Minutes 06-17-54 Nr. NcDe~ld~ called the meeting to order ~ld ~mid thru% the two
new r~mbere h~d bee~ per,neatly mppoi~ted %o replace ~h-. Merkel and
~. Todd who will be absent for several months, or s~~ other members
who E~y be ~bse~t ir~ fut%u'e.
Hood ~e~d the minutes of the meeting of the Board of
It w~ £oolr~ec~ out th~,, the two ~ew member~ were permanent
~r. ~cDo~ld ~id he t~d been ~_op~n~e~l to s~'vey the l~nd South
of i~ke Avenue= wi~h i~h~. ~~q~ist~ ~.~i~t~nce.
~,~. Cl~dwe!i mo ve~, }@. Koep~ick seconded, that the Pimutes be
_ w~ ~ ~;otion carried..
a~eoted _~,n the ~bove ame~idments.
~ Hooci read the mln~i~e~
~-~. ' ....~ of tide meetir~ of J~e 3, 1954.
t4r. Chadwei! moved, t4r. Foepnick secomded~ that the min~ites be
,~ ~'~ Notion cmrried.
accepted a~ ~e a.~
¥~. C!~dweil reported o~ the n~eting om the Turnpike ~t West P~!m
· ~ ~ oee~ cut and ~ied before
Beach amd ~aid the whole ~;ti_i~g h~ ob~o'~s~- ' '~
the _.ee ~i ~g.
~ ~cDona!o~ ~mid Co~:nty Co~i~siouer Lytal a~ked mo~t pertinent
questioms~ and ~poke mt length ~bout overp~sses.
~4r. Ona&~ell reported om his e~zrvey into the oos~ibi!itiee of
he~w~- i~du~t~y to the ~orth of Iake A~enue; to the C~nal ~d laurel
Hill~, s~sying tl~t 320 feet ~re ~il~ble for zoning with no objection
being owneii by two people who rare perfectly willi~g to h~ve it zoned
for .~.e.a~,-y i~&i~try, a!ol~g the rsilwav.
I~. FmDonald said he ~ud~!~.~ Nyquist conts~ted people in the sl*ea
~-~ ~,ii~e were alcon% ~0 %~ ~0 for and agaim~t
$~n of l~.ke Avm~e, and said ~' ~ -
~,~..e s-~ge~tion of Mi-. O?oa. dweil, the ~ttez~ was t~bled %%u%i! the
mext meeting of the Board°
After a Cd~cu_~eion on the most suitsble d.~- for fu%uzoe meetings~
Am~ B~rre%t har~mg Bu~ine~ ~id Profes~im~l Womem~ i~ee~nge on
~i~sd~'~ s. m4 l~-. Eeep~_c~ tia~mg to a~e.~d_ ~ ~neetings on ~-1 ~- ,
~. ~dwe!l ~uoved~ ~r. Foep_~ztck seconded ~ ~- f-~tnre - ~'-
the BoB. rd ~ao~d be held ~t 8 P.M. o~ ~.Iterr~e ~esdmys, the Rex%
meeting te be ~es~v, Jre~e 29~ Motion c~rried.
Nr~. Hood moved, Mr. Chaf~ell ~eco~ded t}~%, there being
f~-ther bu~i ne ~ the ~ ' ~
, mee~z..~g be ~tjo~ne~%. ~tiom c~rried.