Minutes 03-04-59MINUTES OF MEETING 0F THE ZONING BOARD 0P THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD IN CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, MARCH 4, 1989. PRESENT: Joseph W. Humphrey, Chaimmam Joseph BurWe 11 Adam A. Henmemam ~a~ J~es Salva$e~e Pandolfe F~ank Audame Jomas B. Baug~am, Coumci~am assigmed te this Beard. The meeting was called to order at 7:3~ The Chairman a~o~ced the ~eceipt of a letter of resigna- tion from William DoWd, in which he stated that due te business activities he found that ~ could not serve as a member of the Board. Mr. H~p~ey e~lained the procedure which the hearings for ~ezoning would follow. Track 1: Legal description, Lots 396 & 397, Cherr~y Hills. Address, N. W. 4th St. and 12th Ave. to be rezoned commercial. Appearing in favor of this was Thomas A. Rushing, owner of the property in question. The Boa~d heard his proposals for the tract and the objections of ~r. Henry Merkel who owned property within SO0 feet of the property. Mr. Merkel stated that he objected to it only on the grounds that it was too small a tract for She proposed groceFy stere, that there was no land abutting it that would be available for similar purposes. ~fter hearing the objections, Mr.. Henneman moved that this request be denied, however, net indica~ting that a larger area would not be approved in the future. Mr. Ja~es seconded the motion which unanimous ly. pa s se d Tract 2: Legal description, East 94' of N. 1/2 of Lot 5, being a subdivision of Section 25, Township 45 South,~Range 43 East. Address, lying between N. W. 1st Ave'. and N. W. 2nd Ave. To be rezened for Medical Building. Dr. Jack Rau!ston, owner of the tract, addressed the Board, giving his reasons for the application and presenting ar~etition to the Board ef residents living within 500 feet ef the tract to be rezoned who approved of said rezoning. Expressing approval of the rezoning were Mr. Ed Smith, N. W. 2nd, Dr. Kitchens, and Mr. Alfred Wolken. Mr. Anton Gantner, stated he lived within SO0 feet of the tract at 428 N. E. 3rd and objected to the rezoning. Mr. Audano moved that the Board approve the request for rezoning with th~ stipulation that the rear line be established by the dividing line of the lots on both sides. Mr. Pandolfo seconded the motion which carried unanimously. -1- ^ ~ Tract 3: Legal description, Lot 1 and Lot 12, less the nc~th and ~ ~ ~ .~.u'reet' thereof, Dei~l. Pa~k Subdivision. Add, ess, 7th Co~t o~e~'~fA~'~_~..T°be ~ezo~ed~o~e~cial. M~. Ra D o , P~ Y, ppea~ed oerore t~ o ' reasons for~ ~eeuest~m ~ -~ .... B ~rd and gave his and ~s. ~ -~o ~ ~-ezonmn A lette~ was read from te the ~equest and giving $. COX~ favor of the application. Mr. DOn to!M~ ~rd as ot on passed t · hat and N. 6 feet. Mr E, 2nd St. spoke in who lives next door bhe application. t- -back re quired ~he motion which Tract 4: Legal description, Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, Lake ~ateS.This request'Add'ess 708 N. W. 2nd Ave. To be rezoned came from Dorothy Eubank, who wants ~erate a beauty parlor in her home. Appro. ving this applica- L Cox, and Mr. Ray Dumond, Mr. George H. objection to the application. Mr. Audano moved ~ation be approved. M~. Hermeman seconded the motion wh~ passed unanimouslye th t~ cu or and dis cat dwe W. 1/4 of Lot 8, Section 20, less the East 3 acres thereSf. rezoned Commercial. Mr. Cox, owner of the tract, expressed the desire to have rezoned for retail commercial puPposes. Mr. Ray Dumond ~d that he was in favor of the application. Mr. George ~cted to the Pezoning. Mr. Don Austin stated that re- commercial wouldn.t be too bad, in that if he has a patti- use it then he woUld be in a position to say whether ~t it s objectionable. After hearing the proposals Audano moved that the Board approve the front 12~ feet of the property facing Old n etail commercial use. Mr. Henneman seconded ~d unanimously. Tracts 6:o Legal description, Lots 436, 437, 43'8, 439, CherFy ubdivmsion. Add, ess, N. W. 12th Ave. between N. W. 4th Streets. To be rezoned Multiple Dwelling. The owne~ tract, Mr. Harry Bolbeck, presented his proposals to the with a sketch of the proposed buildings to be p~operty. Mr. Henry Merkel, who owned property ected to the rezo~ing request. After much s moved~that the Board approve this appli- plan submitted, with a limitation to one-stor~y Audano seconded the motionwhich? passed unani- -2- The Chairman announced that this concluded the hearing on applications for rezoning that had been advertised. The Board then examined and discussed recent aoplications that had been received by the Boar~. - It was agreed that the request of Irma Bosman would not be considered u~ttl such time as an application, properly executed, was received by the Board. Rega~ding an application from A. C. Worrell for an opinion on property located at the cor~er of the Railroad and No E. 2nd Ave.~ Mro Henneman moved that the Board write Mr. Wo~rell a letter to the effect that the p~ope~ty, now zoned commercial would have to be rezoned to light-manufacturing before fabrication of any sort could be done. N~. Pandolfo seconded the motion which passed M~. J~mes pointed out that the letter should make it quite to Mr. Wor~ell that the Board would not approve any~ t m ~ ' anuz~cturing in that location, that it would be strictly I commercial. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted,