FEBRUARY 1 $ ~, 195 ?.
~-~artin D~rkin, Chairman.
Stanley Weaver, Councillor.
Henry B. ~erkel Jr.
John S im~monds
F. J. t~acey
~i lton Co rbin.
Andy 0akes.
Herbert L. Keatts.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at ?.30 P,~f.
The minutes of the last regular meeting of January 2~ were
read and aPl~rOved.
Er. Durkin thought there should be moreaco~ordinatio~ between
the Planning and Zoning Boards ~nd the City Council, as at present
the Planning Boar~ is more or less by-passed in connection with
projected subdivisions.
.~Ir. Weaver agreed and explained the circumstances in connection
with the subdivisions listed in the last minutes. He added that
at the next re~lar meeting of Council he would suggest the setting
up of a system whereby plats should be sho%~ to the Planning Board
before being approved.
A letter from Walter Dutch ~s read requesting suitable zoning
for the Presbyterian Church. The original of this letter was
addressed to the Council and a copy also sent to the Zoning Board.
~r. Racey moved that the letter be tab, ed ~_util the site chosen
by the church is definitely know~, when zoning can be recommended.
~r. Corbin seconded. ~.~otion carried.
~.~r. Durkin suggested, to avoid unnecessary discussion at meet-
ings, that Co,~mittees be appointed to stu&y special subjects. With
this infor~ation the Board can make recommendations to the Cotuucil.
~erkel was asked to enquire into street parking., near the
~ethodist Church.
??r. Weaver said he had three item~ on which to report to the
Board regarding action taken by the Council and described them at
1 ength: '
!. The develoDment of the newly purchased beach Eorth of the Casino.
A meeting with a representative group of colored people to
decide ~ich tn~y wanted most,- a swi~ing pool or a cemetar~y.
They decided in favor of a ce~etery. Several locations
were discussed as possib~e for such a purpose.
A meeting with the Superintendent of Schools and other members
of the County School Board regarding a site for a Junior HDgh
school on the land own~ed by the City on N.~. 2~d Avenue. The
City has offered to trade and to turn that land back to the
County if suitable land can be given to the~ in lieu.
Mr. Keatts handed in a petition, si~ned by eight property
Or?hers, asking that N.E. 2nd Street be p~rmanently closed and that
such property revert to adjoining property owners.
it be reco~Lmended to the Council
~,~r. ~Veaver moved thatZthat N.E. End Street between Ocean
Avenue and N.E. 2nd Avenue be closed and that the Board has no
objection to the abandonment of the street ~r. ~
o ~e rkel seconded.
~-ot ion carried.
l~ro Racey moved, ~r. Corbin seconded, that the meeting
adjourn. ~otion carried.