Minutes 11-15-55~ovember 15, 1955. Deve leM~.ent ......... ~ of ~? ! !~t has now been ~ror~uht to need. ....... ~ c~'nvenient to you. D[I~,~F~ES OF A REGULAR ~ETING OF THE BOY~0N BEACH PLA~INIEG BOARD HELD AT T~ CiTY HALL, BOYI~0N BE~CH, NOVE~E~ 15, 1955o PI{ESEI~: l{r. Henry ~erkel, Jr., Chairman. !..,~r. Paul ~fcBride i~r. R.Q. ~Jyckoff. The Chairman ca!ied the meeting to order at 7.30 The minutes of the last full meeting of the Boa-rd of June ? were read and accepted. A letter, d~ted July !, from the Resources Development Board of Palm B~ach County, was read. (~etter attached). that a letter It was agreed/be w~tten in reply asking that l~r. Ralph Blank or ~fr. Lamar Allen attend the next meeting of the Planning Board on December !$. There w'gs general discussion as to the possibility of findi~ !~nd available for an industrial zone. l~r. ~cBride movedthat the Planning Board recommend to the Counci]~ that the territory bounded by Ocean Avenue on the Eorth, Se~crest Boulevard on the East, VYoolbright Poad on the South, the West boundar% will be S.¥7.. 1st Street (F_uuth), be classed ~A" zone; And that the area bounded by Ocean Avenue on the North, S.I~~. Ist Street ~l~nuth) on the East, l¥oolbright Road on the South, s~~d the proposed State Road 9 on the West, be zoned for 1£00 N~re feet. ~%r. V'Tyckoff seconded. ~otion carried. There beir~ no further business, l~r. ~?yckoff moved that the meeting adjourn. ~fr. 1,~cBride seconded, lfotion carried. thai rman.