Minutes 05-22-57MI~V~ OF A C0~I~ ~EETING OF THE PLAI~TtNG BOAED A~ T~ I~T~L BOA~ HE~ AT CITY HALL, BO~ON B~CH, FLORI~, 22, 1957. PRESE~: Planning Board: tndust rial Board: ~Tartin Durkin, Chairman. Stanley v~e~ver, City Council!or George Fe!tis ~Tilt on Cobin John S i~onds Herbert Keatts Andy Oakes. Charles G. Lavin, Chairman Paul Harrington, Vice Chairman. John Rogers Leonard Banks. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 8.00 P.~ff, and said a Committee ~rom Chapel Hill a~d ~ission Hill was present in connection with the request of ~¥~ro Grimes for an industrial zonin~ at Chaoel Hill o ~r. Lavin explained fully the situation of the proposed zoning and read the original petition of ~r~ . Grimes for light industrial zooming, shorting an aerial view, of the proposed site. Mr. John Ms~arlane voiced his objections to many of Mr. Lavin's statements and asked how the Grimes permit could be reversed if he did not live up to his agreement. Lr. Harrington said that the f~smction of the Industrial Board is merely to recommend ~nat they think and as they have so fully covered the ground there is nothing further t~ey can do Mr. Lavin said the matter has been given to the Planning Board and is now, out of their hands. ~r. Garrett ~clnto~h voiced his objections to the zoning change and said ~.~r. Grimes has often varied his intentions regarding the use of the land in question. ~ro Frar~k Hewitt said he seriously questioned~many of the state- ments of ~r. Grimes, and. detai~ed his strenuous objections to such zoning wtere close to a million ~ol!ars' worth of residential pr6perty is involved, pointing out that under certain conditions any promises made by ~r. Grimes could not be e~*orced. Other members of the Com~dttee also expressed their opposition to the zoning saying it w,ould lead to a decrease in va!~e of expensive homes in the neighborhood. DEr, 7~eaver said the Pla,uning Board v~ill take the matter under advisement and vdll contact ~Er. ~cFarlane, The members of the Industrial Board and the Com~ittee then withdrew. After discussion, ~Er. Cobin moved that in the light of the brief reDort m~de-by ~Er. LE~in and his Industrial con~Eittee re the Grimes proposition, and in the light of our !ack of prior information con- cerning this proposition and, further, in the presentation by the Committee of residents of Chapel Hill and ~Eission Hill ~ number of points were raised, questions have come to mind of rGembers of the Planning Board that it would appear judicious that prior to Planning Board recontmend~tions in this matter, a joint ~,eeting be held by the P!a~ing Board and the Industrial Board at the earliest convenient date to review the proposal and deliberate on certain questions that have been raised subsequent to the recommendations of the Industrial Board and the Co~ittee from Chapel Hill and ~Ession Hill zrrivingo ~r. ~[eatts seconded. ~Eotion c~rried. It was agreed that a joint meeting with the Industrial Board be held on Wednesday, Jur~e 5, at 7.30 P.~. at City Hal!. ~r. Hailberg's letter of January 22 was tabled. ~ro Fe!tis moved, ~Tr. Si~Eonds seconded, that the meeting adjourn, there being no further business. Secretary.