89-MMMRESOLUTION NO. 89-~'M~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN UTILITIES AGREEMENT FOR THE ADJUSTMENT, CHANGE OR RELOCATION OF CERTAIN UTILITIES WITHIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY LIMITS HEREAFTER DESCRIBED; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the State of Florida Department of Transportation has located and proposes to construct or reconstruct a part of State Road 9/I-95; and WHEREAS, in order for the State of Florida Department of Transportation to further and complete said project, it is necessary that certain utilities and/or facilities within the Right-of-Way limits of said State Road 9/I-95 and 22nd Avenue, be adjusted, changed or relocated; and WHEREA~, the State of Florida Department of Transportation having requested the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, to execute and deliver to the State of Florida Department of Transportation a Utilities Agreement, agreeing to make or cause to be made such adjustments, changes or relocations of said utilities and/or facilities as set out in said Agreement, and said request having been duly considered, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED B¥~THE~IT~COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida be and they are hereby authorized and directed to make, execute and deliver to the State of Florida Department of Transportation a Utilities Agreement for the adjustment, change or relocation of certain utilities within the Right-of-Way limits of said State Road 9/I-95 Section 220. Section 2. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the State of Florida Department of Transportation at Tallahassee, Florida. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1989. FLORIDA Vice Mayor ATTEST: cit¥~erk (Corporate Seal) commissioner ~mmlssloner commissioner CITY BOYNTON BEACH Q 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boyntor~ Beach, Florida 33435.0310 (407) 734-8111 CERTIFICATION I, BETTY S. BORONI, City Clerk of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, do hereby certify the attached Resolution #89-MMM which consists of two (2) pages, plus a Utility Relocation Agreement consisting of six (6) pages, are true and correct copies as they appear in the records of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. BETTY S. BORONI CITY CLERK November 9, 1989 (SEAL) II'l'll,l'l'i I1 El,( ~(;.~Jl( ),X A(;II i;EIIEII.^L ^ I!) I,~'I:I.;IISTA I'E Pill IJ I.X71'$ 220 I 6~t35 9/~-95 fa.tm Bch. In)~rlC~L & I~/W ]0111 HO. N/^ HA/R-95-! ( I)I';I'AIITMI.;NT. n.d ~Clk~qf BoynLon Beach ~.-a CO~l,orntJo. (-en.izedamlexi.cli.g..derlhela~sol the Stale of Florida s~Jlh ils i,ri.ciiml idace of Im~jm.ss i. thc Cil~ .f BoFnto. Bench (_:-..Iv .f Palm Beach Slah' of Florida COMI'AN 1. 59 B'llEliE.~$. lit,' I)Ei'AIITMENT is c..slr.,'li.,,z, frr,)..¢l..'li.~ -r .ll,('t'~vi.~e ('l,:.,~i.~ n t.,rli.. ¢,f lit,' Fcdcrnl I.Icr$1nh: Ilieh~va.v Sv~h:.t ns i)roviflc(I h,r .,,,h'r Ih(- i.o,~isio..~ of II.. F'(.'.dvrnl/~i(I iliphwn3 /\~.'1 of 19~6. I'.l,li,. I.a~ ('iE7 of !1.' II.llh Co.~t'c.~s. d,'.'4~z.alvd I,,, II.. I)I':i'AliT311;.NT ,l? .l~d~ ,'X,t.6_435 r.t I{.ad .N.. 9/]:-95 h,'lwv<'. Sta.827+12.46' HP 15.6~f~.! Sra. 90/4+49..57 ~hi,'h .cheil ('all f.r lira tvh~ralio..f I1.' (]()311';\ 3; ~ ..c:, I'.rilili(..< ah.i*/, m('r. ami/(.-.mh'r enid hi,.z,h~ a.~. ..... Alii) ~'ilI';I{I';AS. I1.' Id.ti.. for !1.' ~nid r-tl..h.,.li,,., t,','o...lftfrlicm (,r ,,ll..r cha.~e$ ht be made. n.c h.~v dcsrril.~d, have I.'v..'vir~'~.d by I1.' IIl';l':'~ll'l':~ll-;~'l' ~ml Ihv (;IIMI'A.~Y. ~aid M.~ve dr..rdhed .lililv t(:h,caliu, lo hctei.nllvf Itc desto.hied as Ilvhfcnho~! ~.fk," A,NI) NN1JEI{ I';A$. lit,. Iv,., "co.~l of .:h~cnli(.," shall i.,,h,d,. Il,(. ('.lit(, m,].[[.l i,aid by. Ih(' (:()MI'ANY.' .~!,nOl,CHy nlhil.Jlal)h. Io Stlch t(:JocnlJoll allvr d('(h.'li.~ th(.r~.h.().~ n.%. i.e..ese j. lite Trflhle Of lite llt'~v .,oilily nmi any sM~nge ~nl.(, of mnlcrials reco~cr(M I'rom the old h.'ilil~. I'qOB', TIIEIiI:;I;OI{E, i,: co.sidctalio, of tl,e m;:l.al .mh'dnl~i.g :ts h(',ei, s(:! [(nih, lite itatilie.c herelo ~og,'ee as follo~¥s: ' !. The C().MI'^N'f hrrrhy ngrve.~ l- .'h.'af~ Iht ~(:c(.dn.ce ~¥1lh Ih~ I~rovisio.s ~el [orlh i. I!... I].ih, d Slah,s I~rp.rl....I o[ 'l'ra.sl.~rlalio. Federal Aid IiiFhwny I'roF,'nm Mn...I V.h..e ]. Chnph.r 4. Scclio. 4. revisi..~ Iheteof, ~¥hich, i,y rvrcre.ce Imr(.I.. nrc mn,h. .~]J of reich :¥olE wilh ils { } ~ ~ l ! ! forces or by . c.lllla(.h:r paid ..(J(:r n co.lrm. I h'l by Ihe (:OMI'ANY. all ,.der Ih{' s.i)crvisi(nt nmi nj,l.-o~al of Ihe IJEI'zXI{'I'MI;S'T I. HI lite I"v(h'laJ Ili~in~n~ A;llllJllislrn~i.ll. 2. The COMIL&N/' f'urlhc~' a~rcc$ lo fullx collild~ ~vilh Iht l~r.xisions of Tith' /'J of Ilw Cixii iJighls :\ct of 1064 in conncclJcm with Iht "Rclocation Work" cox'cred hx ihi~ a~recmrnl. ,qnd ~llcl! compli..c~, will bc ~ovcrnml b)' Iht mclhod checked an(I described hcrcafh'r: x Tho COMP^NY will Iwrform all or parl of snch "lJclocMion Work" hv a Conlraclor paid a conlrncl Icl by Ill(, COMI~ANY. and Iht A/ppcndix "A" of Assurances altached lo this agrec~ncnt will bc included in said contracl lei by thc C(,~MPANY. (I,) Thc COMPANY will pcrform all of such "llch,calion Work" cutirciv with COMPANS"S forces. and Al,l,cndix "A' of Assurances is m,I rcquircd. Thc "llclocalion Work' invoh'cd is agreed to by way of .j,st comprnsatio, for thc takins of COMi'ANY'S facililics located on righl of way ii~ ;vhich iht COMPANY holds a COmlwnsaldc inlcrcsl, and Alq,cndix "A" of Assurances is llOl rcquircd. (d) Thc COMI'AN'~ will l~crt'orm all such "Relocation ~,\ ork" entirely l,v continuing eonlracl, which conlracl 1o perform all fulurc "llcl.calion Work" ~as cxeculcd wilh COMPANY'S Conlraclor prior lo ,Au~msl 3.1965, and Aiq-:ndix "A" of Assurances is nol required. 3. Thc 1)EI'AIITMILNT hereby agrccs lo rcimlmr.:c tile (:OMI'ANY for all cosls incurred i)v il i, thc rciocalion of said facililics, in accordance with thc provisions of said l"cdcrai Aid llighway Program Manual Yohln,, l. Chal~h'r 4. Sccli~m 4. and an) SnpldCnJcnls or revisions lh,,rcor. 11 is undcrslood and a~rccd by and bclwcen Iht parlics thai I,'climinary engineering cosls nol incorl~oralcd wilhin this agrecmenl shall not be subject lo paymcnl by Iht IIEI'AIUFMENT. 4. Allachcd hereto, and by reference made a l,arl hereof, arc plans and Sl,ecificalions of thc work to be Iwrformed b; thc C(}51PAN ~ pursuant lo Iht terms hereof, and mi cslimalc of Ihe eom thereof in the allloUnl of $ 275,6~0 All work performed by Iht (;(.)51l'.,hN~' l)ursnant hcrclo, shall bc lwrformcd according lo lhcsc plans ami Sl~ccificalions as aiqn'oxcd by Iht 1)EI'ARTMI&NT and Iht Federal I~igh~va} A,hninislralion. and all subscqucnl plan changes shall likc~visc bc approved hv Iht IIEPARTMENT aml thc Fedcral llighway Adminislralion. All "Rclocalion Work" covering facililics Io be relocalcd lo a position~ wilhi~ thc high~a) righl of ~va¥ s~ill bc accommodalcd in accordance ~ilh Ibc provisions of Federal Aid llighway Program Manual Yohnnc 6, Chaplet 6, Scclion 3, dalcd Novcmbcr 29, 1972, and any suppicnn'nts therelo or revisions lhercof. 5. All labor, sen'ices, materials and equipmen! furnished by tile COMPANY ill carrying out tile work lo be performed hereunder shall be billed by thc COMI'ANY dirccl to thc I~EI'AILTMENT. Separate records as to tile costs of contract bid items and forcc account items pcrformed for thc COMPANY shMl also be furnished by tile COMPANY to tile I)EPARTMENT. 6. The Ct)MI'ANY has determined thai the method to be uvcd itt develolfing tilt', relocation or adjustme.t eo.qs sh~l he a~ specified f.r the method ehec'kcd a.d descril.,d t.'tcatlcr: ,,,(a) Ael.al a.d related /nd/reel costs aecum.laled it] aecorda.ce w/Ih a work order accounti.g i~roccd.res prescribed by the appliealde Federal or S/ale regulalory hod)'. x .(b) Actual attd related indirecl costs accumulated i. accordance ~4lh an established accounti.g procedure deveh,pcd by thc COMI'ANY a.d oppr.vcd by tile DEPARTMENT a~;tl the Dix~sio. Adminislralor of Ihe Federal ilighway Admi.islralio.. .(c) A. affreed I. ml~ sum $. t/mated cost allachcd hereto. the l.'Oposed adj.slmcnl exceeds S25.(100 ) 7. The ad.j.stme.t of Iht (X)MI'ANY'S facility as ida.ned (xvill-witFnot~) req.ire lite operalio, of lite old fac/lily .hill thc n,'x~ fro'il/Ix is ft..'lio, i~% (If I1.' ~dd I'acililx I.t,~l rcl.ai, ill .i.'ralion unlil Ihe itcxv facililx is f. nctio.i.g./.d/cate thc reason below.) The old facility (Gravity Sewer Main) currently serves some thirty (30) residences along its route. 8. This proposed .ow facility installed i. lite COMPANY'S system {witbxdll not) remain itl useful service l,cv..d thc li]m' ~vt.'. thc overall (ohl) facility, of which il is a pail. ir replaced, fit the new facility w/I/remain in useful service as above, or if at7 entirely new facility is constructed and the old facility retired, credit for expired service life applies, and $ N/A ,~ is the (estimated-actual) amount to cover this credit.] 9. The adj.slme, l of lite COMPANY'S facility as itla.ncd (adH-will nol) involve additional "Relocation Work" over a.d al.,xc Ihe mi./mum rcimlmrsal,lc req.ireme.ls of thc DEI'ARTMENT. (If up~ading and/or .o.rcimh. rsaldv "Rehwalio. B'ork" is i.vohcd al Ibc .1,1lo. of linc C()MPANY. Ibc. credit against the cost of the project is rcq.ired a.d will be governed by Iht method checked and described hereafter): N/A, (a) (b) c,/ will be applied It, thc final l,illi.,g of work acl.alh-accomplished Io determi.c required credit for (bellerme. I) a.d/or (expired serxice life)and/or (nonreimbursable segments). All "Relocation Work" involving no.rci.dmrsahh' .~egments will Itc performed by special COM- PANY work or job order nmu'bcr aparl and sel~aralc from reimbursable "Relocalion ~'ork": ].ch work or j.b order ..tuber Io hc The COMPANY 'f. rlhcr agrees lo clearly ]de.life such work areas m thc COMPANY'S plaus and estimates for the "Rclocalion Work" covered by this agrcemc.l. .(c) S. will be: credited for (l~ellermcnl) and/or (expired service life)a.d/or (no.reimlmrsable segmenls) it] accord w/Ih Arlicle 6.(c) herein above. 10. It is sl)ecificallv, a;r('('(! l)v. and l,ctwec, Ih(' I)EPAtITMEI~T n,(! the COMPANY that thc DEI'AI{TFIENT sllall rcceixe fair a~.l adc(lUalc credit for any saha~(' which shall a(~cruc I(~ Ihe COMPANY as a result of lh~' al)ore relocation w(,rk. N/A - no salvage I I. 11 is furll,'r n~reed Ihnl Ih~' cosl ~,f nil imi-'~,xcmm~ls made duri~ lhis r~.h,~':~tion work shall I,~ by the C()5II'A~'. sut,jcct o,,h' I~ lh~' I)EI'AIITMENT beari~g such t,orlit-t of Ihis cosl as reprcse,ts the cosl o~ relocation of previously exisl~,g facility, less salvage credit as scl forlh i. the immediately preFeding paragraph. 12. ~'!)();~ r~ml,h, liou of !1,' work 11,' C()311'ANY shMl, al I!.' carli('sl dale i)raelicable, a.d in laler lhan olle hu.dred ei~hly (lB0) days followi~ lhe dale iff COmldClimt of the "Reloeatio, ~'ork" i,y COMPANY. fur, ish Iht' I}EI'.XI{TMENT'wilh lw. (E) C-l,b's ~f ils finnl nmi e.mldele billin~ of all e{~sls in co;meclio, wilh Iht x, ork perf.rn;ed hcretu~dt'r, such slalemt',! I~ t'~ll.xv as closely as possil~h' lhe order lhe ilenls conlainrd in Ilu' eslimalc allach~'d herel~. I*!,~, 11,' {',{}~II'ANY'$ failure Io sulmtil l,'Opt'r billiu~ within lhe ] 80 day periled. Ihe I)I~PAI{TMENT max-. al ils discreli.,, audil lhe COMPANY'S records a~td. lherc- by delerminc I1,* rcimbursalde alllollllt. TI,' f;f}~]P.:XNY hereby wnives a~v ri~hl of appeal or protesl of such amou~tl as delcrmi,ed by audil. The lol~ls for labor, overi"'ad, travel expo,se, transporlaliom equipmenl. malerial aud SUpldies. hamlli.~ ~'~sls a,d olhcr s~.rx'i~'es shall !~' sl.~x~, in such a maturer as will pcrmil rc~tlx comparison ~lh lhe al~l~rOx'ed Ida,s a,d eslimales. Malerinls shall l~e itemized where lhev represe,l maj~r COml~t,~c,ls or costs in !1.' relocalio,, followin~ Ihe paller~ sci ,ul i, lhe alq~roved eslimale as ci,s~,h as sibh.: Sah*a~' credils fr~,u r~,~.ov~'r~'d a,d r~'l~h~*cd l,'rnuu~enl nmi rc~'overe{] lemporary malerials shall be r,*. porled in said bill i. relalix~' i,->ili~n x¥ilh II,' char~' f.r thc reld~*,'{'menl or lhe ori~,al charge f,r lemporar). The fi,al billi~ sl~all slu~w lhe deseripli~-~ and silt' .f iht l'r.jecl: Iht dale on which the first work was porformed, or. if preli~,inarv, cngi,eerin~ or riffhl -f way ilems are involved, the dMe on which Ihe earliest ilem of billed expense was i,curr~'d: the dah' on ~vhi~:h Ih~' lasl work was performed or the iasl item of billed expe,se was incurred: a,d the I.~ nih,. ~l,'re I1,' r~,rords ~md ~lt.{,~;lllllS billed can I,' audiled. Adequale refcre~cc shall be made in lh~* billin~ 1- the Cf)MI'ANY'S rc~.~rds, accotmls a,d olhcr rel~'x'a~tl documenls. Ail t, osl records and accounts shall be sul,.iecl Io audil I~x a rel-'ese~lalixe of the 1;I;I'AI~TMF;NT. Ul,O, receip1 of i,voices pre- pared iu at*cordau~'~' wilh I1,' l,'~visious ~f 1)el~"ln~enl I'rocedm'~' ~o. 1~2-0-16 llem;bur, eme~l for Ulililv and l{ailr(,ad Rel(,calio,." Ih(' I)I~;I'_,kl{'I'311LN'I' agr('('s t(.) r('imlmrs~' Ih(' C()MI'ANY in Iht amounl of such actual cosls as alq~rovetl by the I.;EI'AIFI*MEN'I"5 audilor. The DEI'AIITMENT shall retain ten perce,t from any progress paymcnls. 13, Thc Cf)MI'ANY (,.ve.n.ls lo i.dc.mifv., d(.f(,.tl, snxe hnrmh's.~ a.d exoneralr the DEI'AI1TMENT of a.d from all liabilih', claims a.d dema.tls arisi.~ o.I of lhe work ..derlaken by lite COMPANY p.rsuant lo this a~reemenl, due lo Iht .eli~e.t actions, delays, or omissions do.e or committed by the COMI'AN~, its s. bcontraclors, emldO)'('cs, a?c.ls or represc.lalix'cs. I! is si)ccificnlh' u.dcrstood and agreed thai lilts indemnificalio- agreeme-! does .or cover nor indem.ify the DEI'AllTIqENT for its own neglige.ce or breach of this contract. IN ~'ITNESS WllI';IIE()F. !1.. parties herelo have ce.sod these I.'C.ce.ls lo I.' exet:ttled by their dui}' att- thorized officers, and their officials seals hereto affixed, lhe day a.d year first above writlen. STATE OF I:L()I{il }A DEi'AIITMENT ()lr TIIANSI'()IITATION (SE:~ I.,) Director, of t'reco~truction and Desig. AilL. I: Executive Secretaq' FLORIDA / /(Tith'i Mayor . TF'~I'  ..... /City Clerk (SI';A L) Approved es to Form. Legelitv end Execution STATE OF IrLOIIIIJA I)EI'AIITMENT OF TII. ANSI'OIITATI{.)N £×AMINED Arid APPROVED DATE P,Y: Assistant Attorney Division Adminis. ator F{deral Highway Administration FIEOUIIIED CONTII^CT PIi()VISIONS FOIl FEI)EFI,,~L ~ID CONTII^CTS COMPLIANCE WlI'II TITLE VI OF 1'lIE CIVIL II1(;111S ACTOF 1964 UI'ILI1-Y llELOCA'I ION C¢)N1 IIACIS IAPPENDIX A OF ^sSunAricEsl ~'i~'''lr{'''l ~.uliuns u. {I or I{,e Fe,h.r~l I{{~hw{y A,hn{ni~lrnll,m tony ,{,'lcrmlm~ Io be apJJro{,rl~le. Jnc{udm~, b.!