Minutes 09-14-54PI~Ni~Ii~G B~>ARD ~fEETING OF SE~EI~fBER l~, 19~4;
Ann Ba~wrett, Robert McDonald, Allen Nyquist, Joseph
Todd, L. ~S. Chad~ell aud Fred Koepnick.
McDonald, chairman, called the meeting to order ak 8 P. ~i-
The two guests of the evening were ~rs. L. Merkle and !~s. C.
B~omwo~tn representing the Garden Club of Boynt~n Beach.
The minutes of the last meeting of the Planning Board of Au~st
were read by Allen NyQuist and they were accepted with the exception of
two corrections:
1. ~l~irs. Bar~ett~ instead of ~I~Ir. McDonald~' will contact Mm. Riddle
in paragraph 8.
2. In paragraph 9 "Helicopter Service" instead of "Helioport Service.
lirso Merkle spoke of the i~oortance of having an o~linance that would
preserve the trees in ou~ city. There have been many trees cut down in the
past that should have been preserved by Eoving~
On the highway near the canal theme are some trees gmowing that are
not only beautiful but valuable ms they are the sacred tree of India,
called the Religio tree. If the h_ighway is going to be widened for the
proposed parkway thougl~should be taken about the pmeservation of these
trees. They can be moved safely if they zre root pruned a few months in
advance. ~r. Chadwell will check and see if such an ordinance is in
existence that can be enforced to protect our trees and if not a letter
will be w~itten to the city council recommending a tree preservation
Mrs. Merkle also brought up the s~periority of the Coco P!~.mosatmee
to the omdinary coconut tree. The desimability o~ these tmees should be
given much thought if there is going to be trees plsnted along the pro-
posed widening of the highway. The palmetto palls, or cabbage palm, should
also be pmeserved as it adds beauty to the landscape and has been desig-
nated as the state tree.
i~s. Bosworth said that the Garden Club has started 3,000 red
hibiscus cuttings that will be planted along t~he new parkway for ~he
beautification of our city. Tl~is p~l~way will be a big asset to our city
as it will in ail probability be the only par~ay in Palm Beach County
and ~au~ care should be taken to make it as attractive as possible. ~.
Koepnick said this project of widening our highway will be started in the
Fall of !95~o
}z~. Chadwell reported that aerial maps of the city v~ere available
and they are very clear and ~show every wave in the oces_u.~
There was genera]~ discussion by the board of the growth and progress
in o~nr city in the future.
At the next megalar meeting of the board the following subjects
will be discussed.~
1. Sign Ordinance of Delray Beach
2. T~ee ordinauce
3o Lot clearing
be~r. ~Donald adjour~e~ the meeting.