~J~artin Durkin, Chairman.
Stanley Weaver, City Councillor.
George Fettis
Eilton Cobin
John S inLu~onds
Herbert Heatt s
Andy 0akes.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at ?.30 P.M.
The minutes of the last regular meeting of E~v 2~ were read and
A letter was read from ~r. ]~ahlmeister. As this requested spot-
zoning it was referred to the Zoning Board.
Four members of the ~ission Hill and Chapel Hill Committee were
present and were asked to state their objections to the proposed zoning
for the Grimes property.
~r. McFarlane said people livin~ in a high class area would natur-
ally obje~.t~.to commercial zoning, e~nd it does not seem feasible to tear
~own one thing to build up R. nother, industrial or residential.
. ~eaver said ~,~r. Grimes, in all fairness, must be given a he~ring
and will get this before the Zoning Board meeting, which will be adver-
tised in adv~nqe.
After further discussion the Committee withdrew on being t~ld they
would be informed of the Planning Board's recommendations to the Cou_ucil.
It was a~reed that the Planning Bos. rd, to which ~ms referred the
application of ~Er. ~.farren Grimes to re-zone, for industrial purposes,
property owned by him in the south, er~ part of the City, hereby reco~ends
denial of this application for the fotlowin~ reasons:-
1. The property somMht to be re-zoned lies in close proximity to Mission
Hill, Chapel Hill and other low-density and hi~ cost and rapidly expand-
ingo residential developments. Residents of these developments are great-
ly alarmed over the proposed establishment of an indust~r so close to
their homes. They see the depreciation of the~r~pr~operty values with
inconvenience and aF~noyance to themselves az~d their ~a~i!ies. The
Planuing Bo~.rd feels tbst there is much justiflca~tion for t~his view.
2. At the present time more than 70 acres of land in Boynton Beach are
zoned for industrial purposes. From the fact that the Planning Board
recom_mended zoning of practically all of these sites for the stated use,
it must be obvious this Board views vzith favor the attraction of suit-
able industries to supplement the normal growth smd developnlent of
Boynton Beach. But the Board strongly feels that such ind'~strial deve!-
opment must not be achieved at the derogation of the 'rights of our
citizens or the depreciation of their property values in the inmediate
vicinity of such industrial sites.
3. ~ereas it has been r~presented that this re-zoning per, it, if
granted, could be revoked or amended in case of violation of controls or
restrictions ~V~.rning thee same, it is the considered opinion of the
Planning Board t?~t~ once the application is granted, it would be very
difficult and probably legally impossible for the City ever to revoke or
amend such permit, or to enforce new restrictions in c~se of possible
e :~ans i on,
&. Also it has been stated that the City wou~d derive considerable tax
revenue fro~ the establishment of this industry. This is undeniably
true. But the P~_annin~ Board believes that an objective and long-range
view of this proposition sustains the conviction that the
of this entire area for residential purposes, as it is presently committed,
will ultimately ~nd perhaps more permanently bring greater taz~revenue to
the City. But irrespective of a~y 8onf!icting opinions on this point,
the Pia~ning Board is c~nvinc~d that the contentment and satisfaction of
our citizens, and the protection of their investments in their homes are
the paramount and controlling issues here as in other cases of this
kind ~
It has been moved and seconded:
1. That the Planning Board recommend denial by the City ~ouncii of the
application for the zoning of Er~ ~Varren Grimes' property, and
£. That the above letter be sent to the City Council and a copy to the
Zoning Board.
Carried. unanimously.
l~ir, Cobin moved, ~Ur. Oakes seconded, the meeting adjourn.