Minutes 04-10-57~,~IhX~TES 0F A D~I~TING OF THE PLA~ING BOARD OF ~Y~0N ~ACH, FLORIDA, HE~ AT THE CITY HALL, ~O~T B~CH~ ~L 10, 195~. P EESEA~: ~tin Durkin, Chairman. Stanley Weaver, City Counsellor. Henry Eerkel, Jr. ~ilton Cobin Herbert Ee~tts John S i~monds F. J. Racey Allen ~ing. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7.50 P.Di. The first item on the agenda was the petition of ~r. Allen King for zoning of his property. After: prolonged ~iscussion of this, 5Ir. Aferkel moved that the Planning Board recommend to the City Council that the petition of ~Er. King for the zoning of the Allen King property at the S.%?L corner of ~oolbright Poad and U.S.! to the South limits of the Ki~g property, ~50' in depth, from U.S.1, be zoned industrial. The balance to the F.E.C. Right of ~ay to be zoned restricted light industry, and it is recommended that provision be made for a 50 Root Right of Way between the con~nercial and industrial areas, be~. nin~ at ~Woolbright Road ~nd extending South from %~oolbright Road to the southern limits of the Allen ~ing property. ~r. Simmonds seconded. ~otion carried. The Planning Board is also considering the over-all zoning of the ¥~est side of U.S.! from Woolbri~t Road South, back 550' ~Hest of U.So!, to be used~for motels and other similar com.~ercial pro- jects. Back of this to the F oE.C. an industrial park is Pla~uned comprised og restricted and selected light industries, %~th a North-South road between the two zones. The minutes of the las~ regular ~eeting of April 3 were read and accepted° ~r. Sim~onds moved, Er. Cobin seconded, that the meeting ~djourn. DIotion carried. Chairman. Secretary.