Minutes 01-25-56~It%K~TES ~ A REGULAI{ ~KETING OF THE BOY~TON BEACH PLAY, lING BOARD HELD ~%T THE CiTY HALL, BOYi%~0N BEACH, FLORIDA~ ON PRESEhV~: The meering was called to order by ~gr.t~{erke! at 8 The business of e!ectir~ a Chai~s.n w~s proceeded ~dtho ~r. Fe!tis moved that ~ .... ~erkel be re-elected Chairman. ~.fr. Chadwe!l seconded. ~otion carried. ~r. Leo Felkner asked for an opinion by the P!~%n_uing Boa~ on the a{dition ~ich he 9i'Shes to make to his shop on Lot 18 Block ?, Bow~ rs Park. to l~[r. Fe!tis moved that it be recom~men~ed,~3/the Council_ that ~ro Felkner's request for a permit to build the addition be granted for the reasons given by the Zoning B ~ oaro. in this connection in their reconm~end~tion to the Cou~%cil of Januai~- !? 1958. f~ir. ~IcBride seco~.d~d. ~otton carried. ' It was agreed that the meetings of the P~anning Board~ should be held on the second and fourth Wednesdays at ?~00 P.~, It ~as agreed that at least two more members shouTd be added to the Board in order to have sufficient n~mbers for Committee work. ~r. ~fcBride v~s a~pointed to head a Committee to explore the POssibilities of areas for com~?~ercial use. -~.gro Fe!tis moved that, there being no fur%her business, the meeting adjourn. ~,~'r. l~cBride seconded. ~otion cs~rr~edo Chairman. Secretary.