~T C~ H~L, B~0N ~CH, F~R~A, ~Y ~h, 1958, WITH
Stamley Weaver, Chairman,
Charles Lavin, Secretary.
~Mar~in D~rkin, Councilman.
James J. Mahoney, Cpuncilman
Paul Harrington
A. E. Shock
Paul l~eroe r
~eonard L. Banks
B. C. Rolfe. 0ity Attorney Robert F. Griffith, Jr.
T~ 0hairman called the meeting to order at ?,30
The minutes of the last meeting of April 9th were read.
Er. Shook mb. red the minutes stand as read°
Ection carried.
I~r~ l~e!fe secobded~
The meeting was then turned over tcEr. Pimental who asked whether
the City Council had taken action on his propose~ six "Declarations of
~ro Durkinsaid the Oouncil made no decision as he understood some
member or members of the Commission were to attend Council meetings in
connection with any action required by the Cov_ucil and urge the recom-
mendations of the~L~ster~an Com~ni~sion.
~r. Weaver said he would attend the Oouncil meeting of April 19 in
order to carry out this procedure and to urge the Commission's recommend-
atiens for adoption by the Council.
Er~ Durkin referred to the matter of retaining a Fiscal Agent for
the City Council, saying he thought it necessary to have such advice in
connection with the Field sewerage disposal matter~
i~r. Jack Durrence, Fiscal Agent, was advised to seek an appointment
with the City 0ouncil ~o discuss his services.
Er~ Griffith said he had discussed the matter with Er. Middleton of
~est Palm Beach and is meeting with him, E~r. Field and the Council next
J~onday evening~
~r. Lavin read E~ Pimental's memorandum on a proposed Capital B~dget
dated ~arch ~
Er. Shook moved 5Ir. Pimental's memorandum of March 29, 1958, be
made part of the minutes of the Commission's meeting cf April 9. Er.
Banks seconded. ~iotion c~rried.
Mrs Griffith said he did not q~ite ttu&erstami some of the terms of the
proposed Declarations of Policy~ as he thought pres~ent City ordinances
wo~ld be sufficient, if enforced; but more details are furnished.
Er. Pimental thought the City's :present road requirements entirely
inadequate ~
Mrs Griffith thought nothing should be recommended to the Council in
the way of tentative ordin~nces~ but reviev~d and commented on the proposed
"Declarations of Policy".
In taking up unfinished business with regard to the proposed "Declara-
tions of Policy':
~r. Lavin moved Item ?, page 2, on subdivision regulations for plat
a¢ceptances~ be eliminated because of the difficulty of enforcement ~ud the
hardship inherent wi~h it~ and tabled for review for possible incorporation
at some future date, or permanently withdrawn° Er~ Shook. seconded~ Eotion
Mr. Lavin moved for the words ',Building InspeetoF' appearing in line 3
the substitution of Superintemient of Public ~orks or City Engineer~
· ~ot~on carried.
Re!fo seconded~ ~
~ro ~Tercer moved Item 13, paragraph 2~ with r~gard to "maintenance
bonds" be stricken~ Mr~ Shook seconded. ~otion carried.
New business was then taken up.
~{r~ Pimenta. i ~ad his proposed "Ordinances".
~Ir. Shook moved that ~der paragraph ~., page 10, the word 'two' a~d
n~eral '2' be cha~ged to four. 2~[r. Mercer seconded. ~o.tmon carried.
2~Ir~ Shook moved in Par~' B~ pa~e I1, the word 'half' and numeral '~'
be thronged to 'three-quarters'. Mro ~ercer seconded° Motion c~riedo
~ir. I~vin moved in Par~ B., page 11, the words 'or carport~ be added
zfter ~garage'. Mr~ Banks seconded. Motion carried~
Er. ~avin moved, in Par~l, page 13, the words ~to be sole judge' be
changed to '-the Planning Board shall determine as to' ~r~ Shook
seconded~ 2~otion carried~
Er. Mercer moved, in Par~2, page 13~ to add 'Boat slips and docks on
canals 60 f~. or less in v~dth' both in the title and in the body of the
B, At the end of the first sentence - 'No boat house or other permament
building to be permitted on a cana!~
Er, Lavin moved
It is recommended to the C~ncil that the Planning ~nd~ning
Bear~$ be combined~ effective at once; that half of the p~esent
members be permanent members of the new Bea~i, the other half to be
alternate members. ~r, Banks seeonded~ ~io~ carried.
It was agreed that shoulder and road specifications are needed
and are to be submitted by Er. Pimental.
The meeting then adjourned.
Se cretary.