Minutes 02-23-55 FE~i~ 25, 1955.
P~SEI~:~r. Fred Koepnick Jr., Chateau. )
~. Dick D'~can, Secretaryand Treasurer. ) Rec~ational
~rs. Howa~ Hood. ) Board.
}~Ir. Renice Lansing°
5~r. j. H. Harrell,
~r. Henry ~erkel, Jr. Chairman.
~fr. George Feltis.
3~fr. Paul ~fcBride.
~[r. Charles Senior
The Recreational Board meetin~ was
Planning Board.
called to order by ~r. l~oepnick at
The members discussed at length ~ith ~r.~!at
which occurred at the Teen Age ~ ....... ~-~ ~ ~ anm ~rs.~armo!d an incident
~mo~y on ~riday night.
They were then ~o~ned by the Plating Boa~ v~o had had a sho~ meeting
in ~other part of the Legion Hall to discuss several ~tters of interes~ to
them in co~ection v~th the aims which they hope to accomplish.
~r. ~erkel said the Plamui~ Boa~ did not wish to inte~ere in recrea-
tional business, but there seemed to be some ma~ters which ~ney might ~th
advantage discuss together.
~r. Eoepnick said an offer of ~25,000.00 h~ been ~de for the site of
the present shuffleboard coups.
~r. ~cBride tb
~u~uq~ one of ihs fi~t stsps to be taken was the acquisition
of the three lots available as an addition to the park.
After discussion, ~frs. Hood moved that the Recreatio~ Boa~ go on
record as agreei~ ~zith the reco~mendation made by the Planni~ Boar~ to the
ounc~l rega~i~ the sale of the present shuffleboard coups and the develop-
ment of a recreational center in the park opposite the school with the money
received from Such sale. ~rr. La~ing seconded, l~ot~on carried.
It was u~a~mously agreed by the R~creationaI and Pta~uing Boards that
a~y hypothetical sale of the p~sent sh .... e~ -
r '
on the supposition that a ~cien~ lapse of time must be allowed between
s~ ~. ~eooard coups ~St be p educated
the sale and evac~tion of the cou~s to allow, of the const~ction of substi-
tute facilities in the park.
~r. L~nsing moved that the Recreational Boa~ reco~aend to the Ooumcit
tha~ the sign boa~ in the Park opposite the school be re~vated for more
legible readir~. ~rs. Hood seconded. ~otion carried.
There being no father business, the meeting adjourned.
Chairman, P~creational BOard.