Minutes 04-05-55M~JTF~"~F ZONII~ ~0AHD ~F ~OY~TO~ N~OH~ FLOHIDA,
OF APPEL §, 1~5,
Mr. Joe D. Nart~ess, Chairman.
· ~r.. A,E.Sho ob
Mr. JaCk Ga~e~
Mr.' V~alter Nol~
Mr. Homer Shelton.
Mr. Nick Stevens.
The meeting was called t;o order at 8
Mr. Nolan read the mtnutes of the previo~.meeti~g of the Boar~
of February 22, 1955. -
."~;--~r, Shook'moved, Mr, She!ton seconded, that ~be mtnu-~es"~e accep'~ed
as read., Motion carried,
Mro Shook reporSed on the trip he and I!r. Ha~-less ~ade. t~ l[iamt.
where he said they received valuable inform~iOn and copies ~ t. he ~ia~-*_..
Zoning' and' Subdivision-Atlas and of ~he Zoning O~tina~e, .-
· EA~2 1: Ao~ - Set, ton 28.
Wes~ 50 feet of the East 200 feet of $~d ~c~ for
Mr. Gardner moved, Hr. Stevens seconded, tha~ Tract 1 *oe zoned
Commercial D, Motion ca.rried.
TP~CT 2: Lots 1, 2 and 3. Block S PALM ~-~CE C~JNT~ CIiIB ~-~_~F~.
be zoned Industrial.
- No mcti°n taken. To be re-adver~fsed wt2h adjoining property,
TRAC~ $: Lots 1, 2, 3 ~ud 4 s~nd North 25 feet of Lo% 5, ~ock 7,
...................................... ~-~D-~ION. ~o- be-zon~ -Co~lat fo r ~e as a
A letter was read from Dr. A.B..~Zagnus, da~e~ Ja~aary ?, I955,
desc~Bi~ the %y~ Of psyc~at~ pa~ie~ for ~ich the h~
' ~'J:: '~er a~ l°~ disc~sion. Mr,st~ens move~ ~b~t the a~ti~ion
for ~oni~ Be-.denied. llr. Sheldon se~nded. Motion
on the Sou~h ~y. SJ~. ~th A~ae, ~d ~muded on ~he We~ by
Boynton Heights ~dition No.~ ~!1%efr~ .... ~,~ .
To~hip 45 South, ~e 42 E~t, to he zened P~sidenl!al A~
No~ as adve~tSed.
be ~v~. as ~s~dential A.: ~m~ ~icn ~t ~o be consider, for
ch~e at t~ ~e due to ~ application. ~r. Shelton secsnded. ~iom
-' - 'No ~c~ion tarn. To ~e m~dve~t~ed a~ ~sed'on ~ a h~m-m'ee~, --of the goni~ ~affi. '
T~ 8: All of ~he su~viston of se~ ad~ion ~o ~LL~ G~, a
· ~ Subdi~sion to the City of ~ynte~ ~a~. ~I~
Ftori~. To _be_z~ned ~sidentiat ~
~ Mr. She!~on moved, ~r. S$~ens seco~ed,~ tb~t this ~i~!on be
~ ~ g~ted ~ Mot!em carrie.
, - The v~deni~ of Seac~ ~uteva~ helen ~.E. !~h Ave~e ~d ~he
~ised:. 150 f~. on E. side of Seac~st ~ulevm~ betv~en N'~E~ !~h' Ave~e
a~ N.W. tO ~he ~t of ~ of the Boy. on C~i, to be zon~ COlm~e~ia[
on each side.'
of zoning '~questea by ~r. ~d~o~ Jones.
' ' ' .Nr. Nolo. ~s ap~int~ Chatm~ of a Comitteo of on~ to m~ake, up a
liS~~ Of a~:l classifica~o~ of zonI~ ~i~ ~ be needed ~w or in the,