Minutes 04-16-58NINU~w~S 0~ A ~EGULAR MEETiNS ~F TEE PLANNING BOAED 0~ BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON HEATH, APRIL 18, 1958, PEESENT: F. J. Racey, Chairman. Mart in Durkin, Councilman. i-~ne ~blmeiste r. Charles A. ~chiefer (Replaci~ ~r. ~aldie, ~signed). The Chairman called the meeting to or, er at 7.30 P.M. The Minutes of the last re~lar meeting of ~rch 19 were read. ~Ir. Mahlmeister moved they be accepted with the correction of ~ir. M~cFarlane's name in place of Mr. D~rkin's as seconder of a motion. l~r. Simmcnds seconded. I~iotion carried. Mr. Simmonds moved recommending to the Council the advisability of including the names or numbers of adjacent streets to the legal description of proper~y advertised for re-zoning. }Ir. ~chiefer seconded. Motion carried. A letter was read from the Lake Worth Federal Savings and. Association requesting re-zoning of that part ef its proposed building site now zoned residential to Commercial D. Mr. Simmonds moved that inasmuch as this is for spot zoning it be referred to the Zoning Board for consideration. Mr. Mahlmeister seconded. Motion carried. A letter v~s read from the Shore & 0ountr~ Realty requesting the zoning for their new subdivision, Pine Ridge, be for houses not less thmn 1,000 square feet. ~lir. ~hlmeister moved it be reco~w~ended to the City Council that thi~ request be gra~uted. ~Ir. Schiefer seconded. ~%tion carried. There being no further business, ~ir. Mahlmeister moved, ~r. Simmonds seconded, the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Ch~irm ~ LAKE WORTH FEDERAL LAKE WORTH FEDERAL SAVI N G S ~'~ -AND LOAN ASSOC][ATION-.=---~~~ . - LAKE AVENUE AT PALM WAY ~ LAKE WORTH FEDERAL SAV! N G S .,~ · -AND LOAN ASSOCIATION--------~~'~'~"" ~ LAKE AVENUE AT PALM WAY '~ PHONE BOYNTON 8EACH EDWARD G. JUNG 9000 Reg. RealEstate Broker West Side N. Federal Hwy. at 10th Ave. P.o. BOX 3.506 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Associates EUGENE MAHLM EISTER MRS. H. D. BOGARDUS MRS. DOROTHY KOCH Copy 20 Plannlng Con.mission HOMES LOTS ACREAGE INVESTMENTS