Minutes 02-05-58~INIFfES OF A REGULAR EEETING OF THE p ~ ~ LAN~ING BOAED HELD AT THE CITY HALL, BOYNTON ~. CH, FLORIDA, FEBi~JAiTf 5, 1958. Stanley Weaver, Chairman. ~artln Durkfn, Councillor John Simmonds F, J. P~cey John ~acFa rlane Thomas Wagenhausen The Chairman called the meeting to order at ?.30 P.~. and read the minutes of the previous meeting of January 9. ' ~r. Sfmmonds moved, the minutes be accepted as read seconded. ~otfon carried. . ~r. Racey ~r. ~ae3arlane nominated ~r. Racey as Vice Chafr~an of the Board. There being no further nominations 5~r. Racey was unanimously elected. ~r. Henry, R, Thompson, developer, presented a plat of Glen Arbor, After dfscussion,~Ir. Sfn~nonds moved the Board recommend to the Council that this plat be accepted and tha~ the zoning be for 800 square feetcarriedminimum, single family residences · ~r. Racey seconded. /~otion Er. J.p. Davis, Surveyor and Engineer of West Palm Beach, represent, fng ~r. Howard, presented a proposal to re-Plat SEAWAY TERRACE. It was agreed that lot ~ be eliminated and lot $ be re-designed for a larger area so that a home built on this lot will face Seacrest Boulevard. ~r. Racey read a list of his suggestions for traffic safety and ~r. Durkin said he would bring these and added suggestions to the attention of the City A letter was read from ~{r. ~ahlmeister reErett~n~ that other important commitments for ~ednesd~y nights Will prevent him from attending meetings of the Planning Board unto.! the middle of ~arch. It was agreed that meetings of the Board will be held on first and third %%d~esdays. There being no further business the ~ueeting adjourned. af rman. /