Henry ~erkel, Jr., Chairman.
I~r. ~artin B. Durkin.
~r. John Simmonds.
Mr. Harvey 0yero
~.~r. George Feltis.
Mr. L.S. Chadwell.
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at
The minutes of the previous meeting of November 28 were read.
~r. 0yet ~'moved, ~r. Durkin seconded, th~at the minutes be accepted
as read. _~otion carried.
~-~r. Oyer seconded,
~r. Durkin moved/~hat the follov~i~ recommendations be submitted to
the City Council for consideration. ~otion carried unanimously:
IT~ 1:
Starts at the North side of Lakeside Gardens, running to South
boundary of lot 3 of Sam Brown Jnro's subdivision, commonly
known as the Joseph Pe~an~er property, from the commercial
setback along UoS.1 to the waters of Lake V~orth to be re-zoned
Class "A", which is now zoned "B" and "D".
ITEDI 2: Lots ~, 5, 6 and ? of Sam Brown Jnr.'s $/D to remain in Zone "D".
That the Dorothy Shepperd and B. Kirsch properties be zoned "F"
now zoned Residential "B".
Lot No.10 of Sam Brown Jnr.'s S/D, known as Inlet Village, Inc.,
which is now zoned "B", to be zoned Commercial "D" to conform
with present usage.
That portion of Paso Robles S/D, which now belongs to the City
of Boynton Beach, to be zoned for oark purposes. The property
being presently operated as Valentine's Court, to be zoned
Con~nercial "D".
ITF~I 8:
The %~.S.Shepherd S/D,- lots 13, 14 and 15 of Sam Brown Jnr. 's
S;D,- to retain its present zoniu~ of "D" from the commercial
setback along, U.S.1 to the v~ters of Lake %~orth.
I~ts 16, 17 and 18 of Sam Brown Jnr,'s S/D, known as the Leola
~!ler property, from com_mercial setba6k along U.S.1 to the
waters of Lake Worth, now zoned "B'!~ to be re'Zoned Class "F".
Starting wi~h Lot 16 on the South side of Lake Street, Lots
16, l? and 18, Lake Village, Philip Bridger tract, and the
Boynton ~"-~anagement Corporation tract to the North boundary of
~oquina Cove, from commercial setback along U.S.! tb thewaters
of Lake VJorth, now zoned "B", to be re-zoned Class 'F'.
A letter from ~r. No,man Hallworth of Lake ~'orth, dated December 8,
was read, requesting change of zoning to permit construction of doctors'
offices on Woolbright Road. across from the cemetery on land now zoned
It was agreed to inform ~r. Ha!!burg that as this would entail spot
zoning it is being referred to the Zoning Board.
A letter was read from the Rev. I~eith Love of the Presbyterian Church,
dated December 5, requesting a permit to build a churc~Sth Averse and Sea-
~r. 0yer moved that the Planning Board recommend to the Council that
the request in ~r. Love's letter be approved. ~r. Simmonds econded.
~otion carried.
It was agreed that the Rev. ~r. Love s~hould be inform, ed by letter
that the Planning Board have recon~.ended to the Council t_hat his request
be granted.
After discussion it was agreed that in order to give the new Commission
an opportunity to appoint a new Plar~_ing Board or to re-appoint some of the
present members, the present Board tender their resignation to take effect
immediately. At the s~m~e time they wish to express their appreciation
of the honor of having been appointed to serve on the Planning Board during
the past year.
On motion duly made and seconded it v~s agreed ~hat the Planning
Board give a risi~vote of thanks to ~iss Alice Kelly for her devotion
to duty as recording secretary to the Board.
There being ro further business, ~r. Feltis moved, ~r. Durkin seconded
that the meeti~ adjourned. ~otion carried.
Chairman. i~~ ~ -'~