Minutes 11-01-55I~ItiUTES OF- A ~TING OF THE PLA~%~NING BOAED OF BOTNTON BEACH, FLORIDA. HELD AT THE. CIT~- }LaLL, BOYNT01~ BEACH, NO~E}.~BER 1, 1955. PEESEi~T: Mr, Henry ~erkel, ~r., Chairman. 1Sr. L. S. Chadwel!o ~r. George Feltis. ~_~r. Robert ~¥yckoff~ ~r. Paul ~cBride was not ~b!e to~ttend~ ~r. l~erkel called the meeting to order at ?,50 P.~ The new ball park on Lake Avenue was discussed, and it is hope~ the can be remove~ and lights installed before ne~ s~er. i stay wi!~ be ~de by the Plying ~a~ for a ~itable park, with facilities for z small boat la~chi~ ramp, with ~eq~te pmf~ing for trail~rs and cars. The meeting ~s adjourned at 9.~0 P.I~. The ne~ meeting will be ~t ~.~0 P.}~L at City Hall, on November 15, 1955. Chai rman. FIRST FEDERAL BANK BU|LDING TELEPHONE 2-3794 215 SOUTH OLIVE AVENUE POST OFF[CE BOX ~07 Boynton Beach Planning Board City Hall Boynton Beach, Florida Gentlemen: In answer to your letter about inducements for light industries, it goes without saying we will be delighted to pass on any information that we might have relative to ways and means of bringing in light manufacturing firms to your community. ~hi!e it is against the State law to offer free taxation to any firm or to anyone, there are things that can be offered prospects which will assistgreatly swinging the deal. I believe, however, it ~iil be simpler for one of us to appear before your group and go over each of these items in detail. If you will give us a little advance notice I will be glad to come down at your convenience. With all good wishes for your success, I am Sincerely yours, LA:t Lamar Allen Asst. i~nager