Minutes 11-09-54!~INUTES OF i~EGULAE ~!k~ING OF THE P~tRVNING BOARD OF BOYNTON ~CH, FLOP~IDA, HELD AT THE CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEJ~CH, NOVE~BER 9, 195~ PEESE~ ~ Er. Ro~oe~[~l~cDonald, Chairman. }~fr. A.Ho Nyquist Mr. L.S .Chadwell. t~rs. Amn Barrett, ~r~ Joseph ~V. Todd. ~r. ~cDonatd called, the meeting to order at 8 P.~{. ~ro Nyquist read the minutes of the previous meeting of October 26. ~{r~ Chadwell said, instead of 80 foot setback, it should be 80 foot right of way setback from the centre line. Ann Barrett ~oved, ~r. Chadwell seconded, that the minutes be accepted with the above .change. }~Totion carried. Ann Barrett reported on the result of her intervie~ with Father Balfe and said he would not give v~y regarding the position of their schools along the highway. it was agreed that a letter of thanks be sent to the ~iami Beach City Council for their courtesy in furnishing a copy of their Sign Ordinance. Mr. Nyquist read the Ordinance. After discussion it was agreed that the Boynton Beach Sign Ordinances Nos.!92 and 247 should be examined at the next meeting of the Board, the City Clerk to be requested to make these available. Mr. McDonald read a partial list of the City Ordinances. Er. Todd reoorted on w~hat he had tried to do in connection ~th the revision of the building code. Me said he had been told thzt a copy of the ordinance w~s not available for his use other than in the-City Hall, and asked the Pla~uning Board to obtain copies for him to study at he~me~ ~ro ~cDonald said he had talked to County Co~missioner ~en Sunday about getting the matter of the vddening of the Hi~u~y on the December ballot for local elections and it had been suggested that a special meeting could be called v~th the Commissioners for discussion of the matter. ~r. Chadwell suggested getting a commitment from the Commissioners about it saying that the only question is: "Do the people of Boynton want a ll6 foot highway?" It was agreed that a meeting should be arranged v~th the Co~missioners for some time Ssturday, November l~, so that the matter might be put on the agenda for the Council meeting on ~onday, November lB. ~,Tr, Chadwel! volunteered to get in touch v,~th the Commissioners to find out what time would be convenient to them. ~r, ~icDonald said ~r. Sunday had stated that the County only had a certain s~m of money for such schemes and that it would take ~pproximately three years for this one to be carried out, There being no further business, ~r. Todd moved and l~r.Nyquist seconded that the meeting be ~djourned. ~Totion carried. Secretary.