Minutes 09-11-57MIltUTE~ OF A EEGUIAR HEETING OF THE BOY11TON ~EACH PLMtNING BOAI~) HELD A~ THE CITY HALL, BOYNTON HEACH, SEPTENHER 11, 1957. PEESE~: ~artin Durktn, ':Shatrman. Stanley WeaVer, City Counc~Xman. Milton Cobin · ndy Oakes F ,~. Racey The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7.~0 The minutes of the s~ectal meeting of the Board of June were read and accepted. With reference to the Grimes property zoning, Hr, Weaver reported Mr. Grimes has purchased from the County property South in is of the property/question and has it zoned industrial. This/out of the City's jurisdiction. ~r. Oakes moved that the Board renew its membership in the Florida Planning and ~.oning Association. Mr. Cobin seconded. Motion carried. There being no further business, Er, l~acey moved the meeting adjourn. Mr. Oakes seconded. I~tion carried. F io ri6~. Ch~i ~,n~ P1 am~ir~;