Minutes 02-22-56~-INUTES OF A REGULAR ~g~ET!NG OF THE BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING BOARD ~.LD AT THE CITY HALL, B0~TON BEACH, FEBRUARY 22, 1956. PRESENT: Mr. Henry ~erkel Jnro, C~tiairman. ~ayor Stanley Weaver ~.~r. james Feitis ~Ir. Harvey Oyer ~. Paul ~cBride. ~r. N.R.Field, ~.ir. Leonard Brand, ~ro Slaughter Walter Dutch were also present. ~r. ~erket called the meeting to order at 7 P.~. The minutes of the last meeting of January ~5'56 were read. The minutes were accepted as read. ~r. Weaver said the matter of Mr.Feikner,s request for an addition to his premises should be forwarded directly to the Zoning Board, and afterwards it must be advertised. Nr. Dutch said ~r. Koran Kreedian, who requested re- zoning of certain lots in Lake Boynton Estates now wishes to withdraw his request. Mr. Dutch will bring his revised wishes in later. ~r~ Felkner was told that although the Planning and Zoning Boards had agreed that the addition to his property be allowed to make it legal it must be advertised before a final permit is granted. ~ ~gr. Dutch read a letter from the Florida East Coast Railway addressed to t~r. Lakin and dated February 14. 1955, relative to ~. Leslie B. Lakin's recuest that his property: All of that part of the Southwest quarter of the No~th- we st quarter lying ~es~ of the West right of way line of Florida East C~ast Railway~ in Section 15, Township ~5 South~ Range ~S East~ said land being located in the town~ of Bo~aton ~e~h~ ~torida~ be zoned industrial. ~r. Lakin proposes a 100, buffer strip along the South and West sides of the above described property, beginning at the existing industrial zoning on the South side. ~r~ Dutch stated that ~r. Lakin wants to start a watch and clock factory on Lot 54 and an unnumbered Lot immediately North in Sa~ Brov~n's Subdivision. tt was agreed that ~r. Lakin should be advised by letter to contact ~r. Donald Rehburg, Chairman of the Industrial Com- mittee of the Chamber of Cormmerce~ ~@. Weaver brought up for consideration the fact that Williams has called attention to discrepancies in the zoning of Bowers Park: Block 3, lots 4~ 5, 8, V, 8 and 9 Block 4, do. Block 9~ do. Block t0, do. },{r. ~gcBride moved, ~r. Feitis seconded, thst it be recommended that these particular groups of lots be re-zoned 'A'. ~Iotion carried. I~. Field, ~.~r. Brand and ~gr. Slaughter discussed Rolling Green and Rolling Green Ridge plats with the Board. .~r. Field said they have set aside and request one street for apartment house zoning; the houses to contain not over eight units and not to be over two storeys. Not over 30% of the ground area to be used for building in order to allow for plenty of parking space. He said he would be willing to make some of the 850 square feet houses 800 s~ ft., just two pieces being left for 850 sq. ft. After a long discussion, Nfo 0y~r moved that the Planning Board necemm~ that in the plat submitted by ~roField for our consideration the minimum square footage of the houses to be built should be increased as marked on the plat by the Planning Board° ~r. Feltis seconded. ~.~ro ~cBride voted that the plat be accepted as presented by ~r.Field. ~otion carried. The request of ~rs.Jordan is turned back to the Zoning Board as spot zoning is not the function of the Planning Board. A letter From ~r~John ~{.King, of Chevy Chase, ?~aryland, dated January 50, 19~8, was read, and tabled by the Planning Board until such time as the land is platted or until owner requests zoning. Nr. Oyer moved that it be reco_~nended to the Council that ~cDonald Park and Bellamy Heights subdivision from State Road #9 to S~W. 1st Street, be zoned at a minimum of 1280 sq. fto ~r. ~cBride seconded. ~otion carried. ~?~r~ 0yet moved that from So~.6th Avenue to S,~o lSth A~ehue the land from Seacrest to S.~.lst Street, be zoned ,A McBride seconded. ~!~o tzon' carried . There being no further business, ~r. Feitis moved that the meeting adjourn. ~r~ ~gcBride seconded, l~iotion carried. E~CER?TS FRO~,[ MINUTES OF A ~.~EETING OF THE ZONING BOARD HELD AT CITY HALL, BOEq~TON BEACH, JANUARY 17, 1956. "Following a discussion of zoning of Colored Town, it was unanimously agreed to recommend to the City Council the fo llowing: NAP 3B: North side of Wells Avenue, starting 150 feet West of center line of Seacrest Boulevard, to R/WY of proposed No.9 Highway, one lot depth, or 150 feet, where land is unplatted, to be zoned A-~. ~AP 3B: On both sides of North-West of llth Avenue, starting 150 feet West of center line of Seacrest Boulevard, to R/W of proposed NO o9 Highway, one lot depth or 150 feet where land is unplatted, to be zoned A-1. ~&P ZB: On both sides of North-West l~th Avenue and North-West l~th Avenue, starting lO0 feet West of Seacrest Boulevard to R/W of proposed No.9 Highway, to be zoned "It was agreed at the meeting that all recommendations be made in letter form to the Cit~y Council, and that the Zoning Board do no advertising whatever. Joe B. Harless, Chairman