Minutes 03-19-58MINUTES OF A REGULAR PLANNING BOARD I~T~G RELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON B~CH, MAI~H ].9, 1958. PRESET: Stanley Weave r7 Chairman. Martin Durkin. Councillor John McaFarlane Eugene Mahlmeiste r F.JoRacey, Vice Chairman. The meeting v~s ca~led to order at ?.30 P.M. by the Chairman. The minutes of the previous meeting of ~arch 5th were read. ~r. MacMillan moved they be accepted as read. ~r. Durkin seconded. Motion carried. A letter was read from Mr. Stanley ~eaver stating that he feels ob.figed to resign as Chairman of the Planning Board, being now Chairman of the Master Plan Com~ission, but will remain as a member of the Board. Mr. Mahlmeister moved Mr. Racey be nominated as Chairman of the Board in place of Mr. Weaver. ~r. Ma~Varlane seconded. Motion carried, and Mr. Racey took his place as Chairman. Mr. James Minor presented details of an expa~usion program to be undertaken by the ~ethodist C~hurch, requiring zoning changes. ~r. Weaver moved that the Board recom~end to the Council approval of Zone G. for lots on the N.W. corner of 0~ean Avenue, Nos.S8, 39, 40 and 41 in Block 2., Boynton Heights. Mr. Mahlmeister seconded. Motion carried, ~r. Minor was asked to write a letter f~ally making this request, a copy to be sent to the Planning Board, one to the Zoning Board, and one to the Council, with a sketch. A letter was read from 2~r. John Miller requesting a change in zoning from duplex to multiple dwellings for Lots 35~ to 38? inclusive, Cherry Hills. D~r. ¥~eaver moved this request be tabled until discussion can be had with the h~ster Planner and proper regulations can be dra~m up covering land use in that area. ~r. MacFarlane seconded. ~otion carried. A letter was read from Rev. Gerard J. Manning, of St. Mark's Catholic Church, requesting a change in zoning from their present B. and D-! zones of Lots 5, 6, lC, 11, 12 21, 22 of Dewey's Subdivision, and Lots 8 to 13, inclusive of Block 2, Civic Center Subdivision, Boynton, to Sone G~ Mr. Weaver moved it be recommended to the Council that this petition be granted so far as z6ning is concerned, Mr, ¥~cFarlane seconded. D~otion carried. -2- ~r. Racey suggested that with the legal description of property to be re-zoned the names of streets should be included so that it would be known exactly where the property was. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Chai~~~