Minutes 03-10-55BOYi~O~ ~:~ ~ELD AT TH~ ¢ITI HALL, BOYNTO~ ~CH, ~H 10, 1~§.
~r. Fred EOepnick Jr.~ Chairman.
L~r~. Dick Ik~an. 8ec~etary-Trea~umer.
~re. Howard Hood.
~r. J.H. Harrell~
~Ir. David Swahk (Alte~na~e }~
~r. Paul Ee.Bri~me
~r. George Fel~f~.
The ~s of the ~e~i~ ~a~ to a~!o~ for a full dI~o~s~on' ~ of
the ~e~ed ~ale of the ~t~e of ~h~ P~ent ~h~fteboa~.
fa~ttl$ie~ in the Ci~y ~ene~lly. both for ~-~ts and Teen A~.
.~o~t other ~t~rs dis~ss~ ~s vfno ~hou!d. %,e ~s~nsible for
the mos% ~tab~ auth~~ ar~y.
I~ was ~$ed %hat the ~rk on 0eean Ave~e op~ite the ~chool
should %e for ohild~n, a~ that Pence Pm~ should be developed
reorea$1Ona~ oe~er for
Er.Earre!! said tha~ Pence Park is not lar~ enough.for r~Iar base
Avenue should be developed for big b~eball. ~th the idea
major Ieee F~es In the fu~are~ w~ich would benefit ~he Ci~y.
One s~es~lon wa~ the instalI~ion of t~r~ m~e~ a~ th~
the P~eeds $o be ea~arked for the ben, It of the Eeo~atfon~t Oen~e~.
ICr, ~1~ ~fe~ed to P~blem~ w~ch arise f~m time
comuee~ien, vzith re~ir~ ~ ~he School Pi~g~und ~ud ~ested~ these b~ don~
by the C~iy as ~utine ~en needed.
Mo,~le~ ~aid h~ would ~ in ~o~h with She PeOple ~omor~w.
for her let~er~ ,~.rs.Rio~mrd.
that ~har~ ~hou~,d a~my~ ba five peop~a on She ~ard in ~se af