Minutes 05-03-55~II~ OF A EEGUIA~ ~ING OF TEE BOYNTON BFAOH PLA~ING BOARD HELD AT THE CITY HALL, BOYNTON ~EACH, FLORIDA~ ON NAY 5, 1955. PRESENT Mr. Henry ~ferkel, Jr., Chairman. Er. L.$ .Chadwe tl. ~r. Paul ~cBr!de. ~r. Charles Senior. The Chairman called the meeting to order at ?.30 P.M. After a lomg discussion and im view ef the fact that Mr. Senior fi~s it almost impossible for him to atte~El meetings ef the Plannimg Board reg~!arly, especially during the winter months, he suggests, and the Bear~ recommend, that the Council appoint a new member ia his place. The names ef Mr. Ray Zempa, Mr.Herbert Keatts amd Mr. Bob Wyckoff are suggested in this cermet%ion. Mr. McBride said he had beem i~formed that if all streets and houses in the City are~n-~mbere~, amd each house provided v~ith a mail box, the sidewalk stip~latie~ will net be insisted en for the t~ime being, and that postal delivery could be had withia ninety days. The Planning Board, in discussing the growth of the cemm~ty, said the POlm~latien wit~ probably be found to be areu_~d ~,000 when the Census figures are out, and they weu!d like the Council and the Chamber ef Commerce to ge ahead with t~e recommendation that Postal Delivery be put im operation at the earliest possible time. ~r. McBride moved that the Planning Board Okay the building of the church of Jehova~h's Witmesses and that the letter be turne~ over to the Zomimg Board for decision. ~r. Chadwell secomded. Motion carried. The Planning Boamizrecommends t~ the Council that immediate study be made with a view to puttimg ear presemt sewage system amd the disposal plant in operatiom, amd that every effort be made to put it im firstclass shape so that me raw untreated sera, ge g~e~nte~t~ke Worth; that the B~ard considers this vital amd would like 'Beymtoa Beach to be erie of the first to cleam up this bad practice ef pumping raw sewage irate Lake ~erth, which exists from one end of the Lake te the other. There being no further business, the Chairmam adjourned the meet img. Chaf rrna~ ~ ,/ - Secretary.