Minutes 10-26-54Pl~ESENT: ~itNUTES OF REGULAR PLA~\~ING BOARD _~ETING HELD AT THE CITY HALL, BOYNTON ~EACH, FLORIDA, ON OCTOBER 26, 1954. ~r. Robert ~cDonald, Chair~an. ~r. A,H.Nyquist, Secretary. ~r, Fred ,,~pnick, Jr. l~rs. Ann Barrett. ~[r, ~TcDona!d called the meeting~ to order at 8.15 P.~/[. ],fr. Nyquist read the minutes of the previous meetlng of October 12, 105~ ~ ~,,:r. i[oepnick moved that the minutes be accepted as read. seconded. ~Iotion carried. Ann B~rrett Ann Barrett was appointed a Conzmittee of one to interview Father Balfe regarding the position of schools on the highway. She will report on the results of the interview at the next meeting of the Board. It ~s agreed that Commissioner Stanley ~,Veaver should be consulted about the alley beside Ann Barrett's office. ~[r. Koepnick said he understood any County road must have an 80 foot setback before the County will do an~v work on it. It v,~s agreed that further study should be ~made of the possibility of puttir& the m~tter of the ~idening of the highway on the ballot for the local elections in December. The remainder of the meeti~g ~ms devoted to discussion of various matters of interest in conn. ection with future planning for the City. There being no further business, ~un Barrett moved and ~r, Nyquist seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. S e c ret ary.