Minutes 08-06-58EINUTEB C~ THE SIXTH I~EETING 0~ THE BOY~0N>HEACH NASTER PIA~T ~ITH k~R. PI~ENTAL. Stanley V~'eaver, Chairman. Charles ~avin~ Secretary. Paul Harrington Martin Durkin, Councillor. Robert F, Griffith, Jr., City Attorney. The meeti~ w~s calt'ed to order b~. the Chairm~n at ~.¢5 P.~¢. l~r~ Harri2~gton moved the minutes of the last meeting of July 9th be accepted~ Er. Lavin seconded. Motion c~rried. Mr~ Piment~l distributed to the member~ of the Commission copies of an Ordinance regulating the height, number of stories ~nd bulk of structures, the size of yards and other open spaces, ~se of structures and for such purposes, and prescribing per~lties, and repealing all Ordinances or pai~s of Ordinances in co~lict therewith~ He suggested member~ take their copies home for study~ It was a~reed a grouo of the members would fo~m a Committee $o go over the 0~di~nce ~nd~check it ags~inst the map, ~ud that there should be a mid-month meeting with Er$ Pimental to go over the map in more detall~ after one or more meetings prior to the mid-month meeting have been held. Mr~ Pimental thought three meetings of the Committee will be required before public ~eetings are held. After the Ordinance h~s been checked ~gainst the map a copy of the resulting recommendations to be sent to ~r. Pimental before the next re~lar meeting of September B~ It can then be given to the Press Mr. Pimental voiced his opinion~ for the record.that the City should expand westerly in three sections from the North City limits to the South City limits. l~r~ Lavin moved it be recDmmended to the City Council that they investigate the status of land to the South of City limits that once was in limits but was excluded~ Also recommend the City amend, through legislature, the City Charter to get pov~r to annex surround~ lands for the purpose of taking in three sections to the ~est from the South City limits to the North City llmits~ This in effect will give the City po~r over the surrounding area to prevent undesirable str~ction from crowding our town~ This would lower the values in o~r City and cause detrimental development~ taxwise and otherwise. ~,i,dew~lk Ord~i~nanGe: It has been suggested that the Building Code be amended - for public safety - to req~zire builders to construct side~ walks when homes are built in new and old subdivisions. This would allow developers to complete subdivisions without sidewalks. These two recorm~,endations to be made to the City Council at its next reg~.lar meeting on September 1st. ~r,, Harrington seconded~ ~otion carried ~ ~r~ Lavin~ as Secretary~ was asked by ~i~r~ Weaver to attend that meeting and make the recommendations to the Co~ucil~ Mr~ Harrington moved the map be kept in the private custody of the Chainnan of the Commission until such time as punlic hearings are heldo Er~ Lavin seconded~ I~otion carried~ There was a long discussion on the Zoning and Planning Boards and the advisability, or otherwise, of combining them. It was sugges- ted the members of these two BoaEts be invited to sit in at the meeting after that at which the Ordinance has been checked ¥~th the map s~ud the changes recomraended made~ ~onday, August ll~ at ?.30 P,~ was set as the date of the first of the special meetings for chec~dng the Ordinance with the ~p ~ There beir~ no further business the meeting was adjourned by the Chai rr~an. Stanley ~eave r, Chairman. Charles Lavin, Secreta~..