Minutes 02-27-57~IhKtTE~ OF EEGU~R ~EETING OF ~ING BOARD OF BOYNTON ~CH~ FLORIDA, P~E~D .AT THE CI~I~f HALL, BOYNTON HEACH, FEBITUARY 2~, ~957. PEESEI~: ~lartin Durkin, Chairman. Stanley ~eaver, City Councillor. Geor~ FeI~is, Henry ~gerkel, Jr. Herbert L, Eeatts F. J. Racey John Simmon~ls Harvey 0yet, City Counsellor, w~s also present. ~J~r. Cobin wzs out of town and ~ro 0akes was also unable to att end. ~r. Durkin called the meeting to o~er mt 7.~0 P.~., and ~ad the ~Tinutes of the previous ~eeting of ~-~b~a~z 13, w~h w~re ~ccepted, After a !on~ discussion on parkin~ problems ~nd of the provision by the City of off-steer parking, the following sub-committees w~re appointed:- Parking and D~i~ De~lopn~ent: Er. ~cey, Chai~an. ~gr. 0akes ~r. Eeatt s ~r. Durkin New' Developments: Dir. Feltis ~%r. Si~onds industrial Areas I~'Ir. I~eatt s ~-~r. Ee rkel ~r. Durkin Schools, Parks & Playgro~Luds: Mr.Cobin ~r. ~!e rke ~ ~r. Durkin thought the ~oard should have more publicity to keep the public informed of what it proposes to do, and said he would take steos in this direction. ~fr. ~!erket said the most important business of the Board is l~an- ning and gettin~g prospective developers to co~e to the Board to discuss the~r plats. ~r. Weaver said in the new subdivision ordinance it is laid down that the plats must be cleared with the Plar~uing Board gs ~Jell as ~ith the Council. Until the ordinance is passed the plats will come to the Board first. I~Ir. 0yet, who had been invited to s~ttend the m~eti_~ug in the urgency OF off-str~et parking in connection with the expandim~g co~ercia! areas in the City, outlined in detail, with the aid of maps, his sug~.gestions and ideas. He pointed out that land shoul~E be acquired for these -2- parkir~ areas as soon as possible before it becomes higher in price. ~r. Racey was asked if his Co~mm~..ittee would look into the matter and give its report at the next meeting. After further genera, l discussion, ~r. Fe!tis moved that the meet!n&o adjourn. ~Ir. ~eatts seconded. ~btion carried. Secreta~f.