Minutes 07-27-54~INUTES OF A REGULAR ~I~TING OF THE PLANNING BOARD OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT THE CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, ON JULY 27, 1954. PRESENT Mr. Rohe~ ~[cDonald, Chairman. ~¢~r. A.H.Nyquist Mr. L.$. Chad%veil t~rs, Ann Barrett Er. Fred Koepnicko Commissioner Albert Peen was also present. i~r. McDonald called the meeting to order at 8 P.M. Mr. Nyquist read the minutes of the last meeting of the Board of July 13, 195~.~ Mr. Koepnick moved, Z~r. Chadwell seconded, that the minutes be accepted as read. ~otion carried. l~r. Koepnick reported that the kind of map taken by the Air Force would not be s~itable for the Purpose he h~d in~m~ind. ~Ir. Eoepnick also reported that no reply had been received from National Air Lines regarding the o ' ' ' P ss~b~lmty of m~king Boynton Beach a helicopter stop. Er. Chadwell reported that ~r. Hartess has a complete map of the City, but that it is all in sections, and that he seems to have no master map, He said he had spoken about the matter to 5~r. Hood who had told him that ~r. Brockway ~nted $2,200.00 to make a master map of the City, A mapof the City was produced which showed the whole area of the City but which was several years old. -,Mr. ~cDonald reco~nended that this map be du ~ ~ne time had come when s~eciai~'s~~ ~-- ~ plicated, and said ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~n maps are needed · o~ relying on one erson f ~_ . . _ at C~ty Hall, instead . ~ ~g~ulng zoning e~c., without always havin to refer to the C~ty Cleric. g As ~Ir. 5~cDonald is going on vacation for two w~eeks from August A~_u Barrett moved, ~ir. Nyquist seconded, that ~r. L.S. Chad~ll be Chairman of the next meeting of the Board on Au~st !0. ~otion carried. There was a long discussion on the necessity for off street parking and ~r. Nyquist was appointed a Co~ittee of one to commanicate with the State Road Department to obtain information regarding the widen- lng of Highway No.1, so that the Planning Board can use such information in making recommendations to the City Commission for oedinances covering off street parking and setbacks. -2- Ann Barrett moved that a reco~endation be m~de to the City Commission that they provide the PIanning Board with a comolete, up-to-date master map of the City, as it is i~possfble fo~the Board to ~rk ~thout such a guide to go by. ~r. C .... carried. ~.~- na~well seconded. 2~o$1on There being no further business, ~r. NYquist moved that the meeting be adjourned. ~r. Koepnick se6onded. ~otion carried. Chairman. Secretary.