Minutes 12-20-55MI~S OF A }~EETII~~G OF THE PLilYNING ~OA~ ~ BOY~ON F~RIDA~ ~ AT T~ CITY HALL, B0~0~ B~C~ DEC~ ~0, t 955. PRESE~T: Mr. Henry ~Yerke!, Jr., Chairman. ?~r. L, S. Chadv~e!!. ~r. George Feltis. ~[r. Robert Q. %Vyckoff. Mr, ~erkei called the meeting to order at ?.30 Po~,~. A~r. YYyckoff read the minutes of the previous meeting of November 15. ~Ir. ~hadwelt moved that the minutes be accepted as read. !~r. Feitis seconded. 5iotion carried. Wr Wyckeff moved that ' ~ ~ .... · ~b~ecemmended to the Council that every- thing ~est of Seacrest Boulevard,from Ocean Avenue South to V~oolbright Road, West of Seacrest Boulevard to S.Ro9 be zoned to 1E00 square feet minin~Uno ~r. Feltis seconded. ~otion carried. The PlanninM Board rea!ise that there are still some streets between Seacrest ~oulevard and S.~%~. !st Street ~Enuth St.) o? which a study should be made by the Zoning Board to brir~ them up to the !200 square feet zoning and suggest immediate study of this situation before oermits are granted for smug!er houses° It w~s agreed that in order to give the ne~~ Council an op~umity to appoint a nev~' Planni~T Board, or re-appoint some of the members of the present Board, the members of the Board tender their resignations, to take effect immediately. At the same time they wish to e~press their appr$ciation of the honer of having been appointed to serve on the City Planning Board. There being no further business, l[r. Chadwe!~ moved that the meetir~ adjourn.~r~. Feltls seconded. ~otion carried. Chai rman.