to sign an Agreement with Florida Atlantic University Board of
Trustees, on behalf of The John Scott Dailey Florida Institute of Government
at Florida Atlantic University of Boca Raton, FL to provide strategic planning
support services in the amount not -to -exceed $24,000.
F. Approve minutes from the January 18, 2022 City Commission meeting.
Vice Mayor Hay moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Penserga
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
7. Consent Bids And Purchases Over $100,000
A. Approve the one-year extension for RFPs/Bids and/ or piggy -backs for the
procurement of services and/or commodities over $100,000 as described in the
written report for February 1, 2022 - "Request for Extensions and/or
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Boynton Beach, FL February 1, 2022
B. Approve Proposed Resolution No. R22-026 - Authorize the City Manager to
utilize the State of Florida DMS Alternate contract source number 43230000-
NASPO-16-ACS for software licensing through Software House International
and sign any associated agreement with Microsoft Corporation for a three-year
period for an annual amount of $280,927.93.
C. Approve Authorize utilizing the GSA contract GS-07F-173GA, previously
approved on 9/1/2020, for the purchase of services for support and
maintenance of citywide camera, access control, and Real Time Crime Center
technology as needed from Broadcast Systems in the amount of up to
Mayor Grant pulled item 7C.
Chief Michael Gregory stated it is not for any additional items and only for maintenance
for all the City's facilities.
Mayor Grant asked about the commercial component of the Real -Time Crime Center.
He asked if the 7 -Eleven on Seacrest and Woolbright has been connected with the
City's Real -Time Crime Center.
Chief Gregory responded that they are not connected yet, but they are in communication.
He said Chief Snow has been working on the policy for how we interact and connect
digitally with the commercial businesses. He acknowledged a delay with the Florida
Department of Law Enforcement getting the network connection approved. It was
approved today. He noted a component where the public can register privately -owned
cameras to assist in identifying suspects in the community. The commercial aspect is a
voluntary program and businesses can opt in or opt out.
Sandra Watson, 348 Boynton Bay Circle, asked about the cameras being discussed
and whether they will include cameras on Federal. She inquired whether the businesses
on Federal can volunteer to be tied in.
Mayor Grant confirmed that's a possibility once the policy is in place.
Chief Gregory confirmed they will be heavily promoting the program once it is up and
running. It is a registry program for privately -owned cameras. He said they will not be
monitoring them 24/7. They will be used for follow-up after a crime has happened.
Mr. Mignoli said he received threatening texts and emails after the last meeting. He
talked about a personal interaction at the intersection of Ocean and 1St and cameras.
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo asked said the agenda items are merging into a theme of
oversight and accountability. She recommended greater oversight of any federal grant
funding that is for City Police.
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Commissioner Romelus moved to approve the Consent Bids And Purchases Over
$100,000. Vice Mayor Hay seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
9. City Manager's Report
A. Approve City Hall Cafe Space RFP Scope of Work presented by David
Scott, Director of Economic Development and Strategy.
David Scott, Director of Economic Development and Strategy, presented the City Hall
Space RFP Scope of Work. He noted they have received a lot of interest from the
public to participate in the RFP. He reviewed the Operator, Operations, Objective, and
the Proposed Schedule.
Mayor Grant noted this includes an opportunity within the Arts & Cultural Center and a
public workshop as well.
Mr. Scott confirmed the same vendor has an opportunity to serve both City Hall and
the Arts & Cultural Center.
Commissioner Romelus moved to approve the City Hall Cafe Space RFP Scope of
Work. Vice Mayor Hay seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
10. Unfinished Business
A. Hear Continue discussion for clarification to staff on language to be included
in the Resolution and on the Plaque for the Progress Pride Intersection.
Gemma Torcivia noted she was happy for the reconsideration and the opportunity to
work with the Mayor, City Attorney, and Attorney General on the updated language.
Mayor Grant asked about the changes and read Section 1 of Boynton Beach Progress
Pride Memorial Intersection for the record. He asked staff to review grammar.
Commissioner Penserga moved to approve Item 10A. Commissioner Romelus
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
11. New Business
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Boynton Beach, FL February 1, 2022
A. Hear Mayor Grant has requested a discussion regarding naming the urban
orchard at Sara Sims Park for Latosha Clemons.
Mayor Grant received an email from Chief Clemons requesting Fire Station 1 be named
after her. The email listed her contributions to the City. He recommended the Fire Station
1 be named the Deputy Chief Latosha Clemons Boynton Beach Fire Station.
Mayor Grant asked the Commission to approve bringing the request in front of the City's
Historic and Resources Preservation Board for consideration.
Vice Mayor Hay said the Commission needs to consider other "firsts" in the City including
Lamar Wright, the first black City Councilman. He discussed other firsts in the City and
expressed concern about the precedent that is being set.
Discussion ensued about notable residents and naming.
Ramona Young, 101 S. Federal Highway, believes this recommendation rights a wrong
and shows the City is trying to do better. She suggested creating a program of the City's
history to share with others.
Commissioner Penserga thinks Chief Clemons is deserving of the honor. He
recommended looking at other cities to determine what criteria they established to name
Mayor Grant described recent contributions of Ms. Clemons.
Commissioner Romelus noted it is similar to the resolution they just passed for the
Progress Pride plaque, and they can take the same action for Deputy Chief Clemons.
Commissioner Romelus moved to approve brining the request to name Fire Station 1
after Latosha Clemons to the City's Historic and Resources Preservation Board, with a
recommendation to follow by March 1. Commissioner Penserga seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
Irwin, 1050 SW 4t", stated Latosha Clemons is a legend and acknowledged her
Unidentified speaker addressed Vice Mayor Hay and criticized him for his objection to
this item.
Vice Mayor Hay clarified that he is not against the item. He noted he is trying to bring
more historical recognition.
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Boynton Beach, FL February 1, 2022
Ms. Byrd -Davis acknowledged Latosha Clemons and said she is deserving.
Monica Roundtree agreed the station should be named after Latosha Clemons. She
believes Ms. Clemons was denied the opportunity to be the Chief of Fire. She suggested
Vice Mayor Hay should be in support.
Ms. Morris asked Commissioner Penserga why the City needs to see what other cities
have done. She expressed dissatisfaction with the white washing of the previous honor.
City Attorney Cherof asked for the motion to be read again. He noted the City has a
policy for naming buildings and it is located in Code Section 2-22 adopted by ordinance
in 2006. He noted it sets forth a procedure that starts with the City Commission but there
is a process for reviewing community input as well. He read the ordinance.
Commissioner Romelus moved to approve bringing the request to name Fire Station 1
for Latosha Clemons to the City's Historic and Resources Preservation Board and to the
Advisory Board set forth by the City Manager, with a recommendation to follow by March
1. Commissioner Penserga seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
City Manager LaVerriere asked Commissioner Romelus to clarify if she meant naming
the building or erecting a plaque.
Commissioner Romelus stated she meant a plaque.
Mayor Grant noted that was not his intention. He was recommended the entire building
be named, with a prominent display for Ms. Clemons name.
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo is in support of naming the building after Ms. Clemons. She spoke
of erasure.
Ms. Oyer asked if the language for the previous item for Progress Pride and whether
that the is the same process as what is being suggested.
City Attorney Cherof outlined the difference based on the specific policy of naming City
Commissioner Romelus asked if the recommendation will come back to the Commission
by March 1.
City Manager LaVerriere said the Board meets late in the month, but staff will pull
together information to try to meet that deadline.
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Boynton Beach, FL February 1, 2022
B. Mayor Grant has requested a discussion on creating a Citizens
Engagement Committee for Police Department.
Mayor Grant noted he had a conversation earlier in the week with Chief Gregory, but they
did not see eye to eye. He said a Citizens Engagement Committee allows the Chief to
hear feedback from the public in order to improve customer service. He referenced the
Police Advisory Board in Delray Beach. He discussed body and dash cams, bias policing
in traffic stops, and the City's Police Department logo. He suggested any advisory board
complete the Police Academy Training. He said a quarterly crime statistic update and an
Internal Affairs update in the Sunshine would be valuable for the City.
Commissioner Penserga likes the idea. He asked staff for models from other cities.
Vice Mayor Hay agreed with the idea as well. He recommended the committee serve in
an observation standpoint and not as policy one. He believes community involvement
would be healing.
Mayor Grant encouraged Chief Gregory to convene a task force for more high-level items.
Commissioner Romelus said it's merited and has been asked for from the public for a
while now. She stated there's a disconnect between when residents have a grievance
and going to the Police and being taken seriously. She invited the public to continue to
share so bridges can continue to be built. She also mentioned accountability and
recognizing officers that are doing the right thing. She supports the Citizens Engagement
Commissioner Penserga asked if the board would be serving under the Commission or
the Police Chief.
Mayor Grant confirmed it would be serving under the Commission.
Commissioner Romelus suggested it should not be an Advisory Board so they are not
subject to Sunshine Law so they can talk each other and the public.
Mayor Grant said in order for an entity to make recommendations they would need to be
an Advisory Board and they must meet in the Sunshine.
Commissioner Romelus asked the City Attorney Cherof if there is a middle ground
between what Mayor Grant is recommending and her concerns.
City Attorney Cherof said the middle ground is an independent committee that forms itself
and the City Manager directs City Staff and the Police Department to engage with them
in discussion. The independent committee would appoint a liaison to the City
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Commission. He said you would lose transparency because an independent committee
has no obligations to open the meeting to the public or share what they discuss.
Vice Mayor Hay referenced the Boynton Beach Mental Health Committee and how it
functions. He agrees with the desire for members to be able to speak freely.
Chief Gregory said he's an advocate for departmental transparency, increasing dialogue,
and engaging with the community. He shared ways they engage with the community and
organizations. He does not want to see anything that creates obstacles for public
engagement. He acknowledged the lack of trust from the public. He disagreed with the
Advisory Board members attending the Community Police Academy. From his
experience, diversity is limited and not inclusive. He noted many of his officers do good
work and need to engage with community members. His goal is to remove hurdles that
create obstacles to transparency and engagement.
Mayor Grant believes the Advisory Board creates a neutrality.
Commissioner Penserga asked for clarification about whether they are looking to approve
an Advisory Board or something more flexible.
Commissioner Romelus asked City Attorney Cherof if the Commission can place
City Attorney Cherof said they will need to define their power and authority.
Commissioner Romelus would like to see this as a Committee that can review public
concerns, different things that are relevant to the purview of the Commission, report to
the Commission on a monthly basis, and continue henceforth.
City Attorney Cherof said it may be challenging to draft it since it is hybrid.
Ms. Young asked what would be involved in Police Academy Training.
Mayor Grant clarified it is an Orientation. He said the City does have a Citizens Police
Academy, but the Chief suggested an Orientation would be enough.
Commissioner Romelus recommended the Orientation be a one -day retreat that
truncates the Police Academy.
Mr. Mignoli asked why the Chief's Record Department gives people a hard time for
records that are part of Florida Law? He recommended a Police Oversight Board with
subpoena power.
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Boynton Beach, FL February 1, 2022
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo recommended the City Staff and City Attorney to look at similar
cities that have similar challenges.
Mayor Grant closed the public comments.
Mayor Grant prefers the concept of an Advisory Board. He noted this is not an Oversight
Commissioner Romelus moved to approve asking City Staff to bring back information
from other municipalities that are reflective of our municipality and talk to each
Commission member about preferred parameters and bring back to the next Commission
meeting for a vote to move forward. Commissioner Penserga seconded the motion. The
motion passed unanimously.
12. Legal
A. Proposed Ordinance 22-004 - First Reading - Approve Mural Ordinance
creating a mural standards section in the City's Land Use Regulations.
Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance 22-04 on First Reading by title only.
Mayor Grant asked if this procedure is for any City property.
City Attorney Cherof confirmed it is for all buildings.
Glenn Weiss, Public Arts Manager, said the second reading will include the policy and
procedures and guideline amendments.
Ms. Oyer spoke in opposition of the ordinance.
Mr. Mignoli said he filed some OPRAs for art that some political candidates want to have
around the City. He expressed dissatisfaction and accused the Commission of coverup.
Commissioner Romelus stated for the record that everything the Commissions does it in
the Sunshine. Everything is public record. She expressed her frustration about Mr.
Mignoli's accusations.
Mayor Grant asked if the Commission could designate certain art districts on private
property that to be exempt from the mural ordinance.
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Mr. Weiss said it may be possible within the guidelines itself and confirmed, from his
understanding, there has not been approval for the murals in the Arts District. He noted it
should still meet community standards, even if it is located in the Arts District.
Commissioner Romelus asked if they could create a digital process for application and
Mr. Weiss said the current Arts Board is very efficient and typically turn around with
decisions within three weeks of submission.
City Manager LaVerriere noted the old Code treated murals like signs. Murals were
extracted in this ordinance.
Mr. Weiss said this is how it was prior. Nothing is changing.
Commissioner Penserga moved to approve Proposed Ordinance 22-004 — First Reading.
Commissioner Romelus seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
City Clerk Gibson called the roll. The vote was 4-0.
B. Proposed Ordinance 22-005 - First Reading - Approve Ordinance
Amending Chapter 26 entitled "Water, Sewers and City Utilities," by
Amending Article I, entitled "In General," to create §26-6, entitled
"Conditions for Utility Service; Penalties," establishing requirements for
utility service, penalties for non-compliance, and appeals; amending Article
"IV" entitled "Sewers," §26-57, entitled "Connections Required," to amend
the time period to connect to sewer; providing for severability, conflicts,
codification, and an effective date.
Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance 22-05 on First Reading by title only.
City Attorney Cherof said individuals who have a septic system would be compelled to
connect to the City's sewer system.
Mayor Grant asked about the costs to connect to sewer.
City Attorney Cherof replied the ultimate cost is they do not have water.
Mayor Grant asked specifically about grant funding for those who are forced to connect
and cannot meet the costs.
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City Attorney Cherof said there are procedures for a payment plan and an appeal.
Vice Mayor Hay moved to approve Proposed Ordinance 22-005 — First Reading.
Commissioner Penserga seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
City Clerk Gibson called the roll. The vote was 4-0.
13. Future Agenda Items
A. School Board Member Erica Whitfield has requested to present the 2021-
2022 School Year State of Education Report to the City Commission. -
February 15, 2022
B. Staff Discuss potential Parks Bond Referendum and approve resolution to
enter into agreement for Parks Master Plan for CAPRA accreditation and
potential Parks Bond Referendum. - February 15, 2022
C. Award Building Department staff will present an update on the
implementation of the new SagesGov software for permitting and
inspections - March 1, 2022
D. Discuss disposition of vacant 3.62 acre parcel adjacent to Leisurevillle and
west of SW 8th Avenue -TBD
E. Proposed Ordinance No. 21-025 First Reading. Approve Development
Agreement Ordinance. (Tabled from the September 21, 2021 City
Commission Meeting.) - TBD
F. Mayor Grant has requested a discussion on JKM lawsuit - TBD
G. Discuss Building Safety Inspection Program - (Pending outcome of 2022
legislative session)
Mayor Grant recommended adding the Town Hall Discussion at the next Commission
Meeting regarding the incident form December 26, 2021, and is announced at that
Mayor Grant said he heard information that the developer in the JKM lawsuit has listed
the property for sale. He wants to know when the trial will be.
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Mayor Grant stated, pursuant to his conversation with Mr. Davis, he is requesting that
the current Commission provide the new Commission with the opportunity conduct an
RFP for a headhunter for the City Attorney and the City Manager. He asked for the item
to be added to the April agenda.
City Manager LaVerriere stated that an RFP is not necessary. In the past, they've done
Commissioner Romelus noted she would be in favor of hosting a workshop prior to the
February 15 meeting.
City Manager LaVerriere confirmed the meeting with the Chief is already planned for
February 22 at 6:00 P.M. Location to be determined.
City Attorney Cherof noted the City Attorney's Office is happy the City Manager honors
the rule of law and is following the legal standards for allowing an investigation to be
concluded. He said he hopes the end result is something that the City Staff and the public
are satisfied with as being a fair investigation with the proper outcome.
Mayor Grant said more education about Marcy's Law is needed and wanted by the public.
Another topic of discussion is the training the officers go through to be on road patrol.
City Attorney Cherof said that's why he asked what the agenda is for the meeting so they
can prepare information.
Vice Mayor Hay said he planned to attend the February 22 meeting and if other
Commissioners plan to attend they should not be discussing their opinions because of
the Sunshine Law.
City Attorney Cherof said if more than one Commissioner plans to attend, they will post
as a public meeting, so as to not violate the Sunshine.
Commissioner Romelus said the meeting should be led by the City Manager and the
Police Chief. She does not plan to attend on February 22. She believes the Town Hall
should be the opportunity for the public to ask their questions.
Mayor Grant plans to attend but no plans to speak. He responded to a question posed
online by Monica Kleckley. He stated the Davis Family asked for a meeting before
February 22, but he believes there should be time to allow the City Manager, City
Attorney, and Chief of Police to gather information in preparation of the meeting.
City Manager LaVerriere confirmed they can host a private meeting with the Davis Family
next week.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL February 1, 2022
Commissioner Penserga has requested for Future Agenda that City Staff begin
researching what it would take to have dash cams on all vehicles and present it to the
Commission. He is interested in the cost and procedures to install in all patrol vehicles.
City Manager LaVerriere confirmed that is currently underway.
Discussion ensued about the headhunter for the City Manager and City Attorney for the
next Commission.
There was no consensus to move forward with hiring a headhunter.
14. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 11:42 P.M.
Mayor - Steven B. Grant
Vice Mayor — Ty Penserga
Commissioner —Justin Katz
Commissioner —Woodrow L. Hay
Commissioner — Christina Romelus
Meeting Minutes
City Commission
Boynton Beach, FL February 1, 2022
Crystal Gibson, MMC
City Clerk
Tammy L. Stanzione
Deputy City Clerk