Minutes 02-23-22 Minutes of the Library Board Meeting Held on
Wednesday, February 23, 2022, at 6:00 PM at
City Hall Commission Chambers, 100 E. Ocean Avenue
Boynton Beach, Florida
George Feldman, Acting Chair Craig Clark, Library Director
Dr. Stephanie Hayden-Adeyemo, Vice Chair (arrived 6:04 p.m.) Jeannie Taylor, Asst. Dir.
Lindsay Karten
Ace Tilton Ratcliff, via telephone
Marcia Levine, via telephone
Robyn Boucard
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo, Vice Chair (Arrived 6:04 p.m.)
I. Call to Order— Dr. Stephanie Hayden-Adeyemo, Vice Chair
Vice Chair Hayden-Adeyemo called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. Self introductions
were made.
Board Election for Chair and Vice Chair Positions
Mr. Clark explained the process to nominate, but added there must be a second and
then the majority will vote.
Mr. Feldman nominated himself as Chair. Ms. Karten seconded the motion. Mx.
Ratcliff nominated theirself as Vice Chair. Ms. Boucard seconded the motion.
There was a vote for Mr. Feldman for the position of Chair. The motion unanimously
There was a vote for the Mx. Ratcliff for the position of Vice Chair. The motion
unanimously passed.
Vice Chair Hayden-Adeyemo passed the gavel to Mr. Feldman to resume the meeting
as Chair.
II Approval of Minutes — Meeting of January 26, 2022
Dr. Hayden passed the gavel to Mr. Feldman to run the meeting as Chair. Mr. Feldman
distributed some paperwork.
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida February 23, 2022
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo moved to approve the minutes as written. Ms. Karten seconded
the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
111. Correspondence and Communications
Dr. Hayden-Adeye mo commented she attended several City Commission meetings and
at other meetings there is a moment of silence. She announced there are openings on
the Board, one regular and two alternates.
Ill. Public Audience (individual Speakers Will Be Limited to 3 Minute
Ernest Mignoill, 710 NE 7th Street, Unit 407, Harbour all Inlet One. He stated he is a
member of the Library and they moved to Florida in November of 2020. He is from New
York. He loves the Public Speakers the Library has and liked Suzy Hammer for story
telling. As a tax payer, he is trying to get a full understanding of all the meetings and
boards and everyone. He is not too happy with the way Boynton Beach is run especially
avert e last six years. He is looking at the last 20 years in detail. He was unhappy the
League of Women's voters could set up in front oft library for certain candidates
especially for Ty Penserga and Marit Hadeen. He asserted the Library is not playing an
impartial part, other people running for office, get no exposure here and the Library should
be open to everybody and not be partial. Mr. Mignoli stated the League of Women's
Voters told him the City, Library and to only approved him.
Chair Feldman commented he has been a Board member for a few years and been on
several boards overt e last 13 years. Never has he one to a meeting and seen
anyone come in and use it time totalk out other things besides what they are here
for which is the Library. He announced he was disappointed.
W.Chair's Report— Board Chair
Chair Feldman did not have a report. He asked if Vice Chair Hayden-Adeyemo did and
learned she did not.
V. Unfinished Business:
ARPA Grant— Introduce Bria nna Tabil, Public Technology Trainer
Brianna Tabil commented she started out two weeks ago, new public technology
trainer, stated she was excited to be here. She submitted two classes and was scheduling
the instructional classes to start the second week in March. The schedule will be
marketed. Chair Feldman welcomed Ms. Tabil. He asked what a Technology Trainer is.
Ms. it responded it is all the technology they have int Library. It is not just personal
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida February 23, 2022
iPhones and iPads. It will include laptops including several of the laptops she just
obtained that will be use them in her classes. Her main target is small business or
someone looking to learn for a career or job. Classes include Microsoft Word and basic
skills to build a business. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo asked if she would be working with
Career Source and learned not yet. Mr. Clark will introduce her to him who is here every
Tuesday. Chair Feldman asked how the classes are publicized. Mr. Clark advised Ms.
Tabil will report to Ms. Taylor and they will work with Ms. Kjosa, the Marketing Manager,
to include it in the newsletter that is mailed to 20K people. It will also be publicized through
press releases each month and will be posted on the video monitors, Facebook blasts,
Twitter and Instagram. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo asked if the Library and City are on Linkedln
and learned the Human Resource Department advertises it. He thought the Library may
have a Linked In page. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo commented on the self-check system could
be used to self-program an activity. Mr. Clark commented there is no survey program on
it, but they can market programs on the equipment. They can do surveys with customers
and their patron base, which they have been touching on recently. It is called Orange Boy
that is a software package. It is a great marketing tool that allows them to do surveys.
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo thought the public looks at the Library as a beacon and noted
Boynton is growing rapidly. She welcomed Ms Tabil to the team. Ms. Taylor explained
classes will be available to those who register on their Live Cal website. There will be
limitations, but the calendar system allows them to have a wait list and if it is a large wait
list, they will add another class to meet the demand. One class will be Quickbooks small
businesses use.
Staffing Update
Mr. Clark, advised that currently, Joyce Pernicone, Senior Librarian, Customer Relations,
took a position with another Library and her position should be posted along with a part
time Library-Aide as one of them moved to a full-time position with Palm Beach County.
They will have a part-time Library Page position available as well. Senior Librarian starting
salaries range from $53K to $58K. The part-time Library Aide is $16 to $17 an hour and
the Library Page position pays $15 an hour. The Library Page and Aide positions are
part-time and both are guaranteed 20 hours. The Senior Librarian position is a full-time
Career Online High School Program
Ms. Taylor announced the program is doing very well. There are seven students in the
high school scholarship program with three of them more than halfway through. Five
students are in the prerequisite to see if they are comfortable with this style of learning.
She noted their newsletters reached patrons with expired library card who were unaware
of the program, but when saw it they called up and wanted to be in it. Also, they recently
connected with Florida Career Collage who offersvocational training and they have
people who need their high school diploma and they will partner with them. The
recommendation for a class schedule is a class every two weeks. If they keep the
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida February 23, 2022
schedule, students can finish in a reasonable time. They have 18 weeks in total and if
they have their transcripts they can be transferred in. They can finish in a short amount
of time.
Mr. Clark explained Ms. Taylor requested 10 more scholarships and the State just issued
an additional 10. They will ask for more as Mr. Clark anticipated they will likely get more
participants as the newsletter just went out. They just issued a scholarship this morning
and the recipient was very appreciative. Ms. Boucard agreed Florida Career College was
great outreach. The prospective students know there is an interview. She and Mr. Clark
look and gauge their interest and dedication so they do not waste the scholarship. They
ask the student sign a pledge and there is another probationary period of 30 days with
the scholarship. They have to finish two classes because if they do not finish, staff can
take it back so they don't lose the scholarship which are $1,295 dollars. Students also
have to be 19 or older. Smart Horizons is the school with national accreditation so
transcripts go to them, not the Library. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo asked if staff reached out
to the Career College. Ms. Taylor explained the College reached out to the Library for
them to tour the community and they exchanged information about what each entity does
for the community and they thought it was a good partnership. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo
thought sometimes grants applications ask if there are existing services to reach a
broader demographic. The goal is to get the non-traditional students to return to learning.
Chair Feldman asked Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo if there are not enough grants out there and
asked if it could be expanded. She responded if they can show they can get more
partnership, the amount was doubled because there is a need because there is a
Mr. Clark explained they did not write the grant this time around. The State Legislature
supported a bill that funded this bill. It is a program managed through the Department of
Education and the Department approved $750K and let the State Library manage dividing
up the scholarship. At one time, staff did at one time write a grant, but in this case they
did not. Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo commented the federal government likes to see
partnership and she gave kudos to the program.
Social Worker Intern Services
Ms. Taylor announced they now have the interns four days a week and it is well. The
service is quite popular with the public.
VI. New Business
Adult Reading Club
Ms. Taylor announced they had over 100 people sign up so and those completing the
reading will get an umbrella.
Meeting Minutes
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida February 23, 2022
VII. Library Director's Report/Statistics
Mr. Clark noted he put N/A for Library visits. The gate counters are not working properly.
He got the company to come to the Library and they gave them upgraded equipment so
he will have more information next month.
January 2022 Monthly Report: Mr. Feldman passed out the flyer for that. Staff will also
will add computer classes on them and they will be added as they plan them.
VIII. Announcements
March 2022 Library Programming
Next Library Board Meeting — March 23, 2022
Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo announced Saturday is Black history month at Sara Sims from 12
to 6 PM. Mr. Feldman thanked all for their confidence.
March 2022 Library Programming
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Ms. Boucard moved to adjourn. Dr Hayden-
Adeyemo and Ms. Karten seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The
meeting was adjourned at 6:38 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist