Minutes 12-10-58~ftS~JlrES OF A t~ETIN~ OF ~5; PLi~,TI!'~TG ~0ik~b ~LD ATCC'iTY ~LL~ BOYA~205 TM EE~CH FLORID&. ~ · , ~6~,~IR I0, 19~8~ -";~r. Racey called the ~eeti~¢ to order at ?°30 P.I¢~. and read the ~'nutes of the previous meeting of October g~. i958~ ~fr. ~'/~artane moved the minutes be acoeoted as read ~r. Schiefer seconded. ~tion carried. - ' ~r. Racey said he and l~fr. Schiefer had checked on various available parking spaces in the City and had prepaid a list of them. Igr. Schiefer ~%~ these s~g~stions be fo~ta~e~ to the City Council ~.~th an accompa~yin~ letter, l~r. }~Ia~arlane seconded~ ~got ion carried ~ '~ ~r. I~Tahlmeister moved the Board thar~ Miss Eel!y for her capable ~ud ,cons~ie~iiuas~ w~'rk on %eha!~ of the Board ~r. Yates S . ~.otlon carried. }¢?r. Yates moved the Board resign as is custo~,ry at the end o~ the year~ ~fr. I~eFar!ane seconded. ~fotion carried. ~r. i~ah!meister moved the meeting adjour~ ',- · Schiefer