Minutes 09-10-58BOYNTON B~CH, SEPTE~BEB 10~ 1958.
Stanley Weaver~ Chaiz~an
Charles Lavin, Secreta~r,
~artin Durkin, Vice
James J. ~ahoney,
A. E. Shook
Paul Harringt on
Paul ~e rcs r
Robert Fo Griffith, Jr.~ City Attorney°
The meeting %~as called to o~xier by the Chairman at 7~50
The ~f~ of the previous meet!n& ~ &ugust 8 were read ~ud
Duri~ a disc~sion on the possibility of easing t~fic ~za~s
near the J~ior High School, Er. E~rrio~on offend to put i~a needed
sidewalk ac~ss his pro~y to b_eiD out with the s~ety of %he
~[r. Pimenta! asked the i~ayor if the Buildi~ Inspector could mark
on the m~p the char~s that have bee~ds~ n~es of st~ets, etc.
This was granted~
It x~s agreed that the members of the Zoni~ a~J Pla~ing Boards
should be invited to attend a special ~ster Plan Commission meeting
before a public meeting is heard. The date of this meeting was fixed
for September ~9~ at 7.50 P.DI. The City Coumcit also to be invited to
attend this meeting.
The d~te for the Public Hearing' to be set up for ~Ve~nesday,
October 8, and to be arranged by t~£r. Griffith.
The Chairman read ~Ir. Pimentai's letter of August 25, with enclo~
sures, and it was agreed that copies should be distributed to members
of the Zoning and Planr~g Boards and to the City Council.
It va~s moved and secor~ed the meeti~g adjourn. Carried.