Minutes 11-26-58SfIl~-~Ji~]$ ~ A S~CiAL I~Ti!gG OF ~ i~ER ~iAI~ C051>;~SSION fiELD A,T CITY ~LL, BOYAW!20N HE~CE~ FLOP/DA, EOV~fBEII 264 1958~ Stanley Weaver~ Chaima~. Charles Lavin~ Secretat~y. I~lartin Durkin, Co~mciiman~ J~es J. ~s~honey~ Co~ci!man. Paul Harri~con ~ The meeting was called to oz~ler by the Chairman at 7~30 Po}..~. The follom%_~g further letters regardir~ zonimg changes have been received since the meeting of the Commission o~ Novemloer 5: petition with !t signatures objectir~g to proposed zoniz~ changes of Lots I~ 2, ~ 4 of Block 2~ Boynton Heights~ Lots 127 and _ i28~ Z~ dgewood .~ from P~sidential to R I ~ ~d B petition for 35 signaiures objecting to any charge in zoning on N~W~ Ave~ae to proposed commercial zoning~ Three of the signers of the above petition wrote separate letters also: ~rs. ~fiidred Holiier and ~fr~ and ~frs~ Louis Engel. i~ir. Senior of the Florida Power & Light Compa~f protests the zoning of of their Sub-station as R I 2i~ Petition with 23 signatures asking that Pl~fland Homes be zoned R I AJ~ instead R ! AC. ~1t houses are !100 sq~ft, or over~ Also request propez~y on the ~Iorth side of $~W. 2nd &venue be chan~ed from proposed R $ to E i A~ Also the property to East of 8th Court be clanged from R i ~C to R ! Ag; also the property immediately South of S ~?~ Bml Avenu~ and the proper~y West of S.W. 7th Street, South of ~.W~ 1st ~%velr~e, be ~hanged from 1% 1 ~C to R ! i~ and l~rs~ Riley fotlov~ng up personal appearance at meeti~ of November Field regarding zonin~ in Po!ii~g Green Ridge Fiz?t ~.ddzt_on~ Rolling Green Ridge~ Royal Palm Village. Also his 30 acres ~Test of the Seaboard~ ~t was agreed that these should be taken up w~_ ~fr. Pimentei at the next regular meeting of the Commission on Wednesday, December 3~ together with the previous objections received at the meeting of November 5~ It was moved and seconded the meeting adjourn. Secretary.