Minutes 11-14-56MINUTES OF A REGULAR ~ETING OF THE PI~TtN~ BOARD OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT TRE CITY HALL, BOY~0N BEACH, November 1~, 1956. PRESENT ~r. Stanley Weaver, Mayor. ~r. Henry l~erkel, Jr., Chairman. t{r. George Feltis l{r. John Sim~onds ~fr. Harvey Oyer Er. L. S. Chadwe ! ! Mr. ~fartin Durkin. ~r. F.J. Racey. The Chairman called the meeting to order at Y.30 P.~%. and said he was very glad to see so many people in the audience this evening. He introduced the varioms members of the Planning Board, and ex- plained tha~ nothing definite is done by the Board, its function being to make recommendations only, which can only be finally acted upon by the Council. Er. Oyer g~ave a full explanation of what ~s being proposed along U.S.1 from Coquina Cove North to the City limits using a map of the territory to illustrate. ~rs. Ahrens of Lakeside Gardens said the residents would like to have their territory zoned Residential 'A'. Mr. Weaver in reply to a question explained the differnce between Zpnes 'A~ and 'B'. The ow~ner of a lot on Oak Street and of the Penney Nursery.~thi~nks this should be zoned ~A~ as he doesn't ~nt it filled with motels. Dr. Hunter, whose property is just South ofl the Per~ey Nursery ex- oressed himself in favor of changing to Class 'A' zone, and Nr. Lotterer agreed ~,~ith him, as did ~r. Paul Eoritz, and Mr. Stevenson; ~and ~t~ Dorothy Sbeppe~said she preferred their zor~ing to remain aS is. The general opinion of those residents present of the territory under discussion appeared to be that they wdshed it to remain in its existing zoning. 8.30 P.~. the audience left and the general meeting was resumed. ~r. Feltis read the minutes of the last regular meeting of the Board of October ~r. t~cey moved, ~ _~r. Durkin seconded, that the minutes be accepted as read. Item 1. Item 2. Item 3. ~fr. Durkin said he had received a visit from the Secretary of the Florida Planning and Zoning Association who had left with him variouw literature on planning and zoning and pamphlets on industrial zoning. It was agreed that the City Clerk should be asked to provide space in which these and other records of the Pla~ming Board can be filed. The following suggestions were made: Starting vrith the NorSh boundary of Zakeside Gardens and running to the private road bordering the property known as the Joseph Pervanger property, and the property to the North kno~m as the Louise Kraft ~m~aer tract, be re-zoned Class 'A', except those portions at present zoned commercial. That the ovmers of the Dorothy Shepperd and Irving Eirsch properties be contacted in regard'~to changing to Class '~'~ , holding type. That the owners of Inlet Village Inc., and the owners of the two other pro,perties in that block be contacted as to change - in lot 10 of ~am Brown Jr's. subdivision - to that part of East - to Commercial 'D'. Item 4~. ~/~ That portion of Passe Roblas subdivision which now belongs to the ~?~City of Boynton Beach be a~proved for park purposes. The~ portion to be zoned Coa~ercial 'D'. Item 5. The Leola Miller property to be zoned 'F'. and following It was agreed that the above/items should be further discussed at the next meeting. Item 6. Item 7. Item 8. That the ovrners of Lake Village and the Sandpiper be contacted with regard to ~aking their property Class 'D'. The Seaview Trailer Park to be re-zoned to Commercial 'D'. The property owned by the Boynton Land Corporation to be re-zoned to Class 'F' - holding. There beir~ no further business, Nr. Feltis moved, Mr. Racey seconded, that the meetin& adjourn. ~otion carried. Secretary.