Minutes 05-17-55~INUTES' OF A i~EGULAR NEET i~G 0F ~EE BOYItTON BEACH PLANNING BOAED HELD AT THE CITY HALL, BOYETON BEACH, FLORIDA, ~MAY 17, 1955. PRESEET: Mr. Henry ~Ierkal, Jr., Chai rm~n. Mr. L.S. Oha~.well Mr. George Feltis. Mr. Paul 5'~cBride. called ~!r. Merkel/the meeting to order at ?.30 P.M. The minutes of the last regular meeting of the Board on May 3, 1955, ~Ir. Cha~well moved, Mr. FeItis seconded that the minutes be accepted as read. Motion carried. After lengthy discussion en the Turnpike, Mr. Feltis moved that it be recommended to the Council that they make an effort to get am exit entrance, or a clever leaf, for the City of Boynton, which should be at the overpass that v~l! be built on the Boyaton Roa~, an4 they further recommend that the Council take steps to get the co-operation of the Chamber of Commerce amd of the various Civic clubs an~ organisations in that the City, and also/the aid of the City Councils of nearby municipalities such as Ocean Pd~ge, Gulf Stream an4 ~nalapan be enlisted. Mr. Chadwell seconded. Motion carried. The Boar~ recomme~e~ that the Council mak~ a study ef offerir~ tax coneessioms to manufacturimg concerns with a permanent pay roll of 25 or more. The ~ate of the mext meeting was fixed for Tuesday, June 7. ~r. Feltfs moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. McBride seconded. ~otion carried.