Minutes 11-23-54~iI{iTES OF A t~EGU~R k~ETIi~G OF TtiE BOYI?TOE BOA~qD ?LA~I~G BOAI{D HELD ~T THE CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, F.LOPd[D~, NO~'E}.~R 23, 1954. PRESE~T: ~r. Henz~f ~,~erkel, Jr., Chairman. ~{ro Gegrge D~cDonald. ~,'~r~ Henry Nyquist ~rs. Ann Barrett ~r. L. ~. Chad~!l ~Zr. Fred ~oepnick, Jr. i~r. Joslin Todd. ~ro ~?erkel called the ~eeting to order at 8 re ~k~u!ar ~.~r. Nyc£~ist read the minntes of the previous/meetin~ of November ~{r. Chadweil moved, ~r. ~fcDonald seconded, that the minutes be accepted as read. }~ot~on carried. The minutes of the special meetir~ of the Board with representatives off, the Press on November 18, were read. ~r~ ~cDona!d moved, ~roEoepnick seconded, that the minutes be accepted as read. ~otion carried. %{r. Eoepnick reported that he also had con~actedw~ atner~ Ba!fe, who said he had absolutely nothing to do with the choice of sites for schools, that all hecould do was to follow the instractions of his superiors. it was suggested recommending to the Council that they have an ordinance d~w~up forbidding the location of schools on the hi,array, thus eliminating the need for fifteen-mile speed zones. During the fol!ow~ng discussion it was pointed out that ifpeople purchase land for a specific purpose, no ordinance can prevent them from carrying out that purpose after they have received permits to do A~n Barrett suggested a letter ~e written to Federal Govern_merit authori- ties asking for their opinion and re~!ations, if any, regarding the build- ing of schools on the highway. ~.r~ Eoepnick and A~n Barrett were appointed a Cm~mittee to ineuire into the matter further, and ~r. ~cDonald volunteered to serve on the CO-mm~ittee if needed,, There was a discussion on the present scope of the Zoning Board. ~J[rs; Archer, of the Delray Beach News, said that a Corm~erence of Zoning and Planning Boards was to be held at the Orange Court Hotel, Orlando, on December 3 and 4, and that this would be open to all municipalities. It was agreed that a letter should be written to the Council infor_~i~g them of this important event and of its educational value, and recommendin~g that they send two representatives, one from the .Planning Board and one $~ro,~ the Zoning Board, to attend it, and that possibly two members of the Planuing Board would~be available to attend. It v.~s also recormended that the Couhci! be asked that reasonable expenses in cormection therewith be allowed° .~[r. Todd reported that he had been unable to obtain a copy of the present City ~ilding~ Code, and it was agreed that he shouldbe provided with one. In a d~.scussion on the highway, lfr. ~erke! suggested that the three members of the Board previously appointed., ~fr. Chadwel!, ~,?r~ Nyquist and R~r, l'~cDona!d,- continue their stu~ly of this question and that they make a short report on the~ r findi:ngs, v, faich could be printed _for the purpose of edncating the public. Referring to the safety islands in connection w~th the proposed highway v~dening, ?~r. Chadwell suggested that these be called 'medians' to avoid possible mmsunderstan~mng. Ann Barrett and ~r.ifoepnmc!, stated that the ownSr~,of the Rainbow Gardens had said he vJould be glad to allow the use of the gardens ~ the City as a park under certain conditions. It was agreed that there should be further discussion on this There being no further business ~'~'r. Nyquist moved, , ~.r. Todd second- ed that the meeting adjourn. , ~ot ~on carried. ~~eSec retary~/ ~~'