Minutes 10-24-56-MIN~S OF A REGULAR ~EETI~G OF THE PIAkVNING BOARD OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOEtDA, HELD AT TEE CITY HAI~, BOYNTON ~EACH, October 2~, 1956. PRESENT: Mayor Stanley Weaver, Henry Merkel, Jr., Chairman. Martin Durkin F. J. Racey John Simmonds Ha rvey Oye r. The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7.30 P.M. The minutes of the last regular meetin~ of October 10, 1955, were read. ~r. I~arkin moved, Mr. Sinmonds seconded, that the minutes be accepted as read. l{otion carried. A petition, dated October 6th, addressed to the ~yor and signed by fifteen residents of the ar~a between Potter and Dimick Roads, protesting any cha~e in zoning, was read, as were also two letters from other residents away on vacation. After long discussion, ~r. Durkin moved t?~t all owners of preperty along the East side of E.S.1, from Coquina Cove North to City limits be invited to attend a meeting of the Planning Board at 7.30 P.M. on November 14, at the City Hall, to hear the plans the Board is studying for zoning that territory. After hearing these plans the property owners to have an opportunity of expressing their views on the proposed plans. ~r. Simmonds seconded. ~otion carried. It was agreed t?mt the above notice should be inserted in the Boynton Beach News and in the West Palm Beach Post, before the date of the meeting. ~r. Durkin reported on his contacts with the Planning Boards of neighbo~ri~ Cities and presented pamphlets &c. which he had received in this connection. (Attached). He moved that the Planning Board recommend to the Council that the Planning Board become a member of the F!or~da Planning and Zoning Association, whose address is Box 783, Auburndale, Florida, at ~10.00 for an Organizational ~Tembership, plUS $3.00 subscription to their "Newsletter". 2~r. Racey seconded. ~otion carried. There was further discussion on industrial zoning and the need for urgency in deciding on these. Er. Durkin was asked to get further information on planning and zoning regulations in Cities of the size of Boynton Beach with the same difficulties. -2- There being no f~rther business, ~Ir. Durkin moved, Mr. Oyer seconded, that the ~eeting adjourn. ~otion carried. Chai' r~n. ~- Secretary.