Minutes 09-25-57NII~I]TES OF A 81:xEO~Ai, NiEET ING OF THE PLANNING BOAED, THE C ~ COUNCIL, THE ZONING BOARD, AITD THE INDUSTRIAL BOARD, HELD AT THE CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, SEI~E~BER 25, 1957. Plarming Board: City Cou~ucil: NartinDurkin, Chairman. Herbert L..Eeatts Counotlman~tanley Weaver. Jack Simonds F.J.Racey Henry H. ~erkel Jr. CeergePeltis. LoS. Chadwello Zoning Board: Industrial Board: Walter Nolan Forney Horton A.E. ShoOk Cha~rt~s G. Lavin, Chairman. Paul Harrtngt on Leonard Banks John Begets. Mr. Weaver took the chair and called the meeting to order at P,M. Mr. Lavin introduced ~r. Antho~ Pimente! who, from his wide experience tn the State, addressed the meeti~ on pla~/~ ~d At the e~ of the address a~ of the ge~l disc~eion follo~d the opinion of those P~sent seemed to be ~mous that Pimentel's se~foes ~d ~vice could be of great value to the City of )r. ~ ~ved thai ~r. ~rkfn attend the ne~ ~Iar meett~ of the City Co~cil to t~o~ them of the favomble tmP~ssion ~e by Mr. PimenteI on the m~be~ of the Planni~ Boa~, ~o reeo~e~ seconded.t~t ~ ag~ementMotion becarried.entered t~o ~th him tf ~ss~b~e. ~r. ~g~l Cha! rman. ' ~ ~ Secretary.