Minutes 01-25-55~I~ES 0F A EEGUL~.R' ~ET lNG OF THE B0¥1%v£0~? B~CH PL~h~T!NG BOARD~
~r..Henry ~erke!, Jr., Chairman.
~r. L,. S Chadwel!,
~r. Geo.~ge Fe!tis,
!~r. Paul .~cBride.
~r, D[erke! called the meeting to order at ?o~5 P.I[.
~r. ~[cBride read the minutes of the previous meeting of January ll, 19D5.
- ~[r. Feltis moved, ~[r. Chadwel~. seconded, that the minutes be accepted
as read. ~%{otion carried.
After a long discussion, ~r. Chadwetl moved that the Board. make the
follovring reco=~mendation to the Cotuucil:
Inas.much as the grov~h of the City is such that it needs a larger and
better recreational center, and one more attractive to tourists, the Planning
Board members have ~ooked over the park opposite the school and have come to
the conclusion that there is ample room in it for recreational facilities,
includir~g shuffleboard and other fo~us of recreation for adults and children,
without interfering with the present children's area. They therefore recommend
that the City ~xplore the possibilities of this su~oo'gestion before p~tting
more money into the present shuffleboard courts. The Board realises that the
present shuffleboard cl'&t~ is handicapped by not having a larger and better
buildi~&, and one more attractive for the entertaimu~ent of tourists. At the
same ti~e it would seem that the property on ~¢¢~ich the present shuffleboard
courts stand is too valuable for its present purpose and, if sold, the
proceeds would be stu~ficient to develop a larger community center, and one more
centrally located nearer to the residential area, in the park across from the
school. They also suggest that taxes accruing from subsecuent buildings on
the site of the present shuffleboard courts would increase the revenues of
the City. ~,¢r. ~,~cBride seconded the motion, v~ich -¢~s carried.
~Ir. Feltis moved that a reco~.endation be ~de to the Council that the
property on both sides of ~Voo!bright Road from Seacrest Road to U.S.1 be
zoned commercial° l~,~r. }~!cBride seconded. ~otion carried.
It w~s agreed that if ~r. Senior finds it impossible to attend meeti~gs of
the Planning Board, the Council should be asked to appoint another member in
his place.
There being no further business, ~Tr.Fe!tis moved that the mee~ng be
adjourned~ liar. ~cBride seconded. ~?otion carried.