Minutes 07-13-54MINUTES 0F~A REGULAR ~ETING 0F THE BOY~0N EEACE HELD AT THE CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, JU~ 13, 195~, PEESENT: Mr. Robert ~cDonald, in the Chair. Mro A.H. Nyquist Colonel L.S. Chadwell Mrs. Ann Barrett ~ro Fred G, Koepnick, Jr. Mr. 5~cDonald called the meeting to order at 8 P.~. ~r. Nyquist read the minutes of the last meeting of the Beard of Jmue 2 9, 1954. Colonel Chadwell moved, ~.~r, Nyquist seconded, that the minutes be accepted as read.l~'otxon' carried. Mr. Koepnick reported tha~ he attended the Council meeting on July ?, at which the recommendation of the Planning Beard regarding provision for an industrial area was read, and that the recommendation m~s turned over to the Zoning Board. Mr. Griffith, in the meantime, is looking into the legal side of the,~matter. ~r. Koepnick said the main drawback to heavy industry is lack of sufficient power, and that when Florida is able to increase its power supply an increase in heavy industry can also be expected. He said the ~o~ng,~ Board's recommendation regarding uniform zoning for Highway iwass takenmlS°.discussed' but further information is being a~vaited before action Mr. Nyquist referred to the minutes of the Planning Board's meeting of May 6, at which the recommendation regarding uniform zoning for Highway No.1 was made, and expressed the opinion that it was somewhat misleading. It was agreed that the ~tter should be tabled until the Council have taken action, when a more specific recontmendation can be made. Colonel Chadwell volunteered to attend City Council meetings and to report back to the Planning Beard what, if any, action is taken regarding the recommendations made by the Board. Regarding the possi~bility of helicopter facilities for Boynton Beach, it was suggested that contact be made with National Air Lines of Miami, and ~gr, Koepnick was appointed to head a ConL~ittee for the purpose of loo~ing into the matter and getting in contact with Natior~l Air Lines. Mrs° Ann Barrett was appointed to be the second member of the Committee, For the information of new members of the Beard, Mr. Nyquist read the minutes of the first meeting of the Board on February ~2, 1954. In a discussion on maps~ Ann Barrett suggested ~r. Harless has a map of the City which he used in his survey for equalisation of taxes. ~r. Eoepnick suggested an airplane photo of the City which could be 'blova~ up' and used for maps, and thought that such a photo could be taken by the Air Force in the course of photograDhing the Islands. -2- Colonel Chadwell was asked if he would get in touch ~rith the Air Force,~ and take care of the map situation. It v~s suggested that if the Zoning Board is to discuss reconm~endations made to the Co~cil by the Planning Board,oa~ or,d.more members of the latter Beard shouldattend the Zoning Beard ~ueetings. There being no further business, ~{r. Nyquist moved, Ann Barrett , seconded, tha~ the meeting adjourn. ~gotion carried. Chai rma~u.