Minutes 06-11-58MINUTES OF A ~EEETING OF T~ BOYETON REACH "ZONING BOARD HELD AT CITT HAI~L, JUNE 11, 1958. Paul _~cBride, C~hairman. James J. ~ahoney, Councillor. Walter Nolan A.E,Shook Albert Deen Forney Herr on ~illiam Yates Sa!vatore Pandolfo Alternates The meeting was called to order by the Chairm~ at 7.30 P.~. The minutes of the last meeting of ~Iay 12 were read and accepted. TRACT 1: Lot 2, Block 15, Say,jet's Addition (Ocean Aven~e) to be zoned for apartments. ~r. Horton moved, ~r. Nolan seconded, it be reco~nemied to the City Council that this request be granted, l~otion carried. T~C__~: Lot 108 and the East !B feet of Lot 109, Block A, BOYhV~ON HILLS. (N.V~. Second Avenue) to be zoned co~.ercial. 2~r. Nolan moved, ~i~r. Hortor~ seconded, it be recom~ended to the Council that this request be deni~do 'l~!otion carried. TRACT 3: Lots 10 and 11, Block ll, CE~2P~L PARK ~, (corner Green Street and S.E, l~th Avenue) to be ~zoned commercial. Mr. Snain~ on behalf of the Seven~Eleven Food Stores, for whom the request was being m~de, dmd net agree that the state would not allow for sufficient off-street ~arking. A letter was read from ~r. ~nd Mrs° A.A. Stuart, Jr., ob~ectmng to the re-zoning of this corner a~ ce~nercial. A petition was also received~ signed by 32 nearby residents, objecting to the re-zoning of this corner as con~.ercial. Chairman.